Tag Archives: internet marketing

Markethive: Multi-Million Dollar Social Marketing Platform- In Pre-Launch

Multi-Million Dollar Inbound Social Marketing Platform In Pre-Launch

Markethive has created a Multi-Million Dollar inbound social marketing platform that will rival the existing social media platforms in many ways.

Many times change comes along and we don't recognize it until its too late. Internet Marketing has changed with the advent of Millennials all searching for information specific as to what they want, no longer does SEO [Search Engine Optimization] play a major role in getting noticed on the internet. Millennials want to find information, not have it jammed down their throat.

They are seekers not persuaders!

The new trend of getting noticed on the internet is through referral basis. No longer do you have to pack your articles or website full of key words and hope the search engines notice them and give them top ranking, today you just have to make sure your message gets out to the public in a social way where people notice it, and then come to you for more information. Social Infusion Marketing is the new way to market your goods and services with people seeing what you are offering, and when the time comes that the person needs your offer they will take action.

Markethive has perfected Social Infusion Marketing with a unique social platform that allows anyone who is interested in marketing their products or company to be able to do it without paying huge sums of money to get noticed. No longer does anyone have to put up with the confusing language of the SEO guru's who charge outrageous sums of money with little results, you can do it yourself!

The Markethive platform is Free to join and use, and is funded partially by an advertising platform that enables the entrepreneur to get a huge reach with low cost. Markethive is built for the Global entrepreneur, and gives them a level playing field in a world that is cluttered with everyone trying to get into each others pocket financially.

So if you have read this far, Markethive is rolling out a Pre-Launch offer, before it goes to Crowdfunding, to anyone who want to join up and learn how to use this platform to grow their business. The Social part is being built by adding as many people as possible and assisting them in growing their business through Social Infusion Marketing.

To join just click here and you will be directed to a sign up page where you can enter the platform and poke around. Here is the secret, when the platform goes to CrowdFunding the people responsible will share in the rewards, so don't waste time this launch will be HUGE!

Thanks for reading,
Dr. Raymond Jewell

PS: Dr. Raymond Jewell is a leading Economist specializing in the Small and Home Based Business Marketplace. He is a Alpha Founder with Markethive and manages several blogs on the hive. Dr. Jewell is a professional Network Marketer and represents several companies successfully. He can be reached through Markethive.

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Become The Best Blogger

Become The Best Blogger.

Is it necessary to have a goal to become the best blogger in your niche? Is content marketing something that the public on the web is seeking? Many have asked that questions about the value of content marketing and wondered if it is limited to a few types of businesses. This article was printed in Hubspot in August 2014 titled, How To Become The Best Blogger In Your Niche. 

Back in 2012, Max Nisen wrote, “Content marketing is one of the biggest new trends.” He reported NewsCred’s CEO Shafqat Islam as saying, “Every Fortune 2000 company today is a candidate for content marketing. If they're not doing it, they will be.”

Two years later, Nisen and Islam’s prophecies have come to pass. We are in the age of content marketing — and it's showing no signs of going away. The content marketing arena is now so vast and so complex that people are starting to get lost. Don't believe me? Just take a look at this hodgepodge of an infographic from LUMA:


In spite of the scary complexity, blogging is still the one of the most powerful weapons in the content marketer’s arsenal. And the better the blog, the better the content marketing efforts.

So here’s my thesis: If you are the best blogger in your niche, you can be the most successful in your niche. It’s only logical. If blogging is the core of content marketing, and content marketing is the path to success, then we must conclude that being a kickass blogger is the path to marketing success.

And here’s the really good news: You can become the best blogger in your niche. In the post that follows, I will provide three points that explain exactly how to gain that edge.

1) Know your audience.

Answer the most important question:  “Who is my audience?”

Too often, bloggers start with the wrong question. They ask things like:

  • How can I be interesting?
  • What can I write about?
  • What will make this post more engaging?

Those are great questions, but they are totally meaningless unless you first understand your audience.

I came across a line recently that stuck with me:



When you blog for someone, you will have plenty of things to write about. What’s more, you’ll communicate in the right way — you'll be more "human" and familiar if you treat your audience like real people.

As you ask the big question, “who is my audience,” keep in mind these additional questions that will help you develop a deeper knowledge (From University of Maryland's Writing Resources):


  • What is the relationship between the writer and the reader?
  • How much does the reader know
  • Is the audience likely to agree or disagree with you?
  • What will the reader do with the information?

The clearer your view of your audience, the better your writing will be.

Your audience is smaller than you think.

Keep in mind that your audience is probably smaller than you think. Traffic metrics do not reflect an accurate count of your engaged audience. A better way to understand your audience is through engagement metrics.

In a study conducted by Chartbeat on Slate readership, they discovered that the most engaged readers were those who scrolled below the fold. A full 86% of engagement took place when readers scrolled to read an article.



Also, share metrics tend to skew the perception of an engaged audience. The people who share your articles don’t always read the whole thing, as an Upworthy study showed. This chart below indicates how long users stayed on a page compared to the point at which they shared the article.


Your true readership is made of those who are engaged — the users who read your entire article and absorb the material.

You can build your audience.

Even though it is smaller than you think, you can also build your audience. Great bloggers grow in size and reputation. That’s what this article will tell you how to do.

The more you blog, the better knowledge you’ll have of your audience. You discover what they love, what they don’t love, what makes them click, and what makes them convert. In my Complete Guide to Building Your Blog Audience, I wrote this:

"A great blog begins with the content you create, but to be successful, a blog also needs a strong community or audience."

So you should not only learn who your audience is, but also shape that audience, too. To a certain extent, you get to decide who your audience is, and what they want to hear.

Everything starts with audience. If you know your audience and speak directly to them, they’re going to love you.

2) Be consistent.

You’re not going to be a wildly successful blogger unless you’re consistent.

An article on NewIncite had this to say about consistency:

"Quality of content and consistency are the most important factors in setting up your schedule … Consistency will keep them engaged, build brand awareness, and — if done right — help convert them to buyers."

It’s easy to talk about consistency, but it’s hard to do consistency. Bruce Springsteen wasn’t exactly a content marketing professional, but he had a great line about consistency:

"Getting an audience is hard. Sustaining an audience is hard. It demands a consistency of thought, of purpose and of action over a long period of time."

What worked for The Boss works for content marketers, too. You want to be a blogging rockstar? Take it from a real rockstar: Consistency matters.

Being a rockstar blogger feels good. But waking up early every day, hitting the keyboard every day, and maxing out your mental resources every day doesn't always feel good. But that gritty pain is what consistency is made of.

How often should you blog?

So, what does consistency mean in real numbers? How often do you need to publish a blog post? To answer this question, I’m going to be all evasive and tell you to refer to point one — know your audience.

Joe Pulizzi of Content Marketing Institute wrote this on the topic of blogging frequency:

"As long as the blog post serves these two goals it’s worth doing a post: 1) Is a compelling and interesting story to your target audience (the reader), and 2) Serves the objective for your blog. If that means five posts per week, great.  If it’s one per week, that’s fine to. [sic] Focus on whether or not you have a story worth telling."

I can’t give you a hard and fast number. I can, however, recommend a minimum threshold — you should aim for at least one post a week.

Why? Frequent output — i.e. consistency — is positively correlated with greater traffic, as indicated by HubSpot’s research.


In addition, HubSpot discovered that bloggers with higher output had better lead generation results:


So consistency leads to accumulation of content, and the more content you have, the more results you’ll get.

3) Be totally transparent.

If you’re more transparent than anyone else in your niche, you’ll get more readers. People crave transparency.

Kevan Lee, Buffer’s blogger par excellence, writes this in his article, "The Anatomy of a Perfect Blog Post:"

"We aim for an element of storytelling in each of the posts we write, often starting a blog post with a personal anecdote or moment of transparency."

Transparency is a tricky thing. On the one hand, relationships are built on trust and transparency. But it’s hard to be transparent. Nan Russell, in Psychology Today, had some cogent insights about transparency:

"People want other people, not necessarily themselves, to be transparent … Some people find transparency threatening, especially at work, while others find it exhilarating. Some confuse transparency with authenticity, or think transparency means communicating everything or knowing everything they want to know."

Transparency is important in blogging, because you are building trust, developing relationships, and growing an audience. At the same time you must exercise your transparency in a thoughtful and intentional way. You’re not going to spill business secrets, gossip about others, or divulge information that puts you in a dangerous personal situation.

The best advice that I’ve read comes from the article I cited above, regarding the role of transparency in the workplace. These principles, as I’ve restated them and applied to blogging, will make you appropriately transparent:


  • Tell stories that demonstrate your openness and vulnerability.
  • Make sure you are respecting your boundaries of confidentiality and the confidentiality of others.
  • Use your transparency to help others, not simply for the sake of being transparent.

When we try to become transparent, we’re usually not as transparent as we think we are. But if we work hard to share personal stories — appropriate details included — we’ll get better at it.

Transparency engages readers and turns your blog into something that readers love. As I’ve studied many blogging niches, I’ve discovered that the bloggers with the greatest degree of personal disclosure are the most successful. So if you want to be a successful blogger, you’ve got to get personal and transparent.


Being the best blogger in your niche has very little to do with writing technique and flawless grammar. Those technical skills kowtow to some way more important things:


  1. Knowing your audience.
  2. Being consistent.
  3. Being totally transparent.

If you put these techniques into play, you’re on the path to blogging domination and content marketing success.

*How to Become the Best Blogger in Your NicheWritten by Neil Patel | @neilpatel

DR. Raymond Jewell, is a leading economist and Home Based Business Consultant. He is a Alpha Legacy member of Markethive and manages several blogs on the hive. Dr. Jewell is offering, for a limited time, FREE Markethive Systems just click and sign up and witness the power of the Hive first hand. 

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Attract Crazy Referal Traffic from Reddit to your blog

Attract Crazy Referal Traffic from Reddit to your blog

Are you Getting Traffic from Reddit to your Blog? If yes then which way are you using; Black hat or White hat? If you are not using Reddit to drive traffic to your blog then read on  as I am sure that at the end you will be able to drive traffic from Reddit to your blog. Here I am sharing both Black hat and White hat methods to drive traffic from Reddit that you will use to get traffic. Everyone can get traffic from Reddit if they know the methodsa, process amd techniques  If you do not know the methods, then you can not get traffic from reddit at any cost.

Using White Hat Method

For white hat method mainly you have to get some ‘karma‘ to get your posts to reach most people in Reddit and hence you will get most exposure to your blog. It is not as easy as it looks. You will have to work hard to get karma but once you are able to get it then you can drive awesome amount of traffic and perhaps traffic will convert into Regular Readers if your blog has Quality posts.

How to Increase karma. Karma is calculated by the number of upvotes you get on your link. To get more upvotes upload something funny like a funny pic or upload something Controversial or Trending. This can increase your karma in a short span of Time. Join this group on facebook to team up getting up votes – RedditHive

After Increasing your karma you can share your blog post’s link under suitable subreddit and get some exposure to your post.

This is How you can get traffic using white hat method. Not let’s roll on to the Black Hat Method

Using Black Hat Method

Meanwhile i tell people the white hat method everyone is asking me about the Black hat method, as they are interested more in Black hat(Which is awesome and not much time consuming :) ) So here is the trick.

Firstly you have find some subreddits which are most used  like WTF and Funny Sub reddit and change one of the word in your post title and post it in reddit. After posting gather some upvotes from your friends. You can also put your link in this Facebook group and ask for some upvotes(But you also have to be active in the group) – RedditHive . Just Post your link in this group and other bloggers will surely upvote your reddit and you will get decent amount of traffic.

Note : Don’t share too often or too much in a day otherwise your IP will be blocked and then you will not be able to drive traffic from Reddit

Note:  Changing 1 word means, if you have written a post about Top 10 Unknown facts about Technology. Then you can write it as Top 10 WTF facts about technology and post it under WTF Subreddit . It will bring decent traffic and you will be busy making screenshots of your real time visitors!

That’s it! If you want to join us in our wicked Inbound Marketing Platform, it is called Markethive

Thomas Prendergast


Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Will Internet Marketing Work for Your Business?

Internet MarketingWill Internet Marketing Work for Your Business?

This is an extremely difficult question to answer because there are so many complex factors involved. Specifically the techniques you employ in your Internet marketing campaign as well as the execution of these techniques can determine whether or not Internet marketing will work for your business. Additionally, the likelihood of your target audience using the Internet and responding to your marketing efforts should also be considered into the equation. This article will outline the potential for success in an Internet marketing campaign.

Before making the decision to embark on an Internet marketing campaign you should carefully consider your target audience. The Internet is used widely around the world but whether or not members of your target audience are likely to utilize the Internet to research or purchase the products or services you sell is not guaranteed. This is significant because investing a great deal of time, effort and money into Internet marketing when your target audience is not likely to respond to these efforts is not worthwhile.

Conducting market research can do a great deal to help you determine whether or not you should invest in an Internet marketing campaign for your business. This step is very important because it will give you a good indication of whether or not you should even begin marketing your business on the Internet. Hiring a firm specializing in market research is recommended because they can conduct this research quickly and efficiently and will likely gain a great deal of valuable information as a result of their research efforts. If they determine your business can benefit from an Internet marketing campaign, it is time to start thinking about how you want to advertise your business online.

A presentation by Dan Kennedy on Internet Marketing.

Again, seeking the help of professionals can be an extremely worthwhile investment. If you are not well versed in the industry of Internet marketing, hiring a firm with a great deal of expertise in this industry can be very helpful. They can assist you by consulting with you to determine which marketing strategies will be most effective, designing advertisements for your campaign, helping you to orchestrate your Internet marketing campaign and evaluating the results of marketing efforts to determine which strategies are working and which are not.

The potential for success with an Internet marketing campaign is virtually limitless. The success you enjoy is only limited by your ability to promote your products and services and execute effective marketing strategies. Some of the marketing strategies you may wish to employ may include optimizing your website for relevant search terms, placing links to your website judiciously on the Internet, writing and publishing e-newsletters and utilizing affiliates to promote your website.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important aspects of any Internet marketing campaign. SEO is so important because it dictates the ranking of your website on popular search engines. Internet users value these results and are not likely to seek out websites which do not rank well with search engines. Conversely, high ranking websites can enjoy a great deal of increased website traffic as a result of these rankings.

Inbound links to your website are also important in Internet marketing. Inbound links are links on other websites which direct users to your website. These links are important in an Internet marketing campaign. First of all many search engines factor inbound links into their ranking algorithms which means inbound links can result in higher search engines rankings. Also, these links can be used directly by website users to access your website. This means you can gain traffic directly from these links.

Another way to enjoy a successful Internet marketing campaign is to orchestrate an affiliate marketing campaign. Affiliates are essentially website owners who place a banner ad on their website to direct traffic to your website. Typically, affiliates are only compensated when the advertisement on their website produces a desired effect such as enticing the users to click through the advertisement, resulting in a sale or resulting in another action such as filling out a survey or registering with your website. Affiliate marketing can not only be highly effective but it is also cost effective because you only pay the affiliates when they produce results.

So why not improve your Business prospects and reach out even further at the same time by using Internet Marketing?

Article by:
Brian Walters SEO

Skype: tuneup_bj

Markethive Promotion



Brian Walters MarketHive


Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Why Internet Marketing Does Not Work Without Some SEO

internet marketingWhy Internet Marketing Does Not Work Without SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) should be considered a critical element of any Internet marketing strategy. This is important because there is so much which can be gained from SEO in terms of Internet marketing and advertising.

Failure to optimize your website for search engines can result in a considerable loss in terms of free advertising which is essentially gained from ranking well with search engines.

This article will provide insight into what SEO is and will explain why Internet marketing requires at least some degree of SEO.

SEO optimization is a strategy in which a website is designed to obtain favorable search engine rankings from popular search engines. This may be achieved in a variety of different ways and optimal SEO strategies combine a variety of different strategies to complete one well orchestrated SEO campaign.


There are several elements to consider when attempting to optimize your website for search engines. This may include keyword density, prominence, META tags, titles and inbound links. Keyword density is one of the most common SEO strategies and essentially involves using relevant keywords often in the content of a website to demonstrate the relevance of these keywords to the website.

This is important because search engines are likely to reward websites with optimal keyword densities with favorable search engine rankings in an effort to provide Internet users with the most relevant websites for particular search terms.

The prominence of keywords should also be considered. This includes how close the keywords are placed to the beginning of the website. The common mistake with this strategy is to believe the first opportunity to incorporate keywords is in the first line of visible text on the webpage.

This is not true because search engines crawl the code of a website as opposed to the visible content on the website. This means there are multiple opportunities to incorporate relevant keywords long before the actual visible content on the website. This might include the code for the title as well as the META tags. Business owners who realize the potential for incorporating keyword into the code gain an advantage over competitors who only incorporate keywords into the content on their website.

Another area of concern which is very important for those who are interested in SEO is inbound links. Inbound links are essentially links which reside on other websites and direct traffic to your website. These links are considered important because many search engines place a value on inbound links because they are essentially an example of one website recommending another website. However, when obtaining inbound links it is important to do so from other websites which rank well with search engines because many search engines consider the rank of the original website when determining the value of the inbound link.

Now that we have briefly explained some of the main concept of SEO, we will illustrate why it is important to optimize your website in the first place. SEO is so important because most Internet users highly value the results of search engines and are likely to only visit to ranking websites when they search for a particular keyword. Internet users trust search engines to serve the most relevant content first and are therefore not likely to visit websites which do not fall on the first or second page of search results.

This means websites which rank well essentially are receiving a great deal of free advertising from search engines that place their website in a key position. Website owners who do not invest time into optimizing their websites miss out on a great deal of potential web traffic.

Article by:
Brian Walters SEO

Skype: tuneup_bj

Brian Walters MarketHive


Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Email Abuse and how to be blacklisted

Just a bit of advice to readers here. In the old days, it was a clever trick to set up an auto-responder trying to push an "opportunity" on your email address account. These are also referred to as "out of office replies". Do not confuse what I am referring to here with real auto-responders, when someone has actually signed-up to receive information from them.

This is not liked by most ESP's (Email Service Providers).  Times have changed. Now it is just seen as abuse and will not do any good for your on-line reputation.

This will get your email address blacklisted at Amazon who we at Markethive use as our Email Provider and because we have to follow by strict rules and procedures, we then put your email address in our own blacklist, so no further correspondence is sent to it.

So, be sensible .. remove those pesky blighters from your account settings and add a personal touch when contacting prospective clients or customers.

If you believe that my message is worth spreading, please use the share buttons if they are visible on this page.

Stephen Hodgkiss
Chief Engineer at MarketHive


Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Earn a Full-Time Income as a Part-Time Affiliate Marketer

You don't need business experience, savvy technical skills, or personal experience to become an affiliate marketer. With the right education, tools, guidance and implementation, almost anybody who’s serious can get it running and can begin earning legitimate, dependable money.

Most of us stay at home mums would agree that we have a tremendously demanding job. Caring for a child full time is no joke especially when you have more than one to chase around. On the flip side, most would also agree that it’s the most fulfilling and rewarding job in the world! Despite how busy or stressful it can get, it allows us to enjoy these precious early years with the most important little people in our lives.

As time flies by, most of us are almost given the ultimatum to go back to work or stay at home with the kids. So depending on your personal circumstances and your financial commitments, most of us find ourselves heading back to work, not really having a choice.

But what if there was another choice for you? A choice that allowed you to work from home 1-3 hours a day, never having to personally sell, recruit or host any parties, no physical handling of products and you did not have to have business, savvy technical skills or personal experience? A very uncommon option that could lead you to replacing your full time income (and then some) and giving you back the time with you kids, family and friends.

So what is it? This is what we call Affiliate Marketing.

So what is Affiliate Marketing?

To put it simply, an Affiliate Marketer is like an “Internet Middle Man” who promotes somebody else’s goods online. They make money when they successfully connect an online buyer with an online merchant who is already selling what the buyer needs. If a sale takes place because of the Affiliate Marketer’s efforts, then they get paid a percentage of the selling price (AKA a commission). There’s no need to buy or create products or services to sell, and there are no storage, handling or shipping issues to manage as mentioned above.

Affiliate Marketing also known as Digital Marketing can provide you with a lifestyle people only dream of. Many people globally have made substantial incomes with this knowledge and as the digital economy grows we can only began to imagine the financial bliss you could bring to your lives with the proper training and knowledge.

People who attempt it expecting instant gratification will almost always fail. Successful Affiliate Marketers are the ones who treat it like a serious business and understand that like with anything real, what you put in is what you get out. With the right education, tools, guidance and implementation, almost anybody who’s serious can get it running and can begin earning legitimate, dependable money. It can also provide financial security that employment just can’t promise. The Internet isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon and because you work for yourself, you’re never at risk of losing your job.

The best part about Affiliate Marketing is once you have learnt and implemented the right training, you can run your business from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection and computer, you’re all set! Just imagine being able to jet set around the world, investing 1-3 hours a day into your business and spending the rest with you family. Sounds great right?

If you believe that my message is worth spreading, please use the share buttons at the top of the page.

Stephen Hodgkiss
Chief Engineer at MarketHive


Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Why is blogging an important tool for Internet Marketers?

Those who are new to Internet Marketing, may wonder, "Do I need to blog?" or "If I need to blog, how often should I post?" The reasons may vary greatly from person to person, as well as the frequency of blog posts.

It could be a simple desire to sell stuff online, or maybe just a need to express yourself and communicate with others. For me, I think it is much more than that. I would have to call on a Latin phrase to describe why I write, and why I blog. I have a condition called cacoethes scribendi. It is not medical, but loosely translated it means "an insatiable desire to write."

I have done technical writing for nearly 20 years. I love to describe technical subjects in layman's terms that anyone can understand. For an example, see an article I wrote quite a while ago here, VoIP Demystified. I have been a regular blogger since 2007, and I have been using WordPress for much of that time.

To see the first blog I set-up see NJ Writer's Group on blogger. When I look back over the past 8 years, it is really quite amazing how the Internet and especially content writing for the web has changed over that time. It is equally amazing that despite massive changes in Internet technology, some things remain the same.  

My desire to write and to blog have only increased with each passing year. I love to write about Internet Marketing subjects, and if I can simplify or make someone's journey on that path a little easier, I am very happy to do that.

I am a founding member of MarketHive, a one-of-a-kind social network for entrepreneurs.

I have experience in digital publishing, and can help authors to self-publish.

I run a local Internet marketing agency called Goldfinch Digital Publishing.  I help local businesses take advantage of online marketing methods to increase sales by effectively finding and converting prospects into customers.  Services include everything from website design, to local SEO, social media, branding, and reputation management.

I can also create an entire automated marketing system similar those used by big businesses for a fraction of the cost of large-scale automation systems.

It is really not even an issue anymore that most all businesses need some sort of website.  Even if it just a one-page basic informational site, it is a given that even very small businesses should have a web presence.  If you are marketing any kind of product or service on the Internet, a website is a practical necessity.

I would recommend a WordPress blog that is hosted on a hosting service independent from WordPress, in other words, a website called a "self-hosted" website, that uses an independent hosting provider, separate from your domain name registrar.

There are probably hundreds of hosting providers to count on the Internet.  Prices and options vary widely.  I personally use a hosting company that offers a Virtual Private Server, but that is kind of an advanced web hosting system that beginning marketers would not need.  If you are interested in a VPS, visit this link.  Advantages of a VPS

Perhaps one of the strongest reasons to post on a blog on a regular basis is so that your website can be found on Google.  Regular posts on your blog help your blog to rank on Google and the other search engines.  This is too big a topic to cover here, but fresh content on your blog not only can satisfy the needs of readers, and subscribers to your blog, but it is an important factor in SEO, or Search Engine Optimization.  

For more information on these and other related topics, visit Goldfinch Digital Publishing.

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Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member