Why Entrepreneurship Is Important?

Market Hive marketing tools

Why Entrepreneurship Is Important?

What would you think if you saw a sign that read, "Entrepreneurs Wanted"? Many people would see such a sign as a rare opportunity to fulfil a lifelong dream.

They've long envisioned a life where they could make their own hours, follow their passions, and not have to feel as though the people above them are trying to keep them down.

Others would view such a sign with suspicion.

They might ask, "What's the catch?" They might even come up with a list of reasons why they can't take a chance, begin a new self-made career, and become more successful than they ever thought possible.

While a degree of scepticism can be healthy, all too often people talk themselves out of a business opportunity because, well, they're scared.

They might even look at the lives of successful people and think that those people were simply lucky; that they were at the right place at the right time.

 In fact, the difference between those people who are incredibly successful and those who grind it out in an unfulfilling job day in and day out is that the successful people seize opportunities that come their way.

The nine-to-fivers may look longingly at opportunities, but let them slip through their fingers.

Truth be told, there's never been a better time to find a business opportunity and follow your dreams. To a large extent, the Internet has levelled the playing field. If you have a computer and online access, there are unparalleled opportunities presented to “create wealth”. The question becomes, how do you separate the wheat from the chaff? How do you know when an opportunity is the real deal?

First, you need to drop any notion of finding success with multi-level marketing. While multi-level marketing may have made a few people at the top wealthy, no MLM today is creating wealth for those who are just joining.

Second, you need to forget direct sales. Very, very few people are have a natural talent for selling; for the rest of us, direct sales is difficult or impossible, and a sure path to frustration, discouragement, and failure.

Third, you need to embrace a company that has a proven system for marketing. So many Internet businesses fail today because business owners simply don't know how to market. After all, you can have the most attractive website in the world, but if you can't drive traffic to your site, you'll never see a penny.

Fourth, you need to find a great product. In this Information Age, the product should be related to the Internet and have enormous growth potential.

Society has a way of convincing us that wealth arises from those that work hard and get a well-paying job in some financial institution on Wall Street.

While I do not dispute that you can get really wealthy managing other people’s money as a fund manager or if you like to run an investment company like Warren Buffet, you can join in the fray.

For the most of us, we just like to do our own thing and enjoy the freedom that exists in creating our own perception of a business.

Fifth, you want to find affiliate with a company that will take the time to understand your personal and financial goals, and help you in any way they can to reach those goals. Essentially, it's the reverse of what you often find in the corporate world – where the people at the top keep you down.

You want to find a business opportunity where the people at the top – the wealth masters, so to speak – reach down and give you a hand up. They should be able to set you up with the carbon copy of a system that almost runs on auto pilot.

They should have eliminated the need for selling, explaining, bothering people, and pitching friends and family. Instead, they should have perfected a powerful, automated, turnkey marketing system that provides you with the best home business opportunity on the planet.

So does Markethive fulfil the above criteria?

Does it allow powerful social contact and interaction with social marketers – YES

Does it allow a powerful Blogging Platform to maintain contact with your customers – YES

Does Markethive allow powerful contact with your existing Domains – YES

Does it allow east contact with your subscribers – YES

Does it have a powerful lead generation and lead follow-up system – YES

Does Markethive allow you to produce videos – YES


For more information visit my Markethive site

Contact me, Brian Walters on Skype: tuneup_bj

Then you'll be glad that you took advantage of the "Entrepreneurs Wanted" sign!

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Nails keeping them healthy and disease free

Nails keeping them healthy and disease free.

The nails of humans are present at the end of each fingertip on the dorsal surface. The main function of nail is protection and it also helps for a firm grip for holding articles. It consists of a strong relatively flexible keratinous nail plate originating from the nail matrix. Under the nail plate there is a soft tissue called nail bed. Between the skin and nail plate there is a nail fold or cuticle. Normal healthy nail is slight pink in colour and the surface is convex from side to side. Finger nails grow 1 cm in three months and toe nails take 24 months for the same.

Importance of nails in disease diagnosis:

The colour, appearance, shape and nature of the nails give some information about the general health and hygiene of a person. Nails are examined as a routine by all doctors to get some clues about underlying diseases. Just looking at nails we can make out the hygiene of a person. The abnormal nail may be congenital or due to some diseases. The cause for changes in the nail extend from simple reasons to life threatening diseases. Hence the examination by a doctor is essential for diagnosis .Some abnormal findings with probable causes are discussed here for general awareness.

1) Hygiene:-
We can make out an unhygienic nail very easily .Deposition of dirt under the distal end of nail plate can make a chance for ingestion of pathogens while eating. If nail cutting is not done properly it can result in worm troubles in children. When the worms crawl in the anal orifice children will scratch which lodges the ova of worms under the nails and will be taken in while eating. Prominent nail can also complicate a skin disease by habitual scratching. Sharp nails in small kids are a real danger because small wounds can injure others when they do feet kicking or hand waving.

2) Colour of the nails:-
a) Nails become pale in anaemia.
b) Opaque white discolouration (leuconychia) is seen in chronic renal failure and nephrotic syndrome.
c) Whitening is also seen in hypoalbuminaemia as in cirrhosis and kidney disorders.
d) Drugs like sulpha group, anti-malarial and antibiotics etc. can produce discolouration in the nails.            
e) Fungal infection causes black discolouration.
f) In pseudomonas infection nails become black or green.
g) Nail bed infarction occurs in vasculitis especially in SLE and polyarthritis.
h) Red dots are seen in nails due to splinter haemorrhages in subacute bacterial endo Carditis, rheumatoid arthritis, trauma, collagen vascular diseases.
i) Blunt injury produces haemorrhage and causes blue/black discolouration.
 j) Nails become brown in kidney diseases and in decreased adrenal activity.
k) In Wilson’s disease blue colour in semicircle appears in the nail.
l) When the blood supply decreases nail become yellow .In jaundice and psoriasis also nail become yellowish.
m) In yellow nail syndrome all nails become yellowish with pleural effusion.

3) Shape of nails:-
a) Clubbing: Here tissues at the base of nails are thickened and the angle between the nail base and the skin is obliterated. The nail becomes more convex and the fingertip becomes bulbous and looks like an end of a drumstick. When the condition becomes worse the nail looks like a parrot beak.
Causes of clubbing:- Congenital Injuries, Severe chronic cyanosis, Lung diseases like empyema, bronchiectasis, carcinoma of bronchus and pulmonary tuberculosis.
Abdominal diseases like Crohn's disease, polyposis of colon, ulcerative colitis, liver cirrhosis etc.
Heart diseases like tetralogy of Fallot, subacute bacterial endocarditis and etc.             
b) Koilonychias:- Here the nails become concave like a spoon. This condition is seen in iron deficiency anaemia. In this condition the nails become thin, soft and brittle. The normal convexity will be replaced by concavity.
c) Longitudinal ridging is seen in Raynaud’s disease.
d) Cuticle becomes ragged in dermatomyositis.
e) Nail fold telangiectasia is a sign in dermatomyositis, systemic sclerosis and SLE.

4) Structure and consistency:-
a) Fungal infection of nail causes discolouration, deformity, hypertrophy and abnormal brittleness.
b) Thimble pitting of nail is characteristic of psoriasis, acute eczema and alopecia areata.
c) The inflammation of cuticle or nail fold is called paronychia.
d) Onycholysis refers to the detachment of the nail from the nail bed, usually starting at the tip and/or sides. The separation of nail bed seen in psoriasis, infection and after taking Tetracyclines.
e) Destruction of nail is seen in lichen planus, epidermolysis bullosa.
f) Missing nail is seen in nail patella syndrome. It is a hereditary disease.
g) Nails become brittle in Raynaud’s disease and gangrene.
h) Falling of nail is seen in fungal infection, psoriasis and thyroid diseases.
5) Growth:-
Reduction in oxygen in your blood supply affects the growth of nails and all nail problems. Nail growth is also affected in severe illness. When the disease disappears the growth starts again resulting in formation of transverse ridges. These lines are called Beau's lines and are healpful to date the onset of illness.

6) The importance of Oxygen
Oxygen provides life and energy to every living cell. If poor eating habits, drinking, pollution, toxins, drugs or lack of exercise abuse your own human systems of body, mind and spirit. When your cells and your genetics are deprived of vital oxygen the immune system becomes weakened.

Low oxygen levels are undesirable because they affect the body's metabolism and may even cause it to manufacture improper chemicals and/or give rise to various health problems. Cellfood is only one of the exceptional products offered at Nucell Canada, take a further look at our products that allows for nail health, anti-aging, vitality and longevity.

Stay tuned for more articles later


Article by Val Walters

Resolve Beyond Neurology 

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Nails keeping them healthy and desease free

Nails keeping them healthy and desease free.

The nails of humans are present at the end of each fingertip on the dorsal surface. The main function of nail is protection and it also helps for a firm grip for holding articles. It consists of a strong relatively flexible keratinous nail plate originating from the nail matrix. Under the nail plate there is a soft tissue called nail bed. Between the skin and nail plate there is a nail fold or cuticle. Normal healthy nail is slight pink in colour and the surface is convex from side to side. Finger nails grow 1 cm in three months and toe nails take 24 months for the same.

Importance of nails in disease diagnosis:

The colour, appearance, shape and nature of the nails give some information about the general health and hygiene of a person. Nails are examined as a routine by all doctors to get some clues about underlying diseases. Just looking at nails we can make out the hygiene of a person. The abnormal nail may be congenital or due to some diseases. The cause for changes in the nail extend from simple reasons to life threatening diseases. Hence the examination by a doctor is essential for diagnosis .Some abnormal findings with probable causes are discussed here for general awareness.

1) Hygiene:-
We can make out an unhygienic nail very easily .Deposition of dirt under the distal end of nail plate can make a chance for ingestion of pathogens while eating. If nail cutting is not done properly it can result in worm troubles in children. When the worms crawl in the anal orifice children will scratch which lodges the ova of worms under the nails and will be taken in while eating. Prominent nail can also complicate a skin disease by habitual scratching. Sharp nails in small kids are a real danger because small wounds can injure others when they do feet kicking or hand waving.

2) Colour of the nails:-
a) Nails become pale in anaemia.
b) Opaque white discolouration (leuconychia) is seen in chronic renal failure and nephrotic syndrome.
c) Whitening is also seen in hypoalbuminaemia as in cirrhosis and kidney disorders.
d) Drugs like sulpha group, anti-malarial and antibiotics etc. can produce discolouration in the nails.            
e) Fungal infection causes black discolouration.
f) In pseudomonas infection nails become black or green.
g) Nail bed infarction occurs in vasculitis especially in SLE and polyarthritis.
h) Red dots are seen in nails due to splinter haemorrhages in subacute bacterial endo Carditis, rheumatoid arthritis, trauma, collagen vascular diseases.
i) Blunt injury produces haemorrhage and causes blue/black discolouration.
 j) Nails become brown in kidney diseases and in decreased adrenal activity.
k) In Wilson’s disease blue colour in semicircle appears in the nail.
l) When the blood supply decreases nail become yellow .In jaundice and psoriasis also nail become yellowish.
m) In yellow nail syndrome all nails become yellowish with pleural effusion.

3) Shape of nails:-
a) Clubbing: Here tissues at the base of nails are thickened and the angle between the nail base and the skin is obliterated. The nail becomes more convex and the fingertip becomes bulbous and looks like an end of a drumstick. When the condition becomes worse the nail looks like a parrot beak.
Causes of clubbing:- Congenital Injuries, Severe chronic cyanosis, Lung diseases like empyema, bronchiectasis, carcinoma of bronchus and pulmonary tuberculosis.
Abdominal diseases like Crohn's disease, polyposis of colon, ulcerative colitis, liver cirrhosis etc.
Heart diseases like tetralogy of Fallot, subacute bacterial endocarditis and etc.             
b) Koilonychias:- Here the nails become concave like a spoon. This condition is seen in iron deficiency anaemia. In this condition the nails become thin, soft and brittle. The normal convexity will be replaced by concavity.
c) Longitudinal ridging is seen in Raynaud’s disease.
d) Cuticle becomes ragged in dermatomyositis.
e) Nail fold telangiectasia is a sign in dermatomyositis, systemic sclerosis and SLE.

4) Structure and consistency:-
a) Fungal infection of nail causes discolouration, deformity, hypertrophy and abnormal brittleness.
b) Thimble pitting of nail is characteristic of psoriasis, acute eczema and alopecia areata.
c) The inflammation of cuticle or nail fold is called paronychia.
d) Onycholysis refers to the detachment of the nail from the nail bed, usually starting at the tip and/or sides. The separation of nail bed seen in psoriasis, infection and after taking Tetracyclines.
e) Destruction of nail is seen in lichen planus, epidermolysis bullosa.
f) Missing nail is seen in nail patella syndrome. It is a hereditary disease.
g) Nails become brittle in Raynaud’s disease and gangrene.
h) Falling of nail is seen in fungal infection, psoriasis and thyroid diseases.
5) Growth:-
Reduction in oxygen in your blood supply affects the growth of nails and all nail problems. Nail growth is also affected in severe illness. When the disease disappears the growth starts again resulting in formation of transverse ridges. These lines are called Beau's lines and are healpful to date the onset of illness.

6) The importance of Oxygen
Oxygen provides life and energy to every living cell. If poor eating habits, drinking, pollution, toxins, drugs or lack of exercise abuse your own human systems of body, mind and spirit. When your cells and your genetics are deprived of vital oxygen the immune system becomes weakened.

Low oxygen levels are undesirable because they affect the body's metabolism and may even cause it to manufacture improper chemicals and/or give rise to various health problems. Cellfood is only one of the exceptional products offered at Nucell Canada, take a further look at our products that allows for nail health, anti-aging, vitality and longevity.

Stay tuned for more articles later


Article by Val Walters

Resolve Beyond Neurology 

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member