My mind has always been complex. Bubbling and percolating with ideas.
My first memory was a Holy Ghost experience. I have a thirst for knowledge and a thirst for the Lord. An unquenchable thirst, that has driven me my whole life with a spirit of urgency.
Markethive is the culmination of many systems I began building in 1996, prior to that I was driven to learn computers, coding and marketing. In 1984 I acquired my first computer and started an ad agency in the San Francisco Bay Area (Palo Alto)
Markethive is my life work, and as I have aged and become aware of the tech markets I became aware of Elon Musk from his Paypal days to his incredible focus, dedication to making the world a better place and how similar we are.
If you want to know me better, watch this video. I am Elon Musks little twin in so many ways.
Markethive is my Tesla my Spacex, designed to make the world a better place. A home superior to what social networks exist. A platform of freedom and liberty a kingdom built for the entrepreneur and innovator.
Elon talks about how he had to become the Chief Engineer because he could not find any that were any good to join and realized less than that was a mistake. A mistake I made 3 times and now I am that self-taught Markethive Chief Engineer.
Like Elon, I will never give up. I will either have to die or become completely mentally incapacitated.
Watch the video and see how it reflects Markethive in so many ways.
Feast of Hope Easter – Why? Because Easter gives us hope! On this most important of all Christian feasts we celebrate: that Jesus has conquered death. That he rose from the dead and gave us hope – for eternal life.
Easter thus stands in stark contrast to the 40 preceding days of Lent and Penance. 40 days – that's how long Jesus fasted in the desert, finding himself and God, before setting out to proclaim his message. 40 days for us today to renounce something and thereby become aware of our own life again. To reflect on our own life – and on God.
At the end of Lent are Maundy Thursday, commemorating Jesus' last supper with his disciples, and Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified. The Easter Vigil, the night from Saturday to Easter Sunday, then celebrates the raising of Jesus from the dead. That is why during the Easter Vigil Mass, the Exsultet, the sung Easter praise, says:
This is the night of which it is written:
"The night becomes bright like the day,
like radiant light the night will surround me."
The radiance of this holy night
takes away iniquity,
cleanses from guilt,
gives innocence to sinners,
joy to the mourners.
It drives away hatred,
unites hearts
and bends the powers.
It shines until the morning star appears,
that true morning star, which never sets:
Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
who rose from the dead,
who shines for mankind in the paschal light;
who lives and reigns with you forever and ever.
A pator, Franciscan friar and spiritual director reflected on the theme of resurrection at the conclusion of Lent:
"It is like a miracle when the sun rises in the morning and we are allowed to get up again. Only when you can't get up do you feel how agonizing it is to have to stay lying down. To be allowed to get up, to be able to move, to be free, not to be dependent on outside help – what a grace that is given to us anew every day. For it is not a matter of course that this gift is given to us. Anyone who is ill can tell you a thing or two about it.
The idea of what it means to get up helps to get an idea of what Easter, the feast of the resurrection, means. Because here it concerns before a lying, which carries the name death. No man can rise from death by his own strength. One can be raised from death only by an external force, just as we are awakened from sleep.
This, however, is the almost unbelievable belief of Christianity that Jesus was raised from the dead. We humans did not make up this belief. This faith is a gift, just as the life of Jesus Christ himself, his deeds and words are a gift to this world.
That is why Easter is a feast of rejoicing, of thanksgiving, of singing. As the Easter fires light up the evening, and as the sun rises anew with its bright light in the morning, may this Easter faith in the Risen Lord rise anew in the hearts of the faithful and bring light to this world."
Hallelujah! Those who can trust this message may have hope: for their loved ones, for the people in the crisis areas of the world – and for themselves. For hope, as fragile as it may sometimes seem, can give strength to a love that can move mountains.
Whoever knows this, whoever knows Easter, can really not despair. Instead, it means: rejoicing irrepressibly, joining in the Hallelujah that was not sung during Lent, but now resounds again in the churches. "Hallelujah" is a Hebrew word: "Hallel" is rejoicing, "yes" is the short form of God's name "Yahweh." So Hallelujah means "Rejoice in God!". And not only at Easter, but also beyond, because this time offers so much reason to rejoice that a few days are not enough for it.
The week after Easter is therefore a time of particularly intense celebration – and feasting, because Lent is now finally over. The festive week closes with "White Sunday". This is named because in the early days of the church, the new Christians baptized at the Easter Vigil wore their white baptismal robes throughout Easter week until the following Sunday.
But celebrations continue even after White Sunday: seven times seven days is the time of rejoicing over Jesus' resurrection – it ends only on the 50th day, on the weekend of Pentecost, which is celebrated as the founding feast of the Church. On Pentecost, Jesus poured out the Holy Spirit on his disciples and sent them out to proclaim what he promised them and all people after his resurrection: I am with you always, until the end of the world
They show pictures of dream beaches, dream houses and dream cars. For those you can catch in your nets, a euphoric time follows – everything seems possible. At some point, the crash comes – and in addition to money and time, many lose their friends, families and acquaintances in the process. We are not talking about cults here. We are talking about dubious business models. These dubious business models can often be recognized by their sales structures.
It is very likely that you will also be recruited as a salesperson for such a company at some point. If you are not a salesman type – please keep your hands off all these systems anyway. These systems are all about hardcore sales (and here the distinction between serious and unserious doesn't even matter – if you don't want to do sales, all these systems are not for you).
Of course, nobody admits to working in such a dubious business model. I even believe that many of them do not even understand what they are doing. What makes it difficult is that there are also serious companies that work with these systems. We are talking about systems that often call themselves as follows:
– MLM systems (MLM = Multi Level Marketing).
– Network marketing or network marketing
– Referral marketing
– Structural marketing
As I said, there are both serious and dubious companies that use these forms of distribution. In this article I show different criteria, on the basis of which everyone can subject the enterprises to an evaluation. I write this in the hope that I can save one or the other person from the dubious systems. I cannot and will not provide a list of what I consider to be dubious companies – firstly, that would be quite an effort, and secondly, it would increase the risk of legal disputes with me, which I have neither the desire nor the time for. If you ask me personally, you might get an estimation – but most of the things you should be able to estimate yourself with the criteria mentioned below.
Before that, a little detour to the legality of such systems. It is important to note: Legal is not the same as serious.
The law says that it must not be the goal to bring as many people as possible into the system. If a profit can only be made by recruiting more and more people, then the system is not legal, because it is then a snowball or pyramid scheme. Ponzi schemes are dangerous because they require infinite growth in a finite world to be successful in the long run. All those who enter after a certain level are the losers (the last one bites the dog). Statistically, 10% of the participants manage to earn more than you pay in. 10% get out approximately what they paid in. And 80% lose money. This means:
1.there is a very high probability that you will lose money.
2.the moral question is: can you justify that 80%-100% of the people recruited by you or under you will lose money (time, friends, family) with it? Every participant of such a system carries this responsibility as a co-debtor.
The problem in recognizing such systems is that many of the typical mechanisms can be disguised. I will go into this in more detail in the criteria – close scrutiny is the key to recognition here.
There is one argumentation that I find remarkable in this context: The law contains the word "consumer". Someone who registers a trade is no longer a consumer, but a trader. This undermines the law – because a trader has a higher level of personal responsibility than a consumer and is free to choose to be ripped off.
Criteria for recognizing dubious systems These criteria are all clues that should be taken into account during an audit. As soon as something seems strange to you, leave it alone. Unfortunately, these criteria are sometimes not clear enough to come to a clear conclusion. It is more about tendencies. Depending on the person, a less strong tendency will be enough to not fall for a system. Some will only distance themselves from stronger tendencies. For me, it's about raising awareness and giving the right questions to ask. It is always important to ask a lot of questions. Do a lot of research. A mnemonic:
The closer you are to the person you are addressing, the more research you should do. If you don't know the person at all, put at least 1 day of research into the topic before you agree or even sign anything. Multiply this time the closer you are to the person
1.Spend money to get started
If the new participant has to pay money (often over a thousand euros) to join, this is a strong criterion for a dubious system. Creative people have come up with various tactics to justify your investment with a seemingly worthwhile or seemingly logical return:
– Buy product – buy a product here to get started. Travel vouchers, watches, nutritional supplements and many other high-value product lines (luxury items) are popular. Research exactly what the products are worth here. A branded watch is worthless if no one knows the brand. Run with it to a watch salesman and try to sell him the watch. The question is not whether the movement is as high quality as that of, say, a Rolex. The question is whether someone is willing to pay a lot of money for an unknown brand.
– disguised product purchase – in this system there is a theoretical possibility to be in it without prior product purchase, but then at a worse level with much lower earning potential. So you can be there without entry money, but your commissions will be even lower as a result.
In practice, they will then try to convince you (and all other newbies) that it doesn't make sense to miss out on future profits. So in the argumentation there is the theoretical possibility to join without entry fee, but in practice most of them pay their entry fee.
So here, pressure is built up on you via the argumentation of lower commissions and that it would be intelligent to join with a payment.
– Previous purchase of goods / product range – here the product range must be purchased with your own money. In the perfume sector, you often have to pay for entire perfume boxes with your own money.
– Training / Seminars / Training – here you have to pay for trainings you have to attend before you can join the system.
– License fees – self-explanatory?
In order to finance the entry fee, the distributors sometimes arrange loans, suggest to sell something or even build up pressure until you ask your family and friends for the money. By the unseriöse promise that you swim anyway soon in the money, believe the credits fast to repay to be able. It becomes still worse then (and these cases exist) if one pays then still the entrance fees for the persons recruited by it.
If you should be asked to pay in advance for the entry into a distribution system, then please be very careful.
2.Primary goal: Recruitment of new persons
This is stated in the law quoted above, that it must not be solely or primarily about introducing more participants to the system. Again, the problem is that this is obscured in many current systems. There are, as already written above, any products that serve as a pretext. Ask how many products are sold in the system per person on average (for example per month). You will get either no answer from dubious systems (we don't know) or even a lie. Probably the number of sold products is equal to the number of newly recruited distributors or at least not much higher. And thus newly recruited participants finance the whole system – which is unfair from the wording of the law. A serious company (which wants to sell products) promotes good distributors with high sales rates, and not a large structure without sales rates.
3.The products
Often the products are only mentioned in passing, while being praised to the skies. The best trip (with many hidden pitfalls), the best watch (whose brand has never been heard of outside the system) and so on. Upon closer inspection and research, you find that much of it is, to put it positively, "blatantly exaggerated marketing," to put it negatively, "lies."
A good question to ask yourself is: would I buy the product even if there was no promise of earnings behind it? If the answer is no, then don't buy!
The price question should also be clarified: Is the product overpriced? (e.g. cleaning agent: This is a concentrate, if you dilute it, it lasts 10 times longer and is only 4 times more expensive than the one from the supermarket). A serious system has about market prices. An unseriöses tries here to get more money out and overprices the products (extremely high margin). To evaluate the products according to their real value is not easy – ask enstprechende industry specialists from your circle of acquaintances. You can also ask in a specialty store, call a company or look in internet forums.
4.Complicated compensation systems
In the system is often worked with any complicated compensation systems (binary plan, matrix plan, and many others). There is a simple rule: the more complicated, the less reliable. Do not participate in any system that you do not fully understand within 20 minutes.
5.Dream promise
Now a salesman sits with you and tries to recruit you. Pay close attention to what the salesperson is talking about.
– Is it about the products? Why were they brought to market? What are the target groups?
– Or does he start with dream promises? "You can get rich this fast". Pictures of dream beaches, dream cars and dream houses.
If the focus is on dream promises, then be careful. This sounds very much like a dubious business model.
A reputable company introduces the products to such people who are already convinced of one or more of the company's products. Then, based on actual experience and without exaggeration, a reputable company presents the earning potential (what did the entrants of the last 6 months earn on average last month?).
A unserious company presents dreams and pretends they are within reach. The dubious company does not go into detail about the products and asks which friends and acquaintances should be approached about this great earning opportunity.
6.Dubious business addresses
You can research international business addresses relatively easily today – we found out once with a system that all official addresses of the company run on mailbox providers. You can always recognize this by the fact that it is a business center or two hundred other companies operate at the same address. And since you are already researching, look for the names of the CEOs, former companies of those involved, pending lawsuits and bans in other countries, criticism of the respective system and so on. Be aware that the systems always have an explanation for everything, of course. The most horrible and common explanation for critics: "He used to be with us, he didn't make it, now he's pissed and trying to disrupt our system." Do a lot of research and also talk to dropouts!
These were six characteristics that already bring you very far in the evaluation of a system. You can define more for yourself. There are also a bunch of other possible questions.
– Has the company been on the market for at least 10 years?
– Am I advised to start with family and friends?
– Am I allowed to have one-on-one conversations with participants who have been with the company for a while? Are they as rich as promised? Do you have good excuses for not being yet?
– Do I get all my questions answered, even the difficult ones?
– Is there a proper training concept for the products to be sold afterwards?
– How is the "last one to bite the dog" problem explained in the system? (Note: The number of people on the planet is finite. Calculate how many stages are possible in the binary plan, for example, before all the people on Earth are participants in the system. I was surprised!)
– If you work for yourself, you need a trade. Have you been educated about this? Is there any help with the registration? Are there other legal obligations? (Taxes!)
– What about product liability?
– Is it advertised that the system is so "new" and "innovative"? In most cases it is not!
– Calculate everything exactly – how high are the commissions? (Less than 10%? That is bad! What are the current commission levels of comparable products?) How many products do you need to sell to reach your goals? Calculate everything to the cent. Also who earns how much (upwards in the structure, manufacturer, and so on).
– Look at the products very closely – with travel vouchers there are often blatant restrictions, co-payments and so on. Also read travel reviews with the vouchers if you can find any. If you can't find any, why is that? And if someone praises too much – is it in the system?
So, I hope to have given you some good clues for evaluation. One question I keep hearing is, "Why do so many people get into this kind of system?" This has nothing (!) to do with stupidity. But if someone credibly promises you quick riches and can somehow present that as realistic, then people quickly fall for it. Mostly, these are people who want to achieve something in life, i.e. highly motivated people.
Finally, it remains to be said that a Ponzi scheme is something different from the Ponzi schemes described here. The terms are often used synonymously, but this is not correct. And again:
The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis ( has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of Eden.
In this Stew Peters Network exclusive, Director Stew Peters, award winning filmmaker Nicholas Stumphauzer and Executive Producer Lauren Witzke bring to light a truth satan himself has fought to suppress.
This could be the most important video you will ever watch.
Everyone wishes for it, but very few claim to really have it: Happiness. Yet it is often only a question of perception.
The master question: What is HAPPINESS? There are instructions for happiness, some people claim to have it, others wish they had it. But basically, one question must first be answered in order to get to the bottom of the phenomenon: What is happiness?
"Happiness is basically nothing other than the courageous will to live by accepting the conditions of life," is how the French writer Maurice Barrès (1862 – 1923) once defined the term "happiness". In Buthan, happiness was even appointed the most important state goal. Thus, in the 1970s, Buthan's king said, "Gross national happiness is more important than gross domestic product."
What is happiness? To describe happiness, which can be subjectively influenced and perceived, in a definition as an objective thing is almost impossible. But even in ancient times people tried to grasp "happiness" and its background.
Aristotle, for example, wrote a book dealing with happiness, the "Eudaimonia". In it he wrote: Bliss is "the perfect and self-sufficient good and the ultimate goal of (human) action." Previously, Plato claimed that man can only be happy when the three parts of the human soul, reason, will and desire are in balance.
Today, the general view is that one is "the architect of one's own happiness" and that happiness is the interaction of consciously made decisions and coincidences.
Not all happiness is the same In today's happiness research, a distinction is made between two types of happiness: happiness in life and happiness by chance.
Happiness in life is influenced by factors such as family, love, career, finances and leisure time. These are aspects that you can partly influence yourself and partly depend on society.
But happiness in life can also be a kind of well-being that gives you a happy feeling. For example, when you really feel at home, have a great circle of friends or live carefree with your family.
Another approach: personality-psychological concepts of happiness describe happiness in life as the "harmonious interaction of all the feelings of a well-organised personality". This means that even if life circumstances (family, work, etc.) change, personal happiness remains relatively unchanged. Happiness in life is thus seen here as a stable personality trait.
Chance happiness, as the name suggests, cannot be influenced. Chance happiness is important throughout life and comes suddenly and unexpectedly. Heinrich Heine wrote the following line about chance luck: "It kisses you quickly and flutters away."
Some luck factors In general, luck factors influence personal happiness in life. Three of these factors are:
Finances All over the world, people believe that they become happier when their income increases. And there is indeed no denying that money can make some of the worries you have in everyday life disappear into thin air. The rent can be debited, the insurance paid and the fridge filled – consequently, Maslow's bodily and security needs are met. But what remains unsatisfied by money are the social needs. As the saying goes, "You can't buy friends." – and so money alone certainly does not make people happy.
Work In today's world of work, demands are increasing, and at the same time working conditions are deteriorating. Work generally means security. But in part, giving up security can also mean freedom. Important: Communicate needs honestly to the environment: You only want to work 32 hours a week? Then ask your boss if it's possible. In principle, he can't say more than "no". And quite honestly: Do you want to work in a company that immediately dismisses you for communicating a need? Probably not. But one thing is important: stay fair and realistic!
Personal freedom Personal freedom is strongly influenced by social obligations, but you don't have to let them steer you. Whether you start a family at 30, build your first house at 35 and buy your second car at 40 is up to you. If you want to turn your hobby into a profession at 45, then do it. If you want to sell your house at 60 and sail around the world in a boat, no one can stop you. Only you determine your life – but all too often we forget that.
Other happiness factors can be the social environment, family conditions and health
How To Increase Your Sphere Of Influence In Markethive
We have a lot to be grateful for within Markethive. It’s like stepping out of the rat race into an oasis of humanity at its best. As an inbound marketing, business-based platform with an inherent entrepreneurial spirit, we have all the tools to get our message out to the whole world. We have a social media interface with a collaborative ethos rarely experienced on legacy social media.
We are starting to see new integrations in the blogging section in preparation for the customized, more intuitive interface anddashboard of Markethive and, of course, the Markethive Walletthat will facilitate the Merchant accounts for members as well as personal transactions, the Vault, etc.
Image: Updated feature above all Blogs
As shown above, the new-look Blogcasting Hub is located at the top of all blogs in the system. Blogcasting is a term introduced by Markethive and is an enhanced broadcasting system. In the traditional broadcasting sense, only the people who physically subscribe to your blog or newsletter are usually notified of your updates via email.
With this blogcasting system, your social networks are informed of your blog as and when you publish them. What this means is the potential reach is into the millions.
For example, If I subscribe to your blog and have 20,000 followers across all my social media accounts, and you have 15,000 subscribers each with a similar following, your blogs have now been potentially seen by around 300,000,000 people. These are people who are not directly subscribed to you. It is known as a “reach” and is extremely powerful.
WP Plugin Article Import
When you use the Markethive blogging system, your content can easily be distributed to your and others’ WordPress sites who subscribe to you. WordPress has been around for years and is a renowned world leader in Blogging platforms.
It will be integrated into the new Page Making system where all member accounts will receive a WordPress site and be assigned an email for both POP email and default website with an option to assign it to your WordPress or Markethive capture page.
Markethive’s “Blogcasting” is an excellent solution to the long-term problem of getting the word out legitimately to people who want to hear what you have to say. Blogging is the purest essence of inbound marketing and the core of what Markethive does.
Image: Inbound Content Marketing Wheel
Blog System In Your Storefront Niche
Markethive has successfully combined all the technical and tactical aspects and requirements into one system and overcame the obstacles to make blogging a group process. You can mentor your new associates or offer your customers ongoing support through your Storefront Group.
Connecting with them through writing blogs and articles consistently with exciting and relevant information will create an authoritative presence, perhaps meet a customer’s need and provide a solution that maybe can’t be recognized in a short advertising message. It can start conversations and is an excellent way to be invited into the consumers’ hearts and minds.
It helps us be more human in everything we do and in every engagement. It’s about building relationships and connecting at an authentic and genuine level. The most human company wins, and the technology should be used to help your company be more compassionate, receptive, fascinating, and valuable.
Markethive’s Inbound Marketing platform delivers a blogging system built for the beginner, sophisticated for the intermediate, and a compelling platform that advanced professional bloggers will appreciate. The system is designed to develop a complete blog system effortlessly, and easily set up to be the engine that powers your WordPress blogs.
Image: Drop-down menus on Blogging Platform
Blog Subscribe
The Blog Subscribe feature is where other Markethive members can subscribe to your blog by checking the status of any medium displayed in the drop-down menu. Other sites are to be added, subject to alignment and collaboration of the parties in question going forward.
When they subscribe (and the potential is 1000s of them), your blog posts are automatically posted to their newsfeeds, email, and any social media accounts they’ve checked. This provides a downstream of subscribers, fellow entrepreneurs at Markethive, who expose their connections to your message; they lift you, increase your popularity, and build more outstanding branding.
When your blogs are shared and consequently clicked on, they move up in the search rankings. Your readers will want others to know if you're providing quality content. Of course, the only way to make sure your blogs contribute to your website’s popularity is to create unique content, provide answers for visitors, and then share your blogs wherever you can.
Through the News Feed and Blogcasting Hub, you can promote any products and services globally with a reach into the billions. That is because when people do searches, if the content on your blog is what they are after, they will find you. A very high percentage of the traffic is non-member-related, so many of the people you address on your blog do not even belong to the site.
Blog Swipe
The Markethive blog system allows you to make your content available to all members when set on Public upon publishing your blog. The other options are privacy, comments, and swiping are to your friends only, or just to members of all the Groups you belong to, or a selection of them or just one (your choice). You can also set it to Private so no one can swipe your blog.
Why? There are many sound reasons for this.
Content curation is the process of sorting through the vast amounts of content on the web and presenting it in a meaningful and organized way around a specific theme. The work involves sifting, sorting, arranging, and publishing information. Markethive offers features to the groups you create and is the perfect blogging platform.
The option allows others to reproduce your work with your permission and automatically take an exact copy of your blog to their Markethive Blog System. WordPress plugin enables your blog articles massive syndication to other Markethive members' WordPress blogs.
Simply set up a Curating Group for yourself and Swipe the blogs in Markethive as a collection of content you may want to use in your publications. The new Markethive interface will house a newsfeed specifically for curation to intuitively organize and further our reach.
You may have a group of members who want to edit, add, or rewrite your content. It is an active phenomenon in Markethive, offering mentorship to people keen to learn the art of writing and blogging, advancing their presence.
You may get critiques when you produce a blog, so I just offer them to swipe it, edit and change it as they see fit, and then let me know. If I like it, I swipe it back. It’s all about perpetual learning and the ability to express yourself within a collaborative culture.
The ability to swipe a Blog makes it so much easier to get started, and new bloggers go from poorly and rarely produced blog posts to 1 or 2 dynamic and excellent on-topic blog posts daily. In other words, thanks to the collaborative culture and mentorship, Markethive is now churning out a new breed of wonderful and dynamic bloggers.
A Markethive feature allows you to create unlimited groups, each with a different cocktail of content curated, aggregated, or from multiple group memberships. So the options to produce unique content for unlimited WordPress blogs controlled from within Markethive are unlimited.
Image: Blogcasting Infographic
Ecosystem For Entrepreneurs With Respect
Markethive is blockchain-driven, being integrated on the Solana Blockchain. The Markethive coin is mined when members utilizing the platform as the system rewards you with the Hivecoin Token for using the platform as intended.
It’s important to note that excessive non-productive actions and engagement for the sole purpose of accumulating the token are not rewarded. Measures have been put in place for fraudulent behavior, which is considered toxic for the professionalism of the platform.
With all members' creative content in mind, distributed, peer-to-peer data, communications, broadcasting, and marketing foundation are advantages. With distributed decentralized cloud servers, the likelihood of a data crash, central server failure, hacking, and political unrest is heavily mitigated, delivering an extremely stable platform for each subscriber on their merit.
Another Advantage Coming
Blogcasting is a Blogging Broadcasting System introduced and enhanced by Markethive. When you use the Markethive blogging system, your content can easily be distributed to your and other WordPress sites.
Markethive has also built into the system the ability to register your other social network accounts, with more being added as we move forward with the new interface. You can subscribe to your blogs and others, therefore literally distributing content to a vast reach into the billions.
The added advantage is the Bounty Program that is currently in the works. This means you will be rewarded for registering all your separate accounts through the Markethive platform. Subscribing and following the many Markethive social media accounts will qualify you for the Infinity Bounty Program.
CEO of Markethive Thomas Prendergast explains the workings and benefits of the upcoming Infinity Bounty Program.
Regardless of your motivation and drive, Markethive will add to your objectives, broaden your reach, and build your sphere of influence further and more significant than anything before has even attempted to do.
The moment you join Markethive, you have an instant setup of your own “Viral Blog” ready for you to begin posting content and marketing your business, product, service, or even personal content. You’ll be up and running the moment you set up your account! Markethive nurtures the Rise of the Entrepreneur with the Divine Vision to put a great future in your hands.
And while many dream of the progressive life, for us it is quite ordinary. We live, think, learn, work, consume, eat, get sick and die the way we learned to live, think, learn, work, consume, eat, get sick and die, and in the course of time we get used to the strangest things.
But if I erase everything I have learned and look at the present as a stranger from the outside, I no longer understand the world:
Surreal reality is normality We hang people on tubes, insert artificial joints and make their hearts beat artificially. We keep bodily functions alive while the soul may be on a completely different path.
We screen our bodies, but not the meaning of life.
We are not allowed to let people die, but we are allowed to keep them alive – are we not then allowed to judge their death by judging their life?
We don't have time, although everything goes faster.
We look at displays all day, but less at faces.
We have the best conversation, but have conversations less often.
We speed up, but go backwards.
We have it easier, but are getting heavier.
We are overfed, but underfed.
We are more comfortable, but get sick.
We have prosperity, but suffer from prosperity diseases.
We have become the tools of our own inventiveness – the world is becoming more and more complex, although life is supposed to become simpler.
Prisoners of freedom Because we want cheap meat, we produce animals like matter and grow fodder crops, although people are starving. We are closest to ourselves and yet often miles away. We can be in any place at any time, but are rarely in the present. The world is getting smaller – we can even bring it home. Everything is possible – WE ARE FREE! But freedom makes us its prisoners. When everything is possible, we have a thousand possibilities and always too little time. We are the slaves of our time: separated from our families and married to work because modern life demands flexible people.
The dependence of freedom We dissect the world under the microscope, but forget to marvel.
We feel omnipotent – yet we lose control.
We want to possess, but become obsessed with everything.
We root ourselves in the earth, but destroy it.
We are outnumbered, but consume the most resources.
We always want more, but overlook what we have.
We look for happiness around us and don't feel that we have it inside us.
We no longer have to be cold – we have even turned on the heating in the world.
We have the most modern machines, but we forget our own hands.
We consume products from other continents but cannot order our own garden – not even online.
We are free, but more dependent than ever before.
And although we are allowed to choose, we lament not having a choice.
Responsibility in globalisation We – is the western lifestyle.
We – is the high standard of living.
We – is the model for many people around the world who have been at home in their unique cultures. Gradually they are disappearing into a shallow monotony.
Are these lamentations on a high level
or justified doubts about our form of society?
It is far from all bad, but much could be better if we were less complex and more simple again. In the constant striving for faster, further, higher, I long for a reversal: back to the roots and touching the earth with your hands again!
Hard times are no fun. They come unasked, unwanted, and yet we have to get through them somehow. Often they are even a key for our personal development.
In this article, you'll find four ideas about the mindset that will help you get through difficult times.
What happens when the framework of life starts to shake? It's relatively easy to be happy and content when things in our lives are running smoothly. When nothing is jarring and everything feels like it should be exactly the same – or at least similar – to the way it is right now. When we have valuable people around us, a solid job under our feet, a goal and lots of plans ahead of us.
But what happens when circumstances suddenly change?
When the stable framework begins to shake, the ground sinks in,
the scaffolding collapses and happiness plunges down with us?
Does it stay with us down there?
Or does it give way to loneliness and hopelessness?
Difficult times are part of our life Some affliction always occurs to life to make us wobble or even fall over: a great tragedy or the subtle feeling that we are not running in our own lane; that something is wrong. There is no such thing as a life without depths.
They will come. And it's good that they come, because they are part of our lives. Depths and precipitation enable growth, cause change and make us rethink things.
Four suggestions on how to get through hard times better Maybe we can see them coming, maybe they catch us off guard. But when they are there and at times we no longer know where up is and down is and who we are ourselves, and we wonder why fate is shooting poisonous arrows at us, the following four ideas can help you get through hard times with more purpose and gentleness.
1 – Embrace the feelings – even the ones that weigh us down While virtually we express more and more with emojis, in analog life we like to shirk the unpleasant feelings. We don't want to feel pain and would prefer to run away from it, shake it off and just leave it behind. Unfortunately, this does not work.
In fact, the opposite is true: we cope with and process our soul pain by encountering and experiencing it. By looking at the emotions and taking them apart, understanding them and putting them back together, we can heal ourselves.
So allow yourself to feel the pain.
It's okay to hurt. Hard times are part of it.
Your tears are okay.
They are meant to be cried.
Cry them so you can laugh again soon.
Good times, hard times – life is duality Because no life is solely pain, but every life is duality, you can only feel pain because you know what joy feels like. And because every element of life is as impermanent as life itself, melancholy will also pass away. Find the meaning behind it and give it the space it demands. Don't make it bigger than it is, but don't try to ignore it either. Embed it in the big picture – in this way you neither make your worries bigger nor smaller, but put them in relation – and that makes them smaller in the end.
Defense creates suffering, acceptance heals Give the pain the time it wants to be with you. You are not alone. The pain is with you to help you, to free you, so that your life becomes easier again and finds its way back on track.
Obstacles, lows and turning points are lessons of life that we can grow from and become who we are meant to be in this world.
Nothing happens without a reason. But we often only understand the meaning behind the pain in retrospect, when we look at this phase in the context of our entire life. Even if we cannot make sense of every crisis, they are inevitably part of our being. We should accept them and the unchangeable – with everything that goes with them – and after a while continue on our way strengthened.
2 – Look for happiness within us – even if you don't believe you'll find it there Especially in hard times, we want to give up the weight most of all. We try to distract ourselves and stuff the empty,unfulfilled needs with externalities. No matter whether it's with a shopping spree, a ready-to-eat pizza or a bottle of red wine – we wake up the next morning at the latest and the supposed fullness has been digested. The emptiness reappearsbecause superficial happiness can never alleviate a profound pain. It may numb it, but it can't reach it, and it certainly can't dissolve it.
Your inner light shines even in the darkest times Because true happiness comes from within – and not from a plastic bag, from the best kebab store in town, or as a genie from some wine bottle. Always. Even in our most difficult times. Even when we think that only empty, dark smoke rises from within, which we want to extinguish with all our might through some distraction, our inner self also brings forth light.
Rediscovering difficult times and happiness Learning something new, being grateful and curious, playing or exercising, praying or meditating, spending time in nature or with loved ones can give us true happiness. Even in the hardest of times. Even when you don't believe in it. So don't hide from the dark side of life. Start meditating or painting or learning something new. Do what is good for you, so you nourish yourself. That true happiness comes from within is a gift of life to each of us. You have your own source that no one can turn off – not even you.
3 – Be grateful – even for the small things In the dark times, life is not only upside down – you also see nothing and forget some things that were long internalized, including our gratitude.
As soon as we are overwhelmed by our emotions, they override the rational thought processes. In hard times, we literally forget the good in our lives. Yet the beauty of gratitude is that it is simply a matter of perspective: every moment offers the chance to be grateful.
Discover the good – even in difficult times Even if you can't feel it at times, you know what people, events or circumstances you can be grateful for.
Think about it and look for the good in your life. Don't let pain paint everything black that was shining a while ago. Be grateful as best you can right now. And then be grateful when you feel better because of it.
4 – Be mindful – when you least want to be Especially during the difficult times of life, I would like to be anything but mindful. I want to be able to fast-forward the days or weeks, and sometimes even the months, during these difficult times, so I can skip the stressful emotions and escape the now.
In this, the now is the only thing we truly possess. Even though it's hard, we should accept that we are where and how we are right now: In the dark, perhaps on the most difficult stage of our lives.
And clearly it's not pretty there.
And of course we want to move on as quickly as possible. But this resistance requires much more energy than simply accepting the suffering in the now.
Simply accepting difficult times Mindfulness is on everyone's lips, but it is far from being present in all lives. Practicing it helps to first simply take things as they arise: without judgment, concern, or objection. Regrets about the past or worries about the future – we do that first. Things are as they are – with all their advantages and disadvantages. And often not as bad as our heads suggest. You are here now:
In the here and now. Walk bravely through the hard times, because they make life deeper, make you stronger and make you who you are supposed to be.
When someone comes up with a good idea, the temptation or natural byproduct can be glory or honor for the one who came up with it. However, when God gives us a vision, the vision is often something that would be impossible if left simply to our human ability
John 10:10 – The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
Luke 4:18-19 – 18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken-hearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; 19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”
Not all visions are from God. The problem with getting your vision from other sources other than God is that while it may have an earthly appeal, it would lack divine/eternal dividend. In order to avoid gaining the whole world and losing your soul, the following are the acid test to show that a vision is from God:-
You will need God to know and fulfil it – if God is the source of your vision, then you will need God to fulfil it. Jesus, continually pointed to God has His source. The same thing with Paul, he pointed the Christ has both his source of vision and strength(Philippians 4:13). If you are the source of your vision, then you are the Lord of your life and then you are your own saviour and that means your vision is limited to your ability and God is ruled out. It is source that determines size. It is source that determines resource. So be wise to receive the vision for your life from God. From above scripture in Luke 4 you will see that Jesus made it clear that it is the Spirit of the Lord that has given Him the assignment and the vision was not self-made.
It should benefit humanity – The bible says, for God so love the world,… God’s vision benefits all humanity. God does not discriminate against anybody. Jesus died for all and not for some. If you are the only one that your vision benefits then it is not from God. Your vision should benefit all that believe and receive it. God loves people more than anything, so if your vision does not improve God’s most important treasure then your vision is worth very little. My question is if your vision gets fulfilled today apart from your family and you, who and who would also benefit from it. The true worth of a vision is in the magnitude of its beneficiaries. The vision of Jesus was centred on meeting the need of humanity so your vision should take after Jesus Christ.
It will give you fulfilment and peace of mind – Romans 14:17 – for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
The peace of God that passes all understanding, will keep your mind and soul when your vision is from God. When God calls He also keeps. When He gives you vision, he makes provision. He told the disciples, I am with you always even to the end of the age. Jesus asked the disciples a question after they returned from the ministry work he sent them, He asked ‘did you lack anything when i sent you out ’ and they replied ‘’we lacked nothing, Lord ’. When then vision is from God, you will enjoy peace and fulfilment, in spite of any opposition.
Please share with us your perspective of Markethive. Do you believe Markethive is a vision? A project so huge only God could make it real?
Since the Ukraine war, the prices of many commodities have been rising rapidly. For Credit Suisse analyst Zoltan Poszar, the commodity bull market is a foretaste of long-term changes in the global monetary system: commodities will replace government bonds as the main components of the world financial order, China's currency will strengthen – and Bitcoin could be a big winner.
The respected analyst Zoltan Poszar, who is currently responsible for Credit Suisse's short-term interest rate strategy after holding advisory positions at the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank, by no means considers the Ukraine war to be a local conflict with little impact on the global economy. On the contrary: according to him, this conflict will bring about fundamental changes in the global monetary system, the first effects of which are already visible. The world financial order will not be the same after 2022 – Poszar expects a new system, which he christens "Bretton Woods III".
Poszar reckons with Bretton Woods III In classifying the global monetary order since World War II, Poszar follows the common view of economic historians who distinguish between two periods. From 1944 to 1971, the Bretton Woods system provided for the US dollar as the anchor currency: The currencies of the 44 participating countries agreed in Bretton Woods (New Hampshire) on a fixed exchange rate of their currencies to the US dollar, whose value in turn was fixed at 35 US dollars per fine ounce of gold. However, the trade deficits of the USA grew so strongly over time that President Richard Nixon dissolved the gold peg of the dollar in 1971. This was the beginning of the era of freely convertible currencies that are hedged with liabilities in other nations' currencies on banks' balance sheets, which continues to this day. De facto, these are mainly US dollars outside the US; for example, China has dollar reserves worth more than three trillion US dollars. According to Poszar, this second period, which he calls "Bretton Woods II", has come to an end due to the global instability caused by the Ukraine war – now "Bretton Woods III" is following with completely different mechanisms of action.
Ukraine war leads to "regime change" in the world financial order Poszar sees the global monetary order at a turning point. The Bretton Woods system was supported by gold, the second period (1971-2022) was characterised by "inside money" (especially US government bonds within the international monetary system) and in the third period now beginning "outside money" (gold and other commodities) will play the greatest role. Pozsar bases his expectation on the fact that for the first time in post-war history the foreign exchange reserves of a central bank have been frozen – namely in the context of the Western seizure of Russia's extensive foreign currency. Government bonds and foreign assets that were considered risk-free are now suddenly at risk of confiscation – a drastic change that Poszar sees as the beginning of a turning point in the global financial system: "We are witnessing the birth of Bretton Woods III – a new (monetary) world order based on commodity-based currencies in the East that will presumably weaken the Eurodollar system and also increase inflationary tendencies in the West," says Proszas in a paper he published.
China's position strengthened Against this backdrop, Poszar emphasises the special role of China, which nowadays has enormous global economic weight thanks to its rapid economic upswing. So far, China has not imposed any sanctions on Russia and continues to buy Russian raw materials – at significantly reduced prices, since Russia can hardly sell its high supply of raw materials in Western countries. According to Poszar, the Chinese central bank could choose between two strategies to finance the mass purchase of Russian commodities: On the one hand, the People's Bank of China could sell US government bonds, which would increase inflationary pressure in the West and cause bond yields to rise. On the other hand, China could practice "quantitative easing", i.e. increase the Chinese money supply. This would in turn strengthen the position of the renminbi in the global world monetary system and especially weaken the role of the US dollar as the world reserve currency.
Bitcoin as a new safe haven? Poszar also sees bitcoin – along with gold and other commodities – as profiting from the new monetary order he expects. Bitcoin would emerge as a winner from the upheavals; but only if Bitcoin "still exists then". If it does, Bitcoin could rise to become an important asset protection, both from inflation and geopolitical instability. Recent weeks have shown that nation-based financial assets are far from risk-free, which could benefit decentralised financial transactions like cryptocurrencies. Jon Wolfenberger, CEO of Bull and Bear Profits, agrees with Poszar and considers Bitcoin "a great alternative with lower political risks". In recent weeks, however, even Bitcoin and Co. have not been able to escape the downward trend of most assets, with Bitcoin losing 14 per cent since the end of the year and Ethereum even 28 per cent. Gold, on the other hand, gained 3.7 percent (as of mid-March).
Papic thinks Proszar's forecast is exaggerated Bitcoin's current performance is thus at odds with a supposed safe haven. Likewise, since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Western currencies such as the US dollar and the Swiss franc have appreciated enormously. Marko Papic, chief strategist at Clocktower Group, calls the expectation that the dollar could lose its status as the world's reserve currency "exaggerated". Papic does, however, expect a "multipolar" world financial order to emerge, in which the values of the currency will shift considerably. In this context, the strength of the Chinese renminbi expected by Proszas has been confirmed in the past few trading days, with China's currency appreciating strongly.