Category Archives: General

MARKETHIVE – A Technological Revolution 20 Years In The Making

MARKETHIVE – A Technological Revolution 20 Years In The Making 

A Lifeline For All Who Aspire To Work Online. 

The Entrepreneur Epoch Is Here 

Wherever you are in the world, you are probably experiencing a total upheaval of a lifestyle we have all been accustomed to.  As we move through this global pandemic, hitting us on two fronts, medical and health, plus the enormity of a very real financial crisis with governments handing out economic stimulus packages and hefty unemployment benefits never seen before. Although it may help us and attempt to keep the economy going in the interim period, where does that leave the global financial economy in the years and decades to come? 

The number of people choosing to work online in the hope of generating an income is and will continue to increase. Many are now working remotely for the company they are employed with from home, particularly in logistics, transportation, finance, and communication industries. Others have lost their jobs or been stood down with brick and mortar businesses either going totally online with the help of delivery services or in hibernation until COVID-19 passes. The massive economic, political, and sociological impacts of this pandemic world have the politicians, fiduciaries, and banks reporting they have never seen anything this bad. 

Via Michael Tisserand on Twitter  


A New Appreciation

This will change the way we have always done things. It will bring a new appreciation for what we have and the opportunities we never thought possible. The humanitarian nature and benevolence shines through these extraordinary and unprecedented times, a wake-up call for many and will generate a completely different outlook creating a new normal in a revamped world.

Just as restrictions like social distancing, rigorous testing, meticulous hygiene methods, and self-isolation or quarantine can help the medical crisis, now more than ever the technology companies can bolster the looming economic crisis. The whole world has turned to social media to keep in touch but what about marketers and business owners? The linear social media platforms aren’t always in favor of the vendor. For example, Instagram doesn’t allow external links in posts making it more difficult for e-commerce and local businesses to communicate with potential customers. 

On a global scale, we are seeing corporations, businesses and individuals helping each other and some big tech platforms are doing their bit to help small businesses by offering grants and ad credits to advertise on their platforms and that’s ok amidst the crisis everyone is facing right now. There is fear about whether the recession will take a long time to recover from, but I think it’s safe to say, although we’ve experienced a decline in spending due to the precarious circumstances in this present time, spending will resume and improve as we move forward into this new normal way of life, particularly online, in the not too distant future. 



Image by SparkToro – Rand Fishkin


Now Is The Time To Invest

It has been documented by pundits that investing during times of recession is a smart thing to do. Also, research shows that people who invest in marketing during a recession tend to more quickly outperform their competition as markets resume, so it makes perfect sense to invest now for the second and third waves that will inevitably come in the future.

We may well be heading for a recession but those that get it will invest in a platform far beyond the capabilities of any other marketing or social media platform out there as we know it today, ready and able to pioneer the next generation of platforms, with a more fair and equitable business model than previous. 

The Perfect Storm

This is the perfect storm for the next generation social and marketing platform, blockchain-driven, utilizing cryptocurrency to rise up from the devastation caused on all fronts. Called a Market Network noted by experts in the field, this is part of the new way of doing things. This is where complete sovereignty and financial freedom is not only possible, it’s probable.   


Markethive is the first Market Network and leading the way for marketers, business owners, all entrepreneurs, offering all the tools needed to facilitate any business along with a spirited community advocating collaboration in a blockchain-driven environment assuring privacy, autonomy, and sovereignty and all for free. This is a complete ecosystem where being able to generate an income is a reality. The Markethive system pays you to learn, it pays you to use it and it pays you to promote it. 

How is this possible? That’s easy. Markethive, with its own proprietary technology, built on the Blockchain with its own coin (MHV) is creating its own ecosystem. This allows Markethive to pay you in MHV for every activity you perform in the system.

It also runs on multiple engines. What does that mean?    

Markethive started out and is fundamentally an inbound marketing platform given to you for free, much like Marketo which charges up to $25,000 per month to use its services. Geared for huge enterprise-scale companies, Marketo sold for $4.75 billion to Adobe and faring well for the B2B market. 

But Markethive is much more than that. It’s geared for everyone, whether you’re just starting out in the online world or a business owner, writer, blogger, creative artist, an entrepreneur on any level. It not only plugs into all other social media platforms, but Markethive is also its own social media platform and digital news site. This lends itself to massive exposure and traffic required to succeed in any business online.


What Are These Engines? 

Social media and online marketing platforms or digital media sites typically only have one engine. LinkedIn, for example, only has a subscriber engine meaning they get their traffic through people subscribing to them so basically you have to log in to LinkedIn to see their platform. CoinTelegraph, a high profile digital media site, is predominantly a traffic engine. 

Markethive has both engines driving it and the engine’s speed and power are measured by Alexa and WorthOfWeb. Both these engines are growing daily in an exponential fashion as shown in the image below. 



These engines drive Markethive’s money machines, no actually, they’re YOUR money machines. So the free services at Markethive along with the Markethive Coin (MHV) are the fuel along with content which is a secondary fuel.   


What Are The Money Machines? 

The first money machine to be delivered is the Banner X, which is the banner system that the Entrepreneur One upgrades (limited to 500) get their share of impressions to sell on an exchange. The last foundation block for Banner X was implemented this last week by our engineers, so this means the launch of Banner X is just around the corner. Once it is rolled out and if there are any E1 subscriptions left, they will increase to $200 per month. Remember, all money machines are included in the Entrepreneur One Program, so lock it in now for $100 per month here,

The next money machine to be implemented will be the Press Release Program and they will continue to be rolled out faster as our engines increase in power and speed, which will include a Boost Exchange, Video Advertising Platform, many different forms of advertising programs which are essentially money machines. So Markethive won’t be selling these programs, you as an Entrepreneur One will sell and profit from these various systems. Notably, Entrepreneur Two will receive all the money machines excluding Banner X. 


More Loyalty Programs Coming Soon

Later this year, Markethive will be launching loyalty programs similar to LinkedIn prices and services which allow more and deeper access to data. The first being the Apprentice which will be similar to the first level on Linkedin and will also include matching coin drops on your referrals. The next level is the Journeyman subscription which will allow you to access even deeper levels of data, more messaging capabilities, etc. 

There will be advantages to these programs, like increasing your effectiveness in acquiring greater reach for your endeavors, however, they are not money machines. You will always earn MHV coin at Markethive in whatever you do on the platform, but the Entrepreneur Loyalty Program is destined to be extremely lucrative. 

CEO Thomas Prendergast illustrates this very well in the video below… 


As Thomas explains, 

“Markethive is a vision, like a theme park for entrepreneurs. All for free. In fact, the system pays you to learn, pays you to use it, pays you to promote it. The Entrepreneur program will make you the money, a lot of money. I built Markethive for you. I was tired of your dreams being rained upon. Markethive changes all that. The Entrepreneur One program is very limited to 500. When we reach 500 we will be funded enough to go into warp speed.”


Markethive Is Not MLM

Markethive and all of its systems and money machines do not rely on ‘powerlines’, ‘matrices’, ‘binaries’ in fact any type of compensation plan that most of us know is what MLM is based on, and are fundamentally unsustainable, resulting in 97% of unwitting people failing to create a little income let alone a substantial one. This article shows a statistical analysis and the reality of MLM. 

Markethive is a referral company, like Paypal, Coinbase, even Facebook, and LinkedIn where users and subscribers join for the products and services and the social aspect respectively. What’s more, Markethive is your company, not run by any hierarchy raking in the profits at your expense. Bringing self-sovereignty, privacy, autonomy to every individual with a genuine opportunity to be in control of your future, fulfilling your potential, creating wealth and able to prosper in so many ways. 

No other platform or company is doing this to such a great extent. Starting out early with Blockchain technology, with its own financial economy along with every tool and portal imaginable to make Markethive an all-encompassing system where you do not need to go anywhere else for the added extras to compliment your marketing efforts and business facilitation. This is the new wave, the next generation of working online that ensures your success as an entrepreneur.   

More Good News!

You can also expect to have your own Hive Conference Room soon as the development of the HiveRoom portal is now back on the table. In fact, this coming weekend we will be conducting our weekly webinar in our own HiveRoom. Stay tuned for that and see you there!

The continued increase in revenue is accelerating these developments and we wish to thank all of those who support us to bring you your ‘state of the art platform’ that is much needed in these times for every single person seeking an online presence, financial and personal sovereignty with peace of mind. 

Remember, if you’re still thinking about becoming one of the 500 Entrepreneur One’s that will unlock incredible earning potential and wealth from your shares of the ILP (Incentivized Loan Program) also given to you through the Entrepreneur One Loyalty Program, there’s no time to waste. The Banner X system is now imminent. This is your last chance to get the E1 upgrade for $100 per month for a lifetime. It’s the perfect time to invest in your future.



ecosystem for entrepreneurs



Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 



The Markethive Vault – Unlock Your Potential Chinese



营销和工程天才和远见卓识,首席执行官Thomas Prendergast和首席技术官Douglas Yates以及他的团队正在为钱包安装奠定最后的基础-Markethive Vault。

Vault是您的新银行帐户,也将用更有效和有益的系统取代当前的支付中心。 这将使您的所有购买和升级更易于管理,为您提供奖励并创建一个新的令牌类别,比作一个名为Markethive Ad Credits的stablecoin,通过每月支付给您的折扣和利息来奖励节俭和储蓄。


保险库持有Markethive广告积分和MHV硬币。 它将支付您的门槛金额,您存入金库的MHV硬币和您的硬币夹余额的利息。 它也将是支付**服务的来源。 您将能够通过信用卡和比特币自动或手动资金。 自动付款可以安排保持最低余额,以确保每月有偿服务,如企业家升级顺利运行。


除了支付利息之外,您的保险库中的余额越高,您的Hive排名就越高。 更高的蜂巢排名将解锁额外的横幅和一个新的服务Markethive在不久的将来推出,视频节目,在那里你支付观看视频。



我指的**服务是激励贷款计划,企业家升级和SNAP部门,现在可用。 这也将包括视频广告,新闻稿,升压广告,事实上,在适当的时候所有的服务。



ILP ™ 完全和完全符合监管和UCC代码,这意味着它不是安全。 激励贷款计划是一种贷款。 您选择贷款Markethive的金额没有限制。


最好的部分是即使是小投资者可以通过每月100美元的企业家计划参与。 这将使您每12个月持续为该计划贡献一份ILP的十分之一份额。 这是重要的,因为ILP将像比特币一样,因为它将能够分解为satoshis或bit,即:1百万分之一的令牌。 所以1个完整的ILP等于1百万ILP令牌或satoshis。 更多关于这在即将到来的文章.


这使Markethive能够在ILP上进行赏金,奖励和交易。 ILP和企业家忠诚度计划只是把这个强大的Markethive引擎变成摇钱树。


此外,参加Entrepreneur One忠诚度计划可以解锁即将到来的商务中心和门户网站,横幅广告计划等,并为您的每个转介到Markethive提供匹配的MHV硬币奖金。



S.N.A.P是社交网络自动海报系统的首字母缩写。 这项服务是一个插件到你的WordPress网站,并会自动发布您的文章和博客和您订阅的博客,所有的社交媒体和博客平台。 这给你令人难以置信的复盖面,使您能够在线建立您的品牌知名度和存在。













它是重要的是要注意Markethive不是传销或附属公司,它是一个转介公司。 所以免费会员也可以通过只提到只有三个人将激活水龙头或小额支付和蜂巢排名大大受益. 这意味着你不必在系统中花费任何钱。 只需构建它并获得奖励。






蜂巢排名负责奖金,赏金和收入的增加。 这意味着您将从水龙头获得更多的收入。 如果你是一个企业家升级你得到你的匹配奖金增加。 它也将负责当天的皇家蜜蜂,为您提供当天的额外奖励。 蜂巢排名也在您在保险库中earn取的利息中起着重要作用。 您的蜂巢排名越高,支付给您的利息越多。




保险库是Markethive广告学分将举行的地方。 广告信用类似于一个稳定的硬币。 一个Markethive信用=美元$1. 您将支付100Markethive广告积分,而不是每月支付100美元的企业家升级计划。 这些积分可以通过比特币或信用卡通过保险库购买。 实际上,您能支付任何通过保险库such如横幅节目,SNAP安装,新闻发布,和被赞助的文章和更多因为这些服务被实施和被介绍入Markethive系统。


此外,您可以将Markethive硬币(MHV)存入保险库,您将获得高达5%的MHV复利,将其滚回保险库并积累。 此金库积分可用于购买Ilp或企业家升级。 通过将其放回系统,Markethive正在为您的Markethive硬币提供更多价值,并为您支付利息,类似于投注。




投注只是代表在您的钱包中持有一个固定的时间,在这种情况下,Markethive Vault,然后earning取利息。 投注你持有的硬币是一个相对简单的方法来earn取更多的硬币。 一个人从跑马圈地获得的奖励取决于时间和蜂巢排名的长度。 因此,它将有利于你保持它以上的阈值以及越来越多的蜂巢排名,使您能够earn取利息的最高金额. 如果您低于阈值,保管库将通知您。


所以现在有3种类型的货币在Markethive。 Markethive硬币,(MHV)ILP令牌以及Markethive广告积分,这些积分总是相当于您购买产品和服务的1美元。 所以一旦我们在交易所和钱包启动,信用就是购买服务的原因。 你拥有的MHV硬币的数量决定了支付的利息。

通过购买Markethive硬币并将其银行放在保险库中,您基本上是在燃烧硬币,这是一件好事,正如本文中关于Markethive如何创建硬币速度的解释。 有许多方法可以燃烧加密硬币,这对硬币的财富和健康有利。 在这种情况下,烧掉Markethive硬币意味着将硬币从市场中拉出并将其放置或保存在金库中,因此供应量较少。 供应越少需求越大,这反过来又增加了硬币的价格。


保管库是在添加钱包之前设计和实施的。 当钱包完成并推出时,Markethive硬币的真实价值将实现。 一旦钱包被激活,Markethive广告积分和MHV硬币可以购买并转移到保险库。 所以这就像一个网上银行系统。 这是一个有利息的储蓄账户


它也改变了您支付订阅的方式。 每月订阅从保管库中的阈值中扣除。 您的信用卡将被扣除并存入您的金库门槛,以您选择维持所选门槛的金额和扣除的付款。 这也消除了直接信用卡付款和银行阻止您的交易所造成的问题。





现在已经将保险库的主要方面安装到Markethive平台上。 Vault图标可以在您的Markethive页面的标题上看到,在Hive排名符号旁边。 点击它会带你到保险库页面。 这是Markethive钱包,ILP的基础,事实上,整个系统。 我们现在非常接近启动我们生态系统的核心。


请记住,你越使用保险库的利率越高。 您使用的系统越多,利率越高。 对股份利息进行评分的四个方面是蜂巢排名,硬币剪辑得分,忠诚度级别和出席奖金。 此外,您的金库余额和硬币夹余额将支付总利息,并在每个月底支付总利息。




支付中心正在被一个更先进,更有效和有益的系统所取代,称为Vault。 这使您的购买和每月订阅更易于管理,并且还创建了一个名为Markethive Ad Credits的新交易所类别。 它会奖励你的节俭,并使用它作为一个银行帐户将为您earn取折扣和每月利息。 本月利息已经支付,您将在您的付款设置中看到额外的MHV。


Vault声明就像一个银行对账单,其中记录了所有的Vault活动,如购买,门槛,资金,利息,赏金,自动转账等。 这可以在您的Markethive帐户的保管库部分中查看,并导出,保存和打印为您的记录。


跳马乘数现在是活跃的,其中的乐趣开始。 玩HI/LO游戏,并增加你的硬币夹MHVs的量高达1000倍.有一个0%房子边缘,这意味着neither不Markethive或自己有任何内置的数学优势,从长远来看. 所有卷都可以证明是公平的,所以没有办法改变结果。



Vault订阅让您可以完全控制每月或每年订阅的所有忠诚度计划。 您可以创建新的,更新信用卡,用比特币支付,暂停或取消等等。


Vault原理图是我们剖析,说明和编辑Vault Gauge图标的许多方面(在页面标题中看到)的地方。 所以,你知道你的帐户的健康状况一目了然。

Feed The Vault-在这里您可以购买Markethive广告积分并将其存储在您的vault中,以支付您每月或每年的忠诚度计划,新闻稿,横幅广告或任何其他可用于Markethive会员的广告计划。 请记住您使用保险库的次数越多,支付给您的利息百分比就越高。





未来是光明的Markethive和你。 这是确保Markethive生态系统的长期可持续性的巧妙方式,同时MHV硬币不可避免地增加价值,确保您在Markethive及其他领域的成功和繁荣。 敬请关注所有的更新,因为他们来手。 请参加由首席执行官托马斯*普伦德加斯特(Thomas Prendergast)和首席技术官道格拉斯*耶茨(Douglas Yates)主持的每周现场会议,了解所有令人振奋的新闻和信息。 您可以在markethive主页顶部的"日历"菜单中找到与Markethive Zoom Room的日期、时间和链接。 那里见!



Markethive Banners Slides Infographics – Free And Available

Markethive Banners, Slides, Infographics – Free And Available 

Where Are They Located On The Markethive Platform? 

Markethive Banners Available FREE

Markethive has an expansive suite of marketing tools freely available for you to use, including a large assortment of banners designed for placing and promoting Markethive outside the Markethive platform on any advertising site or web page you choose. Sites such as Google Ad-sense, Warriorforum, IBOtoolbox,, forums in general, most importantly, sites that have traffic. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs


The Markethive banners come in many sizes that meet the criteria of the various sites. You have a choice of Animated and Static hosted that are hot-linked to you personally for your unconditional usage. There are also numerous Markethive Slides you can use for videos, PowerPoint presentations, and Articles.  The Infographics which have a plethora of information about Markethive are hot-linked for your references and can be used in your advertisements. 

All of these eye-catching banners and images can be found in the Markethive.Banners Group in the Blog Posts section. 


An array of banners are also accessible in the Referral Program section which can be found on the Markethive Home Page menu. This is also where you can remotely share your referral link to your social media profiles. Your referral link will be automatically included so you get the referral.

Note: There are more social networks to be added to the sharing interface as Markethive moves forward with its integrations. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs

The Banner Program

The Banner Program is predominantly for advertising any other independent business or Markethive’s special offers to members on the Markethive platform and not to be confused with the Markethive Banners explained above. 

These banners are displayed at the top of Markethive’s pages internally and also on the complete Markethive Network which includes the many websites Markethive owns. This is Prime real estate and means your banners are not just viewed by members within Markethive, but also to the vast internet traffic and onlookers. 

At present, there is one banner size of 960×80 accepted on this platform and unlike the Markethive Banners, which are accepted on other advertising sites, they must be on a white background whether they are animated or static. Research shows this to be very appealing to the onlooker and sets a high professional standard for the Markethive Platform. They must fit visually with the rest of the content.

These banners are not predesigned for you. You must either create the banner or appoint someone to create it for you. If you would like to design one, here are two sites you can utilize;


Guidelines To Adhere To When Creating A Banner and its affiliated media web sites receive large amounts of website traffic. To display one banner is included with your Entrepreneur One level membership. Until we deliver “impressions” you are limited to 1 banner with a duration maximum of 7 days (renewable). Compare pricing with AMBcrypto Banner Ad (Top Content) at $5,500 per month.



Banner rules and standards are as follows:

  • No adult content, hate speech, porn or otherwise controversial material.
  • Ensure your banner is sized to 960px x 80px.
  • No Borders
  • Backgrounds must be white
  • Images must not touch the border and can only be 20% of the banner area
  • Unprofessional banners or those that violate these guidelines will be rejected.
  • Animated banners (gif) are accepted.
  • Low resolution, chopping edged fonts, will be rejected.

Every banner must be approved by the banner quality control team. This is to your advantage and improves the success of your banner and keeps the level of quality design in Markethive high.


The Hive Keep Group 

Alternatively, you may get one of Markethive’s designers to create one for you. We are open for business right now. As we build out to the supergroup "upgrade" we will have a splash page with payment options. Once the new Vault is completed, additional options will occur. When the wallet gets delivered we will also be accepting MHV coin.

Entrepreneur One Upgrades get one free banner designed by the Hive Keep design group. Additional banner redesign or designs are $100 per banner job. Furthermore, The Hive Keep Group will operate as a professional Ad Agency which will require a retainer, and to assist you with your advertising and business needs are award-winning designers, top-notch engineers, and proven copywriters. Everything you need to build and facilitate your business with the utmost professionalism. We will be configuring the system to offer a $100 credit per month for Entrepreneur subscribers.




There are so many facets to Markethive, as it is a complete Market Network with a Social Media interface. It has everything you need to succeed in whatever it is that you do online, including the potential of extra revenue made available to Entrepreneur One (E1) associates through the Banner Program. Even as a free member you can access all the inbound marketing tools and Markethive, the company, will pay you via the micropayment faucet system. This is activated by just referring 3 people to join you on this platform where your privacy and sovereignty are of the highest priority.   

There have been 20+ years of high energy poured into Markethive. This is a Divine inspiration and places all of the members of Markethive first and foremost. So get busy, check out the available Markethive banners you can freely and unconditionally use to promote Markethive across the World Wide Web. 


Happy Marketing! 


Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 


Case Study: How AdamEnfroycom Got 11K Email Subscribers in 2019

Email marketing is the most direct and effective way to connect with leads, nurture them, and turn them into happy, paying customers. But you can’t just send out random emails and expect to see results. The best email campaigns start with the best lists, so building a targeted email list should be your top priority. Let’s take a look at how the combination of a lead magnet and OptinMonster’s Exit-Intent technology works for


Adam Enfroy writes about how to scale your blog like a startup to 250,000 monthly readers at He launched his blog in 2019 and started generating over $35,000/month in revenue within 9 months. He wants to teach new bloggers how to start a blog and do the same.

image1 1

Before using OptinMonster, Enfroy was testing out Mailchimp but found its opt-in forms to be lacking. They all required custom coding and didn’t have what he was looking for. At this time, Enfroy was registering about 2 email subscribers per day.

Enfroy turned to OptinMonster with the goal of growing his email list but that wasn’t all he wanted.

The end goal was to generate revenue for his 2 digital products (Backlink Blueprint and Affiliate Advantage) with the plan to launch a higher-tier video course about how to start a blog and promote it to his list.

How Uses OptinMonster

Enfroy uses multiple methods to reach his goals.

For starters, he uses an exit-intent popup to offer a lead magnet. To get the most out of his campaign, he used A/B testing to see how different versions of the campaign performed.

With OptinMonster’s split-testing feature, Enfroy tested different copy and different lead magnets easily.

The winning campaign offers a 15-page checklist on how to launch a WordPress website:

image2 1

This campaign converts 1% of visitors by showing the offer only to users who’ve not opted in already and if they try to exit the site or are on the site for 90 seconds or more.

Enfroy also uses exit-intent for specific affiliate offers:

image3 1

This specific campaign converts at 2.36%. Using campaigns like this, Enfroy brings in more than $20,000 in affiliate revenue each month from more than 65 programs.

One of Enfroy’s highest-performing campaigns uses MonsterLinks™.

The MonsterLinks™ feature turns any campaign into a 2-step optin, using psychology to encourage users to subscribe through the Zeigarnik Effect. This is a simple psychological principle that says when someone starts something (by clicking on a MonsterLink™, for example) they’re more likely to finish it.

image4 1

This campaign converts at a mind-blowing 58.02%!

In addition, Enfroy has inline optins on his homepage, at the end of his blog posts, and in his blog sidebar.

And, he’s happy with the results:

OptinMonster played a huge role in growing my email list from 0 to 11.3k in my blog’s very first year. Before OptinMonster, I was getting just a few email subscribers a day. Now I’m adding over 3,000 subscribers to my list every month. It’s also great for custom page-level affiliate offers to drive sales. I can’t recommend it enough.


Enfroy was able to build a solid email list of more than 11,000 subscribers in his first year with OptinMonster using a combination of exit-intent, MonsterLinks™, and his killer lead magnet.

With OptinMonster,

  • Adds more than 3,000 subscribers to its list every month.
  • Brings in more than $20,000 each month from affiliate sales.
  • Sells 75 digital products each month—a 368.75% increase from when it started!

Summary turned to OptinMonster because it was looking for a better optin builder to grow its email list and boost revenue without having to use the custom coding required by their old solution. What it found was powerful features and targeting rules that helped it maximize its results.

You can do the same!

I enjoy how easy it is to integrate OptinMonster with WordPress and email marketing tools. I also like working with campaign design and display rules. The designer makes it super-easy to add in custom blocks, images, text, etc. And I like how easy it is to optimize your display rules.
Adam Enfroy, Owner,


Optin Monster – Lead generation software optimized for your business. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs


“First, have a definite, clear practical ideal;

a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary

means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money,

materials, and methods. Third, adjust

all your means to that end.”

— Aristotle


See You Next Time,

Don Kepple

Having A Successful Home Based Business Made Easy

There are numerous reasons why you might be interested in starting your own home-based business, along with a great deal of doubt, concern and questions. The following article offers some tips and advice to help quell the concerns, and offer resolution to common issues many people face in the operation or start-up of a home business.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Before starting a home business, be sure to research your market fully. If your product is something that your target market doesn't want or need, you won't get many sales. Rather than spending all your energy trying to force the market to buy your product, spend that energy designing and promoting a product the market wants.

If you are going to splurge on any home office furniture, splurge on a very comfortable office chair. You are going to spend many, many hours in this chair and if it is uncomfortable, you will not be as productive as you could be and you could technically, do damage to your body.

Since your home is also your work place, make a point to get out of the house on a regular basis. Don't isolate yourself for the sake of convenience. Go have lunch in the park, grab your coffee at a bookstore, etc. Just make sure you are out breathing fresh air at least once a day.

If you have a business, then you need a budget. How can you run a cost efficient business without a budget? It is impossible, and therefore imperative that you incorporate a well devised budget into the planning process. This budget should include what your expenses are of course and it should itemize them. Make sure you are thorough and include everything so that you are not misleading yourself.

Use your web site to advertise a free product for visitors. This will increase traffic on your site and give potential customers the ability to sample your product. Although it may cost a little money in the beginning, you should make up for it in sales from impressed new customers.

Do not be afraid to post your email address on your web site. Make sure that you include it on every separate page that you have. You do not want potential customers to search to figure out how to get in touch with you. The more effort that it takes them, the more likely they are to go on to something else without purchasing from you.

Make sure you have a support network before starting your home business. This includes family members who need to be aware of the time commitment involved, as well as an external networks you can reach out to for advice or support. Working from home has numerous benefits, but remaining a part of a group outside your home is invaluable.

Making the decision to start a home business or to invest more time in the one you've already gotten off the ground can be a cause of concern. There's so many questions about what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and why to do it, from marketing to overhead to product choice. Whether you just graduated with your MBA or are a stay-at-home mom or dad, you can simplify the answers to these questions by using the sensible advice in these tips.

I cannot end this article and not mention the GREATEST resource for small business on the entire internet.

It is Markethive and you can explore it HERE.

Maxwell Jacobs is the Owner of Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.

What Makes You Happy?

What makes you happy? Have you thought about that? I don’t mean winning a lottery happy, but everyday little things? Recently a dear friend of mine asked me that question.

I had just gone through an extremely difficult time, experienced a huge loss, as well as significant challenges in many areas of my life, all at the same time. I don’t know about you, but I tend to keep these things to myself. I decided, however, to share with her during one of our regular catch up calls what was really going on in my life at the time, instead of putting on a happy face and positive spin on everything, I spilled the beans.

By the way, it’s perfectly OK to feel down and unhappy, just don’t stay there. Recognize and acknowledge the feelings, feel them, then make a decision to let them go. For sure this is way easier said than done, but the choice really is yours. Focus on the good, be grateful.

So, after pouring my heart out, and sobbing, and sharing with her all the stuff that was and had been going on in my life, she said four little words – what makes you happy?

What? Had she not been listening? I told her that I didn’t know what made me happy, nothing made me happy, everything was going wrong in my life. Then this dear friend, who obviously listens when I speak to her, proceeded to list several things that I had told her in the past that I enjoyed and made me happy. Not one or two things, not big winning the lottery things, but small everyday things that I had shared with her that brought joy to my life.

Things like a sunny day, warm weather, the home where I live, the people in my life, the work that I do, watching old movies, eating potato chips, reading a cozy mystery – nothing big or extraordinary, but all the little things that make me happy.

She pointed out that it was time to shift my focus. So, I started to ask myself several times throughout the day, what makes me happy? I found myself thinking that catching the green light makes me happy, a really good cup of coffee makes me happy, my boots make me happy, a warm coat makes me happy – I’m sure that you get where I’m going with this.

It is so easy to get sucked into the quagmire of negativity. Often, we’re not even aware that we have done so, until someone reminds us, or we have an epiphany and ask ourselves how we got to this negative place. And let’s not forget, what we focus on expands.

After a few days of asking myself several times during the day what makes me happy, I began to shift my focus and simply started to feel joy and gratitude for all the wonderful, simple things that really make me happy. If you think about it, it really is the small stuff that brings the most joy into our lives on a daily basis.

Now it’s time to ask yourself, what makes me happy?

And to my dear friend, I say thank you for reminding me of what is important in life.

Best Regards To You From,

Goran B Edstrom – PROUD MarketHive Entrepeneur ONE Member.

Covid-19 Takes Its Toll While Markethive Thrives

Covid-19 Takes Its Toll While Markethive Thrives

As the situation worsens with the Coronavirus on a global scale, we are promised unprecedented financial aid by governments, not to the big banks as was carried out in the GFC of 2008, but to the individuals of the population in many countries in order to stimulate the economy. President Trump announced a $1,200+ payout to each US citizen to help at this time of crisis. Other countries have pledged similar as a helping hand to individuals and communities to lessen the blow of financial hardship.

 Further handouts have been proposed in the coming months as authorities speculate there is no quick fix to this pandemic that has financially hit and devastated small businesses, the entertainment industry, hospitality, travel industry, and sporting codes and clubs, and the people who are either employed or use the services. The whole world is virtually in lockdown bringing devastating effects to the world economy. 


Uncertainty And Contingencies 

The W.H.O and “powers that be” confess they have never experienced anything like this. This is something very new and the dichotomy being although we are urged to isolate, now mandatory in many countries, the world is uniting on a virtual level to beat this critical situation. Some brick and mortar businesses may never recover and there’s an urgency to conduct their businesses solely online with logistics and delivery services being revamped to accommodate this new way of living.  

Rest assured we will see an end to this present catastrophic state of affairs, however, the world and how we do business will change. I like to think this is for the greater good and with the advancing technology, we have today with Blockchain, cryptocurrency and quantum computers that have the capacity to connect in every part of the world bring a more self-sovereign way of life, with the freedom and financial independence we all deserve. Markethive is the only company to date with this vision and Plan to integrate this monumental undertaking. 


Markethive Thrives Amid The Covid-19 Devastation

As the offline business world comes to a stand-still or collapses, Markethive thrives. Entrepreneurs know this is where we are heading. The only platform that offers every individual self-sovereignty with the opportunity to capitalize on the many different services and products Markethive is rolling out. Entrepreneur One will include every reseller program starting with the Banner Impressions Exchange, then the Press Release Exchange, The Boost Advertising, Video Advertising, in fact, every aspect of Markethive will be available to the Entrepreneur One Upgrades to run as their own businesses within Markethive. 

Markethive will not be selling those services to Markethivers. Only Entrepreneur One Associates will be able to sell them. Markethive only requires the $100 per month subscription from you. You are then allocated your portion of banner impressions, press releases, etc, to resell them to the Markethive community of which there will be millions. Keep in mind the number of E1 Upgrades is capped at 500.

This is on top of the 1/10th ILP (Incentivized Loan Program) you receive after 12 consecutive payments of your Entreprepreneur One Loyalty Program. This continues to accrue every year you are current, up to 10 years. This in itself will bring you huge dividends as the limit of ILPs is 1000.


In a recent interview, CEO of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast says,

“This is truly a god-given, spiritual concept that is brilliant, to create an entry-level program of $100 per month. As we expand Markethive Entrepreneurs become an authority to conduct their individual businesses and capitalize on the Markethive products and services. I, as the CEO of the company, is an Entrepreneur One upgrade just like the others and just join in with what they are doing and let Markethive be that foundation of equality. It’s a concept I don’t think anyone has even considered before.” 


With the advent of the stimulus package, the governments are doling out to every individual, the likelihood that the 500 Entrepreneur One Upgrades will be maxed out sooner than first expected as many Markethivers will make good use of the money by investing in their own future and financial security by upgrading to Entrepreneur One Level. So the Entrepreneur Two Loyalty Program is currently in the works which do not include the Banner Exchange or the 1/10th ILP. More about that in this article…  

Markethive – A Force To Be Reckoned With

Our Alexa rank currently at 5,146 puts us in the top .0001% of the billions of websites on the internet. Markethive is in the cream of the crop of the most visited and active sites. Markethive is exponentially growing as people who join see the good it’s doing for the individual and opportunities it is creating, open to everyone. So we will expand into the millions, just like LinkedIn. 

But even as it stands now, Markethive is receiving more than 60 million page views per month! This is increasing daily. What does that mean for the Banner Impression Resellers?  Popular websites are selling impressions for up to $0.10 cents. But let’s just do the math and sell them for a penny, ($0.01 cent). The allocated amount of impressions for each Entrepreneur One will generate an income of $1,200 and of course, you can expect that to increase on a monthly basis. 

Once we have the Press Release Reseller program in place you’ll be able to sell Press Releases for $10,000 each. This is what digital news sites with an Alexa ranking doubling Markethive are selling for. The following on the various social media platforms also plays an important role. Markethive is also exponentially growing there too with a following into the 10s of thousands. The only way is up now.  

Entrepreneur upgrades will be given a set amount of press release slots each month to on-sell to anyone who wants to publish their story. As an Entrepreneur Upgrade, you will also be able to buy more should you need them from Markethive at a fraction of the cost you would sell them for.

Thomas Prendergast explains,

“The reason we’re doing this is so that you as the individual have all of these cottage industries so you can make money, You don’t have to go recruit anybody. This is not MLM or affiliate marketing, it’s a referral business which completely works differently and instead of us taking all the money from the banner impressions, press releases, etc, you are responsible for using the system, that’s why we give it away.”

He goes on to say, 

“There is a spirituality to this, I was given the instructions and the blueprints intuitively to build the system as powerful as this and to give it all away. Where I can make my money is selling the services Markethive represents, like banner advertising, press releases, broadcasting, etc. So designing it so that you get your share of our traffic, which you are responsible for helping us build, you pay us a flat rate by way of the Entrepreneur Loyalty Program and you sell Markehive’s services thereby making you a cottage industry, not an affiliate, not Multi-level marketing, and now not even a referral. This is a completely different animal which can literally mean a significant income for the rest of your life!” 


The ILP is another income stream, which as we move forward and introduce the Apprentice and Journeyman programs which are upgrades similar to LinkedIn, for prices similar to LinkedIn. Members will have a big advantage in Markethive for as little as $20 per month that millions of people will subscribe to as they see the benefits that Markethive offers.   



Markethive Projections – Realistic And Viable

Statistics show that 39% of LinkedIn users have upgraded to one of their paid memberships. They have just tipped 500 million members. So let’s be conservative and project only 20% of 10 million Markethive members which equates to 2 million upgrades to the Apprentice Membership at $20 per month = $40 million. 20% of $40 million for the ILP holders = $8 million, divided by 1000, (the maximum amount of ILPs) = $8,000 per month, per ILP. This equates to $800 per month for a 1/10th ILP.
As Thomas passionately states,

Do you guys not get this? This is legitimate! I know that you have probably never dealt with this before and someone being so generous. What’s wrong with being generous? There is nothing wrong with being generous! It’s not found very often in the world but those of you that know me, I’ve been doing this for over 20 years and this is what drives me! 

I am not a materialistic person, I do not have greed in my blood. I have decided if I’m going to be a success, you’re going to be a success. I will not build my success on the backs of your failures. I am going to build my success arm in arm with your success. I really hope that makes sense?”    

A Wrecking Ball

Just as President Trump is seen as a political wrecking ball in the eyes of some, as he tends to defy the political norm, it can be argued that he is not left or right, he’s an entrepreneur and a president for the people, the little guy. So too does Thomas Prendergast shine in a similar light, a mini wrecking ball, with a mandate to bring down and crush the ethos and inequality of MLM and replace it with a legitimate system where every single person succeeds.

Markethive has been in Beta for nearly 5 years, but here is the good news about it taking so long to build. It is very unlikely that a company will try to copy what Markethive has or is doing. Markethive is a massively huge project of all linear platforms along with its own financial ecosystem. As we gain more revenue with the first tipping point of 500 Entrepreneur One Upgrades, we accelerate a lot faster, the more traffic we have, the more services we can deliver along with the planned money-making machines exclusive to the Entrepreneur Loyalty programs. This just leverages the complete system to grow even faster and become more profitable for everyone. 


Markethive Is A GrassRoots Company

As Thomas says, we are grass-roots. Think of it as virtually impossible to put a fire out that is burning on 400 million acres at the same time. So once it gets going it consumes everything and that’s what Markethive is. Not just one person making trillions of dollars and the rest make nothing or lose, everyone has the opportunity to make money. Of course, the Entrepreneur Loyalty upgrades and who have invested in the ILPs stand to make a considerable income, plus members who are more active and using the system will definitely make more than someone who sits idle hoarding their 500 MHV they received upon joining Markethive. What you sow, so shall you reap. 

We are very close to launching our wallet and when we do, the number of coins given away as airdrops will be reduced because there will be a real need for it. The MHV coin becomes fungible, more valuable as the ecosystem’s viability and velocity increases. If you’re a marketer and want to take advantage of the huge traffic and exposure the Markethive platform offers, but not an Entrepreneur One, you will need and want the MHV to pay for its banner impressions and digital media services available from Markethive’s Entrepreneur One Associates. There will literally be millions of prospects coming into the system who are looking for what you are selling. 

In Closing

To sum it all up, although this invisible war has almost stopped the world in its tracks with millions of employees and businesses feeling the blow economically likened to the great depression of 1929, the online world of business and social media is sitting pretty as its the only way to communicate and transact while we are all isolating. 

Markethive is the one place where real earning capacity is alive and well right now and for the long term future for all. Right now we accumulate MHV, ready for the exchange and wallet to come into effect. The Entrepreneur One Loyalty Program is the whale that will take you to the next level giving you the ability to make an incredible income. 

This is perfect for the non-recruiter as your customers are already there as part of the Markethive community. It is also perfect for those who would rather just invest and reap the rewards of the interest payments with the Incentivized Loan Program (ILP). This in itself will provide a significant income. 

This is the genesis of a new world. The Coronavirus war will end one day, but the world will not return to the way we know it. Now more than ever we will be relying on technology and Web 3.0, so the safest and logical way to go to achieve financial freedom, peace of mind and self-sovereignty is online with a Blockchain driven Market Network that was divinely-inspired and will withstand and survive the perils the world is now facing. 

Remember, the ILPs are capped at 1000 and the Entrepreneur One Upgrade is limited to 500. There are a few left. What will you do with your Covid-19 Aid Package? 

Become an Entrepreneur One Reseller today and be the owner of your Cottage Industry Turnkey system at Markethive…



ecosystem for entrepreneurs



Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 



Blockchain Is Now the Most In-Demand Skill on the Planet: LinkedIn

Blockchain Is Now the Most In-Demand Skill on the Planet: LinkedIn

Blockchain Is Now the Most In-Demand Skill on the Planet: LinkedIn

By Daily Hodl

A new report from the social network giant LinkedIn says blockchain professionals are in demand in 2020.

The report places blockchain at the top of a list of “hard skills” that are highly sought after – above expertise in cloud computing, analytical reasoning, artificial intelligence, user experience design, business analysis and affiliate marketing.

“Blockchain was born in 2009 to support the use of cryptocurrency.

But blockchain’s novel way to store, validate, authorize, and move data across the internet has evolved to securely store and send any digital asset. The small supply of professionals who have this skill are in high demand.” 

A recent study from Indeed found that the number of jobs in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry increased 26% from 2018 through 2019.

Although the report says employer demand has “skyrocketed,” it also shows searches for Bitcoin, blockchain and cryptocurrency roles fell 53% in the same time frame.

“Employers, however, are doubling down on these tamper-proof blockchain technologies, which means there’s likely lots of opportunities for job seekers with these skills or interested in this industry.”

According to the study, the top job openings in the world of blockchain are for software engineers, senior software engineers, software architects, full-stack developers and front end developers.

Artice produced by Daily Hodl

Own A Piece Of Markethive – Lifetime Income Opportunity
Markethive, the first Social/Market Network built on the Blockchain, introduces The Entrepreneur Program

The Entrepreneur program is designed to leverage your system. Your free Markethive system is a market network, like a social network, but with powerful inbound marketing tools integrated into the system. This premier hybrid social network includes news feeds, blogging platforms, video channels, chat channels, groups, image sharing, link hubs, resume, profile page and peer to peer commerce. But more than a social network, we have also delivered to you “Inbound Marketing tools” like broadcasting, capture pages, lead funnels, autoresponders, self-replicating group tools, traffic analytics, and more. Plus, we are built on the Blockchain which allows Airdrops of 500 Markethive Coin (MHV) upon joining and micropayments for using the tools mentioned above. This is all free to you.

The Entrepreneur program is designed to add gold plating to an already stellar and unbelievably valuable system you receive for free.

The Markethive Coin – MHV Consumer Coin
Notably, MHV was listed on the first of many exchanges, including its own exchange [in development] in March in 2019 and is currently valued at $0.18. The Markethive coin will not be dependent upon speculative value as is the case with other cryptocurrencies and platforms, thereby creating eternal economic velocity in the entrepreneur ecosystem within Markethive.

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

Gold price today rises 1 on safe haven demand as Coronavirus spreads

Gold price today rises 1% on safe haven demand as Coronavirus spreads

At 9.07 am, April gold futures were trading 0.87 per cent higher at Rs 43,037 per 10 grams on MCX.

EW DELHI: Gold futures for April delivery rose nearly 1 per cent in Monday’s trade amid concerns over the spread of coronavirus outside of China and its impact on the global economic growth.

Silver futures for April delivery were ruling at Rs 48,615 per 1 kg on the exchange.

“Bullion counter can continue its upside momentum as yellow metal continued to hover around its seven-year peak in COMEX midst panic regarding coronavirus outbreak as central banks prepare more easing measures to prop up sagging economies,” SMC Global said in a note.

Safe haven demand is pushing gold prices higher globally. Data showed coronavirus is spreading outside China rapidly. Cases in South Korea have touched 763, with eight deaths till date. In Italy, the virus cases have jumped to 150. Iran, which announced its first two cases on Wednesday, has 43 confirmed cases and 8 deaths.

Globally, gold prices climbed more than 2 per cent to their highest since February 2013, as a spike in coronavirus cases prompted a flight to safe havens.

Spot gold was up 1.1 per cent at $1,661.86 per ounce, after climbing to $1,678.58 earlier in the session. US gold futures rose 1 per cent to 1,664.60.

Among other precious metals, palladium eased 0.5% $2,690.52 per ounce. Silver rose 1.2% to $18.69 an ounce, while platinum fell 0.7% to $966.54.

Asian stock markets are seeing panic selling today and India is no exception.

In a sign of panic, E-minis for the S&P500 dropped 1 per cent in early Asian trade on Monday while Nikkei futures slipped more than 1 per cent too. Australia's benchmark index slid 1.6 per cent while New Zealand was down about 1 per cent. South Korea's KOSPI index fell 2.2 per cent. Japanese markets were closed for a public holiday.