All posts by Alan B. Zibluk

Article Content For Your Blog

blog secretArticle Content For Your Blog

Original and Fresh Content is not as easy as it sounds. We are talking about unique information that will move people to your site. See, the problem with many companies showing up on the top page today is that their pages are optimized for Google with a combination of nonsense sentences and keywords. So, my approach is, why not build a website that actually is optimized for humans?

When you do this, you are automatically taking care of the optimization for Google. Come on people, we all know that Google has game and they’re increasing their technology every day finding ways to get rid of this “optimization” deal. Google is always on the side of the users and never the advertisers keep that in mind.

Guess what, once you have original and fresh content, people are going to want to visit your site and link to your site. Hey, we just took care of Popularity as well. I’m not saying you do not have to work on the link exchange thing but promise me that it will be minimal. Also you want to stay away from link farms, link exchange offers and paying for links.

So I hear that question, how else am I going to bring links to my site? The answer is content. Write articles, submit it to article sites. Prepare a PR, submit it to Believe me; all these will bring links to your site. All you have to do is, mention your website at the end of these articles and make sure you link to your site with your advertised link text.

Now you are thinking, “That’s it; I have the content and the links, I’m the king of Google”. That would be wrong. Always remember that while you are doing content and popularity, there are a million competitors doing that and more. So you want to Maintain your content. You want to update it every week so every time Google spiders come to visit your site, they find new useful information. Keep up with daily life and updated news.

For example, if you sell farming supplies and the price of grain goes up, you should write an article and put it in your site. Also publish those articles on other articles sites. You can find these sites easily with a “article submit” search on Google.

Connecting Your Posts To The Markethive Social Network Ecosystem.

My Markethive System

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Donald Trump Has Mastered These 5 Psychological Tactics to Get Ahead

For many people, it’s surprisingly easy to dismiss “The Donald” as a moronic blowhard. From his bombastic remarks to his over-the-top lifestyle, he often comes off as little more than a rich bully pandering for attention. But is he really?

You don’t need to be a genius to make millions, but billions is a very different story. Billions is not an accident, and I don’t believe for a moment that his success in the presidential race is either. Rather, I believe we’re seeing a master class in showmanship from a very intelligent businessman.

Here are five psychological tactics that Trump is using to rocket himself to the top of the polls:

1. Make people underestimate you.

Making yourself seem smart is easy. Read lots of books, learn to speak eloquently, dress well — if you look and act the part, most people will take you at face value. But tricking smart people into thinking you’re an imbecile, even though you’re secretly brilliant — now, that’s hard.

Why would anyone want to do this? Because it gives them a rather useful advantage over their opponents, and Trump is a strategist at heart. He knows that if his opponents don’t take him seriously, all sorts of great things can happen: they may not prepare as well for debates, work as hard to win certain states or pay attention to what they’re saying as carefully as they should.

Takeaway: What looks like a mistake may be nothing but a feint, and if your opponent fails to keep their guard up because they don’t see you as a threat, you can mop the floor with them before they know what hit them.

2. Know who you're speaking to.

Trump’s wealth comes from real estate, which is an industry that involves constant negotiation. One of the first and most important facets of negotiation (not to mention politics) is to understand, as deeply as you can, the people on the other side of the table.

There’s an enormous amount of demographic data on voter turnout out there, as well as a massive number of blogs and social-media outlets available for data mining and sentiment analysis. Suffice to say that Trump knows who he’s speaking to, what their hot buttons are and how to get them riled up.

Beyond that, he says what’s on his mind (and more important, what’s on the mind of many Americans), and doesn’t pull any punches. To put it simply, he seems very real and very human.

Your typical politician is the exact opposite: they’re polished, careful and very much politically correct. Many of them come off as sleazy, cold and corrupt, with plastic smiles and limp handshakes. Politicians have a bad rap for a reason, and a great many people have learned not to trust them.

Takeaway: If you want to win, you need to know your audience, and gain their trust.

3. Be polarizing.

Did you know that Howard Stern is worth somewhere north of $500 million? Do you know how he made that money? By pissing lots of people off. Advertisers pay based on the number of viewers or listeners for a show, and Stern learned early on that the people who hated him actually listened to his show more than his fans.

Trump is no stranger to show business, and he understands this principle well. If you try to please everyone, you please no one. But if you try to please a specific group of people, you will absolutely make others angry, and that can be surprisingly good for business.

Takeaway: Taking a stance that will make some people angry is great — it gets you more attention, more press coverage and more fans (or in Trump's case, voters).

4. Ask for more than you want.

Anyone who has ever haggled for something knows that the first offer is nothing but a starting point for negotiations.

Trump gets this, and his opponents clearly do not. He throws things out there that seem ridiculous if taken at face value (build a wall, throw out all the "illegals," etc.), but if you keep in mind that he’s tossing out starting points, that changes things dramatically. Trump is almost certainly happy to accept far less than his opening offer, but he wants to control the range.

Takeaway: The person who makes the first offer gets to control the psychological range of the haggling, much as the person making the first move in chess gets to set the initial direction of the game.

5. Use misdirection.

Trump is loud, brash, and seems to get riled up fairly easily. I’m pretty sure it’s nothing but a carefully orchestrated act. In fact, watching Trump, I’m reminded of watching videos of con artists and mentalists such as Apollo Robbins.

Takeaway: The ability to control what people focus on puts you in a position of immense power. You can throw people off their game, send them on wild goose chases or rob them blind. In the case of Trump, you can lead your opponents and the media around by their noses while winning over the masses.

At the end of the day I believe that Trump is a brilliant showman and businessman, and there’s a ton to be learned from watching him spin his web. But there’s a great difference between being the CEO of a company and the president of the United States.

A president is an envoy, a representative of the people and a diplomat above all else. Who we put in that office tells the rest of the world a great deal about what we value, the type of behavior we respect and how seriously we should be taken.

Is Trump the right person for that role? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

This article was written by

Entrepreneur Contributor


Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Rebirth of Email Is Coming in 2016 – Really?

Email marketing was ignored, under-resourced, and declared uncool and dead during the rise of social media.

email marketing

Now that leased media is morphing into paid media, and paid media is morphing into blocked media, brands are returning to permission-based email marketing to find that it has new synergies, powerful new capabilities, broader integration, and fresh blood.

Prediction #1: We’ll see many more positive media stories about email marketing than negative in 2016.

It has always been the workhorse behind eCommerce, but now email marketing has become a driving force behind content during the meteoric rise of content marketing. Thanks to advancements in personalization, dynamic content, and predictive analytics, email newsletters have become “the new homepage,” in the words of Contently’s Jordan Teicher.

The Rise of Mobile

Email marketing has also become central to mobile strategies. Reading email has been a top activity on smartphones for a long time, and the growing adoption of responsive email design is boosting smartphone conversion rates to make the most of this opportunity. This holiday season has been a breakout one for mobile shopping and the momentum will carry into the New Year. Beacons, geofences, mobile bar codes, and app behavior triggers will further intertwine email and mobile in 2016 and beyond.

Prediction #2: The majority of email opens will occur on mobile devices in 2016.

Prediction #3: The majority of brands will use responsive design for their marketing emails in 2016.

The Integration of ESPs

Email marketing is also benefiting from broader integration across business functions, thanks to more than $6 billion in acquisitions of major email service providers (ESPs) over the past few years by Salesforce, Oracle, IBM, Adobe, and others. Rather than experiencing a wave of consolidation, where ESPs buy other ESPs, the email industry is experiencing a wave of integration, where ESPs are being melded into customer relationship management, digital marketing, and enterprise resource planning suites.

Prediction #4: Another major ESP will be acquired in 2016 by a software titan.

Together, these advancements have elevated email marketing’s stature and put it on a clear path to achieving the 1-to-1 marketing paradigm, as brands are increasingly empowered to facilitate customer journeys and maximize lifetime value. But it’s not just that it’s getting well-deserved attention again—email marketing is actually kind of cool again.

Whereas the email industry suffered an exodus of talent to social media and mobile during the mid-2000s, now there’s an influx of new talent, most notably from the world of web development. This fresh blood is driving the industry in a new direction, one where emails don’t always act like simple gateways to landing pages.

Sometimes the email will facilitate more of a customer interaction before the clickthrough to the destination, whether it’s through hamburger menus, email carousels, embedded video, or live Twitter streams—and sometimes the email will be the destination itself, where subscribers can take action or convert without leaving the inbox.

Pioneered by innovative companies like Rebelmail, interactive email experiences will bring new energy to the industry over the next 12 to 18 months as familiar web experiences make their way into the inbox.

Prediction #5: The first brands will offer checkout experiences that are fully contained within emails in 2016.

The cumulative effect of all of these developments is that email marketing will experience a second coming of age during 2016. It will be a time of accelerating competitive advantage for brands that are committed to investing in high-ROI subscriber-centric strategies. And it will be a dangerous time for brands whose resource-starved email strategies have never matured beyond batch and blast.

If you believe that my message is worth spreading, please use the share buttons if they show at the top of the page.

Stephen Hodgkiss
Chief Engineer at MarketHive

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Driverless Vehicles on UK Roads?

Driverless Vehicles in the UK ?

The UK government has just announced that testing of autonomous vehicles in the UK may take place on roads in the UK, including a section of specially adapted motorway, I suppose that this is good news but it will be some time before you will see a car without someone sitting in the driving seat.

Anyone who has used an in car navigation will know that GPS is an aid but does not at the moment provide information on one way streets and bus lanes. In fact at times it can be a distraction for drivers. I have on occasions approaching or on a round about listening to the instruction nearly forgotten to observe traffic lights and at least once had to advise my wife to make a left hand turn due to the road ahead being restricted to buses only.

Clearly a lot of work will be required for vehicles to be able see and react to their surrounding as well as knowing where they are and how to get to their destination. Laws will need to be amended, to cover situations where a driver is not in control of a vehicle, even if seated in the drivers seat as vehicle is switched to autonomous mode.

Inter vehicle communication is envisages with cars signalling each other when they are braking or encountering road hazards such as traffic jams, accidents and hazardous road condition, but these are in the future. During the first phase there will be a test driver ready to take override action when necessary, Autonomous mode wll probably be restricted to motorway driving and slow speed manoeuvres

David Ogden
Helping People Help Themselves

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Having a CRM system doesn’t mean you no longer have to pick up the phone!


  In many types of businesses a salesman is required to close sales. This is not only true for big ticket items like cars and airplanes, but a myriad of different types of businesses too numerous to be named.

Even for most of the items on your grocery store shelves, a salesman probably was involved to get the supermarket manager or chain, interested enough to provide shelf space for that particular product at some point in time. Even though new automation marketing may provide prospect data and up to the minute d detailed information on how your prospects interact on your website, this information alone will usually not close the sale.


This is quite obvious basic information, of course, but no company with a CRM system (Customer Relationship Management) software should be unclear that the CRM software is merely a tool to provide additional data for the salesperson, and to help find the prospects who are ready, willing, and able to buy at the current time.


Face to face visits, (when possible), phone calls, Skype calls, webinar events, presentations, etc. are where sales are made. Everything else is just background to the actual sale. Sometimes the amount of data can be a little distracting, but keeping all eyes on the prize should prevent this.


The relationship between the salesman and the customer is the most critical one a business has, and all the advertising in the world, cannot substitute for the personal relationship that exists there.


Sales and marketing managers also need to make sure that this fundamental level of contact with the customer is taken care of. Tracking calls, visits, and all of these one-to-one connections with prospects is just as critical as the detailed information you receive from a CRM, if not of greater importance. CRM systems, once costly propositions restricted to entrerprise-level companies are now highly affordable, even for the smallest business.


For more information, click the link below. click here —-> Affordable Automation for Everyone  

Related articles

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

A Different Job Interview

I spent an interesting morning yesterday at the National Water sports Centre Holme Pierrepont. I had applied for work there and I was invited for a practical assessment. Unfortunately the weather system which resulted in the snow storm which shut down the East coast of the USA, was  passing
over the UK, so the winds were high with rain in the north.

There were a number of no shows so what had been planned to last a day only covered the morning as only one other person attended. We ended up only doing one practical test of building a raft and assembled a raft using four barrels, two long poles as six short and thinner poles and numerous ropes. We took our time and after 30 minutes built a passable raft, capable of carry four people. We were then made aware of possible safety issues where  limbs could become trapped. Three instructors them demonstrated a different design using four Barrels, the two long poles and just four ropes built in 5mins and once again pointing out areas to watch when assembling and using rafts.

The winds were still strong, above the limits of normal operations so no further tests were possible  but we were taken on a tour around the site viewing the Rowing course, Assault course challenge, E-combat, Sky trail, mini golf, Laser Tag and Segways. I was impressed with the Sky trail from a  safety point of view as users are permanently attached  to a track from start to finish and even toddlers can use a mini version, We also viewed the extensive sailing and canoeing equipment, safety boats, White Water area and Wake boarding set-up.

We finished up with checking our certificates and discussing work opportunities. One question  came to light was my lack of formal certification  versus years of experience. Which has the most value, ideally you need both. Rules and regulations in the UK require valid certificates, however no training can cover all eventualities and this  is where experience comes into play. The question for potential employers is it worth to spend time and money in training up experienced people or do they accept only those with certification.

I now have to wait a few weeks, as they have another weekend assessment to complete, before they will invite selected candidates for a more formal interview.

This afternoon, I continue my School Governor training, having been elected in December, I need to learn  more about how the education system works in the UK.


David Ogden
Helping Peaple Help themselves

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

European Refugee Crisis

European Refugee Crisis.

There seems to be little action taking place to resolve the situation and now they are talking of changing the rules laid down in the Dublin Agreement, which states that those seeking asylum in Europe need to apply in the first country they reach,

The rules have worked fine for years, however numbers have increased including large numbers of economic migrants who have swelled the numbers and do not qualify for asylum. Last year Germany announced it would accept anyone who reached it border and this effectively destroyed any form of control, causing millions of people to cross from Turkey to Greece and North Africa to Italy, Malta and France, many without documents. European countries were eventually forced to temporary close their borders as they could not cope.

Germany has now admitted that it cannot cope with the 1.1 million refugees and in it fact does not even know where over half of them are because they only registered names and country of origin before allowing them to travel to the area of Germany they wished to live in to apply for Asylum and it is possible that some may have left Germany for other countries.

Immigrant are increasingly being accused of causing problems in countries they are living in including Germany and Sweden, probably the worse case being in Calais where some 150 broke through security fences and 50 of them boarded a ferry bound for the UK. They complain about living conditions in the “Jungle” camps both in Calais and Dunkirk but are unlikely to use new facilities under construction by the French Government at Dunkirk as they fear they will become internment camps.

The truth is that many immigrants will not be granted asylum as they are merely economic migrants and not refugees whose lives are in danger. Law and order has broken down what is need is for refugees to be able to register as asylum seekers either before they travel to Europe or on arrival. There needs to be a way to fast track applications, rejecting those who are economic migrant who should apply for visa's in the normal way

UK Asylum – If someone is at risk of being persecuted in their own country, they may go abroad and ask for asylum in another country. Granting ‘asylum’ means giving someone permission to remain in another country because of that risk of persecution.

In legal terms, a person who has asked for asylum in the UK and is waiting for a decision on that claim is called an asylum seeker. Someone who has received a positive decision on his or her asylum claim is called a refugee.

Although some asylum seekers might enter the UK illegally, once they have applied for asylum they are no longer ‘illegal’. Anyone seeking protection is entitled to stay in the UK while awaiting a decision on their asylum claim.

The right to claim asylum is in international law. Governments are obliged to provide protection to people who meet the criteria for asylum. The UK has signed these international laws and they are part of UK legislation.

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Blogging Tips in MarketHive and Elsewhere

For all you budding Bloggers here in MarketHive. Once you have posted your article, display the post and use the Share buttons to send it around the Internet … Use StumbleUpon, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn etc.. I also use Buffer, as it allows me to share it once and then it sends it Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn all at the same time. I mention this as I see many posts with 0 views and this means that you have not even shared it once to your own social media accounts.
How to Blog Almost Every Day
  1. Read something new every day. …
  2. Talk with people every day. …
  3. Write down titles and topic ideas in a notepad file. …
  4. Maintain a healthy bookmarking and revisiting habit. …
  5. Find 20-40 minutes in every day to sit still and type.
  6. Follow an easy framework. …
  7. Get the post up fast, not perfect.

If you believe that my message is worth spreading, please use the share buttons if they show at the top of the page.

Stephen Hodgkiss
Chief Engineer at MarketHive

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

I would actually bring this to a party and/or social gathering

I would actually bring this to a party and/or social gathering
Super Easy Mexican Crockpot Casserole

This is a follow up to my last blog post “Fairly Easy Chickpea, Lentil, Brown Rice & Broccoli Crockpot Casserole” as this week I made “Super Easy Mexican Crockpot Casserole” by Alexis.  Below is her recipe which I copied from her website.
  • 1 cup long-grain brown rice
  • 2½ cups vegetable broth
  • 1-15oz can black beans, drained
  • ¾ cup chunky salsa
  • 1 cup frozen corn (I used Trader Joe's roasted corn)
  • 1 large bell pepper, chopped
  • ½ cup chopped onion
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1¼ tsp cumin
  • ½ cup shredded cheddar or Mexican blend cheese (or more, to taste)
  • Avocado, for topping
  1. Place all ingredients except cheese and avocado in a 5-qt crockpot. Cook on high (covered) for about 2½ hours, or until rice is cooked through and most of the liquid is absorbed.
  2. Turn off crock-pot. Stir in cheese. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve with diced avocado and more salsa on top.
Adapted from my Super Easy Chickpea, Broccoli and Brown Rice Crockpot Casserole
I recently bought measuring spoons and a measuring cup to do these recipes.  I did everything listed above.  I substituted one 15 oz. package of Fig Food Co. Black Beans instead of a can as it has less sodium.  I also used pink Himalayan salt instead of regular salt.

It took me exactly three hours to cooks this in my crockpot.  Below is my three hours later picture.

The title of this blog post is “I would actually bring this to a party and/or social gathering.”  I am impressed how well it came out.  I can see myself bringing this to a Super Bowl or a work place gathering.  It would be interesting to hear what others thought of it.  I am proud of myself for making this.  Below was my lunch this past Monday and it was just recipe alone.

While cooking the recipe I used the leftover vegetable broth and made Quinoa.  I don’t want to toss anything away.  It cooked well and added the leftover salsa to it.  I put this in a separate container and added this to my lunch Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  It was a good combination however I would only feel comfortable sharing with others what I had on Monday.

Next week, a recipe that came with my crockpot.  This Sunday I will make Vegetable Curry.

All the best,

Alan Zibluk

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

The MarketHive RSS WordPress Plugin

markethive wordpress pluginThe MarketHive RSS WordPress Plugin

This plugin uses the "Really Simple Syndication" system, a file format that is incorporated by Internet users in their websites to allow for 'web syndication', making their web content available in a format that can be universally understood by other people.

In essence, the Plugin is a 'mini database' that contains headlines and descriptions (a summary or a line or two of the full article) of your web content, including hyperlinks that enable users to link back to the full article of their choice.

Websites that use the MarketHive Plugin – that is, websites that contain MarketHive generated 'feeds' (articles or postings) – typically have colorful graphics and YouTube links to indicate to users that the specific web content is available in the associated feeds.

The graphics in the plugin may be hyperlinked or not and the MarketHive Plugin is now being adopted and used by more website owners and publishers.

Today, numerous resources are now available that aid Internet surfers (and even beginners as well) on how to set up and use MarketHive. After joining MarketHive, the RSS Plugin is available and your feeds can now be added to your website. The simple process does not involve a lot of time or any money or technical ability. Listed below are some simple and basic steps that you might want to follow:

1. Have your web content and/or news in MarketHive available now in RSS feed format on your website.

Sample: See:  An RSS Feed I have used

2. Take note of your MarketHive username as this enables the feed.

3. Install the MarketHive RSS WordPress Plugin and configure it as a Widget on your own website.

4. Having created for your website, next comes the task of publishing your web content and news and having them displayed on other sites and headline viewers. You can also add posts your MarketHive friends are making and have them posing on your MarketHive WordPress Plugin.

5. Click on the "MarketHive Setting” in the Settings Menu of WordPress. This will generate the feed for your web content.

6. Allows users to have control over the information that they wish to view or receive, as they can remove a feed of their choosing any time they want to.

Aside from these benefits, using the Plugin is a useful way for people who conduct their business in the Internet, particularly in Internet or Online Marketing. The Plugin can be an effective marketing tool for your website, especially in the following fields:

· E-mail marketing and publishing

· Search engine marketing and optimization

· Business blogging · Internet advertising

· Digital public relations

· Branding and e-commerce

In addition, the Plugin can 'power' your website, providing you with the following:

· Valuable, updated, and relevant resources for site visitors and potential clients – The Plugin is ideal for websites that contain (and syndicate) a lot of information that has to be changed or updated regularly.

· Search engine optimization for the website. · Increased traffic for the website – your website can 'harvest' and display information from other sites, driving more traffic to your own website.

· A reliable way to have your web content delivered to Internet users and potential clients – The Plugin ensures that your site is viewed by the people who are interested in the posts without having them blocked and 'cleaned' by ISPs or Spam filters.

These are just some of the advantages that MarketHive RSS WordPress Plugin can give your website (and your business). The possibilities are endless, as more and more comes up almost every day.

Do not be left behind – take the advantage of the marketing and publishing power of the MarketHive Plugin.


Brian Walters Contact me:

Skype: tuneup_bj


Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member