Do You Really Want Outside Investors Involved in Your Dream Startup Business?

If you are starting out in a new business venture, there is every chance you will need some form of funding.
…but before you start, do you really want outside investors involved in your dream?

You may prefer to bootstrap your business. Bootstrapping is a term for starting a business without any external capital investment. The development of such startups is funded through internal cash flow and, as a consequence, the owners of such a company will need to be cautious with their expenses.

However, if you think having external investors is the only option, you must consider the following.

If you do not already have some experience in starting a business, then it will be very difficult to secure any form of investment. If you have a great idea but no business experience, then you should consider having someone on your team who does have business startup experience.

Investors will not be investing in your business just for the fun of it. They will want to own a part of the company which obviously means you will no longer be 100% in control of your company.

Investors will no doubt want to have a say in how the company is run. When you have investors on board, relations with them are of paramount importance.
You will need to answer to them and keep them informed of developments on a regular basis.
…and if you make a hash of the business, you will hurt these people.
So you must think carefully if you are the sort of person who can accept input from others, or whether you are the sort who needs to make all the decisions.

Valuation of a startup company can be difficult. The idea may be worth millions in theory but it all has to be put into practice. If you tell an investor your company is potentially worth $10 million and you are seeking $1 million to get started, then in simple terms, you are offering 10% of your company. An investor prepared to offer $1 million may want more than 10%. After all, it is their money at risk.
Although not every business owner runs to a tight business plan, the more detailed information that investors have about the potential of the business, the more accurately they can put a value on their investment.

Although investors in startups may be interested in a long term view with dividends being paid out by the company, their main priority will be to see a see a return on investment as soon as possible. Investors will want to know of exit strategies.
There are many articles that can be read on exit strategies.

Your business will need to be scalable to attract large investment….
…but investors are not likely to be interested if the only way to double your sales is by doubling the amount of customers.

Anyone can say "If we have one million customers paying $10 per month, we will have $10 million per month coming in; and if we increase that to two million customers, we will then have $20 million per month coming in."

You will need to prove to an investor how you are going to attract more customers; but also how you are going to offer more services to existing customers.

There may be exceptions to how an investor sees the potential growth of a business.
For example, a website with free membership (eg Facebook) may not double its sales if the membership doubles but if the overall running costs of the business remain the same even with an increase in membership numbers, and a significant increase in revenue is attained, then the business can still be viable.

The easier it is to copy your business, the less likely you will find a willing investor. You should ideally have specialized knowledge that few others have. It is useful to own patents where necessary (although that could be open to debate), protect your trade name and so on.

If you still think external funding is the only way forward for your business, you must choose carefully which investors you approach.

Some may be very helpful and become collaborative partners; maybe even mentors.
Others may be too critical and be more of a hindrance to the business.

Whatever you decide, Good Luck in your Startup venture.


Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Green Fire On The Blockchain

Green Fire On The Blockchain

Green Fire has decided to change the world as you know it. We are moving together onto the blockchain. We have chosen “Green Fire Gold” (GFG) as the blockchain application name. GFG will be the first to take landfill mining and reclamation on to the blockchain.

GFG is designed with next generation high load blockchain protocols, utilizing a blockchain design that improves functionality with each additional user, maximizing scalability and load performance.

GFG includes your own private universal wallet that allows for immediate trading and exchange between all currencies and investment markets.

The GFG blockchain is designed by the best in cryptocurrency development to create a coin and mainstream payment network usable by everyone in the world.

The GFG universal wallet/coin combo can be used to manage your entire life and assets. Inside are a Universal Dapp store (decentralized application store), micro-services, micro-payments, smart contracts, universal exchange, universal payment system, and custom template decentralized app building, just to name a few.

Understanding blockchain

The Blockchain has become the default backbone for most new financial and business development.

In essence, blockchain is a distributed database, or "timestamp server," as it was called by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto in the paper that proposed bitcoin.

The blockchain consists of blocks of data — each block is a timestamped batch of valid individual transactions and the hash of the previous block, creating a link between the two. Because each timestamp includes the previous timestamp in its hash, it forms a chain. Each new transaction must be authenticated across the distributed network of computers that form the blockchain before it can form the next block in the chain.

GFG is developing a fully decentralized, leaderless DAO*, a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, and a fully distributed financial platform, OWNED BY THE PEOPLE WHO USE IT.

GFG is using the MyCryptoWorld development platform to construct the GFG DAO. This platform develops on an advanced Ethereum blockchain.

For the determination phase of implementation an interdisciplinary team of cryptocurrency, marketing and software veterans/enthusiasts around the globe have already started determining the intelligence that operates GFG.

As soon the business determination is finished the whole system will be completely community/user driven and owned. From this point on the further evolution will be in the hands of all owners, using e-Governance/voting and other cutting edge tools to create consensus and run decisions.

The GFG DAO is a digital decentralized autonomous organization and a form of investor-directed venture capital fund.

The GFG DAO has an objective to provide a new decentralized business model for organizing both international commerce and social marketing. It will be on the Ethereum blockchain, and will have no conventional management structure or board of directors.

The GFG DAO is stateless, and not tied to any particular nation state. As a result, many questions of how government regulators would deal with a stateless fund are yet to be dealt with.

The GFG DAO is being crowdfunded via a token sale. A similar crowdfunding campaign in May 2016. It set the record for the largest crowdfunding campaign in history


The Landfill Pickers and the Women Informal Workers will own GFG. GFG will be governed by consensus.

Consensus in a distributed system is determined by entities checking each other's work and providing a stamp of approval as to transactions and activities allowed. This is accomplished through a distributed network, one might say, a “social neural network”.

Smart Contracts

GFG Blockchain also leverages a technology called "smart contracts," which are bits of executable code that only act when specific conditions within the blockchain are met. This allows a blockchain to automate activity like payment transfers when a task is completed, or even a partial payment when a milestone is achieved.

By providing a way to record transactions as automated trusted activity among digitally networked peers, audit and professional services firm Ernst & Young believes "blockchain technology has the potential to streamline and accelerate business processes, increase cybersecurity and reduce or eliminate the roles of trusted intermediaries (or centralized authorities) in industry after industry."

Blockchains have proven that they reduce cost and increase trust in financial transactions. It is becoming apparent that we can expect financial services firms to abandon existing transaction-processing technologies in favor of blockchain technologies.

We are developing the GFG DAO on the blockchain with a unique crypto token (coin) and its own brand of distributed manufacturing and ecommerce.

Green Fire is taking the Landfill Mining operations and the Children of the Landfill project and wrapping them in a blockchain application.

This will provide these “invisible workers” the very poorest of the poor the most unique democratic environment that is yet to prevail for them. They will be the next global cultural warriors to emerge from the shadows.

Mike Prettyman,
Chief Information Officer at Green Fire Engineered Reclamation
For more information come to the website

Children of the Landfill Project

Green Fire Engineered Reclamation

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Children of the Landfill
Green Fire Engineered Reclamation

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member