Category Archives: General

Reasons Why Network Marketing Is The Business of the 21st Century

Networking is a great way to broaden your thinking and to find new ideas to find potential clients or see different target markets that you hadn’t thought of. People you meet networking often can help you to identify new market opportunities you might not have thought of. Some people you meet may offer synergies with what you do

If you are new to business, and in particular network marketing then “welcome”. You are at the right place. We strongly believe that building a network marketing business is one of the smartest things you can do with your time and money in today’s economy.

In order for you to be really successful in network marketing, it is important to understand why you should even bother. The truth is that it takes time, effort and energy to build a business. Most people are quite comfortable with where they are, so why bother?

Below are the top 20 reasons why starting a network marketing business right now is one of the smartest things you can do, but first we must understand that we are now living in a new age. “The Information Age”. Here is why is networking important.


1. Build Your Fortune, Not Someone Else’s

Here is the big question: At your current place of work, who is making a living and who is getting rich? It is whoever owns the asset. The asset is the business. This is where the control and wealth is. By working as an “Employee,” you are spending your 8 hour day building someone else’s asset. You are earning a living, and the owner is building a fortune. You are not only making 10x less money, but also paying twice as much in tax.

2. Want To Double Your Income Each Year?

It is very difficult to be able to double your income with a job. In fact, the average pay rise is currently around 2%. This is crazy, especially since inflation is closer to 10%. However, with a business, it is a lot easier to get twice as many “customers” next year than the last, which in turn doubles your income. The smart people are now building their own businesses on the side.

3. True Financial Freedom

One of the top reasons for owning your own business is that it leads to financial freedom. Meaning, being able to earn lots of money without you needing to be there. The problem with a job is that you are “Selling time for money”. This means that you can never stop working because your income also stops. With a business, you have hundreds of customers that are generating the income. This means you can go on holiday for a month and be making more money when you come back than when you left.

4. Utilise the Internet…(or kick yourself)

Important Point: The Internet is changing the world as we know it, and you are living in the middle of it right now. In 50 years, you might look back and think, why didn’t I make the most out of it? There has never been a better time in history to start a business and especially one that involves connecting with people. You can now contact hundreds of people with a push of a button. The fact you are reading this right now proves it’s effectiveness. You will kick yourself if you do not take advantage of this.

5. Living A Rich and Rewarding Life

One of the biggest benefits with a network marketing business is the personal development, which many people are not even aware it exists. To become successful, you have to help other people become successful. It’s very rewarding to watch other people grow and become better people. The fact that you can make £100K per year, working only 4 hours a day, which then gives you all the time and money to enjoy life is a massive bonus.

6. Are You Taking Advantage of the Population Boom?

You may not currently be aware of this but, the human race is currently expanding exponentially. Simply do a Google image search for “world population growth“ and you will see world population is going off the chart. Now, this is going to cause a lot of problems for some businesses, but is great for people businesses like network marketing.

7. What Job Security?

For over 100 years, the reason people clung to jobs was because of security. Today, with more and more people getting made redundant in a shrinking market, job security no longer exists. People are now looking for a more secure way to earn a living. What is more secure? Having one income stream with a job or an income coming from a hundred places, which you get from having a customer base? Today, jobs are now the risky option.

8. Retire Rich or Retire Poor…your choice

The government with the pension scheme made a critical error back in the 1970’s when people could suddenly “Choose” whether they pay in to a pension or not. We now have a massive problem where there isn’t enough money to pay for everyones retirements. Add to that, the fact that the state pension is a tiny £6000 per year, there are going to be thousands of people retiring on half of minimum wage needing another income.

9. Want To Work for The Next 50 Years?

People now have a clear choice. Do they graduate from university with £50,000 of debt? They can then either get a job, earn a living and retire in 50 years on the equivalent of minimum wage, or, they can build a business and have the opportunity to retire after only 3-5 years. This is the Industrial Age moving in to the Information Age at it’s most obvious. Those who realise this, will be the ones who will benefit massively financially.

10. Want To Start Life £50K in Debt?

With university fees being tripled in the UK, the average student debt is now £50,000. The younger generation are starting life with chains around their neck. The choice the younger generation now has, is going to uni and starting life in debt or starting a business where in 3 years they could become financially independent. Where do you think people are going to be going? Are you ready to help them and benefit financially?

11. Do You Use Mass Market Chemical Products?

Did you know that 95% of the food we buy and personal care products we use from the super markets and the high street stores are not very good for you? They are mass produced and in order for them to have a long “Shelf Life” are being pumped full of preservatives and parabens. Studies are now linking these to cancer. The top network marketing companies are botanically based meaning, products that are actually good for you.

12. Would You Like An Income That Builds Itself?

When you get to a certain point in a multi level marketing business and you have your team in place, your business then begins to build itself. You cannot do this with a job. This is how you can go then away on holiday and be making more money when you come back than when you left. Thats leverage!

13. Want More Recognition and Appreciation?

How would you like to work for a company where your hard work gets regular recognition and appreciation? You can now become part of a strong community of people who all want you to succeed as it directly benefits everyone. This is very rare to find in a job.

14. The 9-5 Job Is Broken!

In a 9-5 job, there is only one winner and that is the boss. The reason you only get 2% pay rises is because it comes directly out of the bosses pocket. The more money you make, the less money he makes. In a mlm business, the more money you make, the more money your business partners make. It is a true win/win. This is not only the business modal of the future, it is the business modal of right now.

15. Surround Yourself With Like Minded, Fun, Ambitious People

Are you lucky enough to be surrounded by fun, ambitious, like minded people? Most people are not. Network marketing attracts the very best people, which is very beneficial to you because you then surround yourself in a new culture that supports you and helps you become successful. Remember this: You will earn what the 5 closest people around you earn.

16. A Shrinking Job Market

With increasing population and more traditional businesses closing down due to the Internet, there are now less jobs for people to go for. This means employers can and do take full advantage of this, asking people to work longer and longer hours for the same money. This is becoming more and more common and is making people work in a fear based environment. Do you want to continue to live like this?

17. Getting Poorer with Rising Prices? – Inflation!

So, the government statistics state that inflation is around 3%…so why then are our gas, electric and phone prices going up closer to 10%? You don’t need a degree in maths to know this doesn’t add up. The truth is that if you are not getting closer to a 10% pay rise each year, then you are actually getting poorer. Inflation is a stealth tax which the masses are not educated to realise.

18. Get Free 5* Holidays and Drive A Luxury Car

The top multi level marketing companies offer their consultants great incentives for their work. These include free luxury cars, all paid for 5* holidays to paradise islands and free weekends away. Why save up for your holidays and car when your work place will pay them all for you? Does your current employer offer you this?

19. Want The Same Tax Breaks of the Rich?

Having a part time or full time home business gives you great tax incentives that are used by the rich. All of a sudden, all your transport, rent, computer, phone, office equipment, coffee shop visits, meals out, as well as many other things all become a tax deductible expense. You too can have access to tax incentives that rich people get to use.

20. What Do Donald Trump, Richard Brandson and Robert Kiyosaki Have In Common?

I am going to finish with this. Some of the biggest business people all around the world are either involved or recommend network marketing, including Donald Trump, Richard Brandson, Robert Kiyosaki, Stephen Covey, Jim Rohn and T Harv Eker and many more. Who are you going to listen to? Need I say anymore?

Thanks for reading.

How To Get Started

If you would like to learn how to build your own successful network marketing business, then you have come to the right place. You too can now enjoy and take advantage of all these benefits.

Own A Piece Of Markethive – Lifetime Income Opportunity
Markethive, the first Social/Market Network built on the Blockchain, introduces The Entrepreneur Program

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

The Entrepreneur program is designed to leverage your system. Your free Markethive system is a market network, like a social network, but with powerful inbound marketing tools integrated into the system. This premier hybrid social network includes news feeds, blogging platforms, video channels, chat channels, groups, image sharing, link hubs, resume, profile page and peer to peer commerce. But more than a social network, we have also delivered to you “Inbound Marketing tools” like broadcasting, capture pages, lead funnels, autoresponders, self-replicating group tools, traffic analytics, and more. Plus, we are built on the Blockchain which allows Airdrops of 500 Markethive Coin (MHV) upon joining and micropayments for using the tools mentioned above. This is all free to you.

The Entrepreneur program is designed to add gold plating to an already stellar and unbelievably valuable system you receive for free.

The Markethive Coin – MHV Consumer Coin
Notably, MHV was listed on the first of many exchanges, including its own exchange [in development] in March in 2019 and is currently valued at $0.18. The Markethive coin will not be dependent upon speculative value as is the case with other cryptocurrencies and platforms, thereby creating eternal economic velocity in the entrepreneur ecosystem within Markethive.

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

P.S Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join


How secure is blockchain really?

The whole point of using a blockchain is to let people—in particular, people who don’t trust one another—share valuable data in a secure, tamperproof way. That’s because blockchains store data using sophisticated math and innovative software rules that are extremely difficult for attackers to manipulate. But the security of even the best-designed blockchain systems can fail in places where the fancy math and software rules come into contact with humans, who are skilled cheaters, in the real world, where things can get messy.

To understand why, start with what makes blockchains “secure” in principle. Bitcoin is a good example. In Bitcoin’s blockchain, the shared data is the history of every Bitcoin transaction ever made: an accounting ledger. The ledger is stored in multiple copies on a network of computers, called “nodes.” Each time someone submits a transaction to the ledger, the nodes check to make sure the transaction is valid—that whoever spent a bitcoin had a bitcoin to spend. A subset of them compete to package valid transactions into “blocks” and add them to a chain of previous ones. The owners of these nodes are called miners. Miners who successfully add new blocks to the chain earn bitcoins as a reward.

What makes this system theoretically tamperproof is two things: a cryptographic fingerprint unique to each block, and a “consensus protocol,” the process by which the nodes in the network agree on a shared history.

The fingerprint, called a hash, takes a lot of computing time and energy to generate initially. It thus serves as proof that the miner who added the block to the blockchain did the computational work to earn a bitcoin reward (for this reason, Bitcoin is said to use a “proof-of-work” protocol). It also serves as a kind of seal, since altering the block would require generating a new hash. Verifying whether or not the hash matches its block, however, is easy, and once the nodes have done so they update their respective copies of the blockchain with the new block. This is the consensus protocol.

The final security element is that the hashes also serve as the links in the blockchain: each block includes the previous block’s unique hash. So if you want to change an entry in the ledger retroactively, you have to calculate a new hash not only for the block it’s in but also for every subsequent block. And you have to do this faster than the other nodes can add new blocks to the chain. So unless you have computers that are more powerful than the rest of the nodes combined (and even then, success isn’t guaranteed), any blocks you add will conflict with existing ones, and the other nodes will automatically reject your alterations. This is what makes the blockchain tamperproof, or “immutable.”

Creative ways to cheat

So much for the theory. Implementing it in practice is harder. The mere fact that a system works like Bitcoin—as many cryptocurrencies do—doesn’t mean it’s just as secure. Even when developers use tried-and-true cryptographic tools, it is easy to accidentally put them together in ways that are not secure, says Neha Narula, director of MIT’s Digital Currency Initiative. Bitcoin has been around the longest, so it’s the most thoroughly battle-tested.

People have also found creative ways to cheat. Emin Gün Sirer and his colleagues at Cornell University have shown that there is a way to subvert a blockchain even if you have less than half the mining power of the other miners. The details are somewhat technical, but essentially a “selfish miner” can gain an unfair advantage by fooling other nodes into wasting time on already-solved crypto-puzzles.

Another possibility is an “eclipse attack.” Nodes on the blockchain must remain in constant communication in order to compare data. An attacker who manages to take control of one node’s communications and fool it into accepting false data that appears to come from the rest of the network can trick it into wasting resources or confirming fake transactions.

Finally, no matter how tamperproof a blockchain protocol is, it “does not exist in a vacuum,” says Sirer. The cryptocurrency hacks driving recent headlines are usually failures at places where blockchain systems connect with the real world—for example, in software clients and third-party applications. 

Hackers can, for instance, break into “hot wallets,” internet-connected applications for storing the private cryptographic keys that anyone who owns cryptocurrency requires in order to spend it. Wallets owned by online cryptocurrency exchanges have become prime targets. Many exchanges claim they keep most of their users’ money in “cold” hardware wallets—storage devices disconnected from the internet. But as the January heist of more than $500 million worth of cryptocurrency from the Japan-based exchange Coincheck showed, that’s not always the case.

Perhaps the most complicated touchpoints between blockchains and the real world are “smart contracts,” which are computer programs stored in certain kinds of blockchain that can automate transactions. In 2016, hackers exploited an unforeseen quirk in a smart contract written on Ethereum’s blockchain to steal 3.6 million ether, worth around $80 million at the time, from the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), a new kind of blockchain-based investment fund.

Since the DAO code lived on the blockchain, the Ethereum community had to push a controversial software upgrade called a “hard fork” to get the money back—essentially creating a new version of history in which the money was never stolen. Researchers are still developing methods for ensuring that smart contracts won’t malfunction.

The centralization question

One supposed security guarantee of a blockchain system is “decentralization.” If copies of the blockchain are kept on a large and widely distributed network of nodes, there’s no one weak point to attack, and it’s hard for anyone to build up enough computing power to subvert the network. But recent work by Sirer and colleagues shows that neither Bitcoin nor Ethereum is as decentralized as you might think. They found that the top four bitcoin-mining operations had more than 53 percent of the system’s average mining capacity per week. By the same measure, three Ethereum miners accounted for 61 percent.

Some say alternative consensus protocols, perhaps ones that don’t rely on mining, could be more secure. But this hypothesis hasn’t been tested at a large scale, and new protocols would likely have their own security problems.

Others see potential in blockchains that require permission to join, unlike in Bitcoin’s case, where anyone who downloads the software can join the network. Such systems are anathema to the anti-hierarchical ethos of cryptocurrencies, but the approach appeals to financial and other institutions looking to exploit the advantages of a shared cryptographic database.

Permissioned systems, however, raise their own questions. Who has the authority to grant permission? How will the system ensure that the validators are who they say they are? A permissioned system may make its owners feel more secure, but it really just gives them more control, which means they can make changes whether or not other network participants agree—something true believers would see as violating the very idea of blockchain.

So in the end, “secure” ends up being very hard to define in the context of blockchains. Secure from whom? Secure for what? “It depends on your perspective,” says Narula.

Own A Piece Of Markethive – Lifetime Income Opportunity
Markethive, the first Social/Market Network built on the Blockchain, introduces The Entrepreneur Program

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

The Entrepreneur program is designed to leverage your system. Your free Markethive system is a market network, like a social network, but with powerful inbound marketing tools integrated into the system. This premier hybrid social network includes news feeds, blogging platforms, video channels, chat channels, groups, image sharing, link hubs, resume, profile page and peer to peer commerce. But more than a social network, we have also delivered to you “Inbound Marketing tools” like broadcasting, capture pages, lead funnels, autoresponders, self-replicating group tools, traffic analytics, and more. Plus, we are built on the Blockchain which allows Airdrops of 500 Markethive Coin (MHV) upon joining and micropayments for using the tools mentioned above. This is all free to you.

The Entrepreneur program is designed to add gold plating to an already stellar and unbelievably valuable system you receive for free.

The Markethive Coin – MHV Consumer Coin
Notably, MHV was listed on the first of many exchanges, including its own exchange [in development] in March in 2019 and is currently valued at $0.18. The Markethive coin will not be dependent upon speculative value as is the case with other cryptocurrencies and platforms, thereby creating eternal economic velocity in the entrepreneur ecosystem within Markethive.

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

P.S Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join


Bitcoin vs Gold : Overall Analysis

Gold has perceived value because it is scarce, quasi-indestructible moreover serves a manufacturing purpose.

Bitcoin acquires all of these qualities also adds the features of portability and excellent divisibility.

Both are also remarkably durable and cannot be counterfeit. The main lead for Bitcoin over Gold as a commodity is that Bitcoin has perfect portability, while gold must be insured, physical stored and safeguarded, and proved that the integrity of the substance has resided intact and not mixed with other filler elements such as tungsten.

Whenever you are moving precious metals across borders, you must declare it. No border authorities or cash sniffing dogs can detect if you hold bitcoin, as ownership can be distilled to memorizing a private key which controls the linked wallet. If you are venturing to buy something with gold, it usually needs to be exchanged for the money first. Bitcoin payments require only a smartphone to transact.



Best New Market Network for the Future.

Own A Piece Of Markethive – Lifetime Income Opportunity
Markethive, the first Social/Market Network built on the Blockchain, introduces The Entrepreneur Program

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

The Entrepreneur program is designed to leverage your system. Your free Markethive system is a market network, like a social network, but with powerful inbound marketing tools integrated into the system. This premier hybrid social network includes news feeds, blogging platforms, video channels, chat channels, groups, image sharing, link hubs, resume, profile page and peer to peer commerce. But more than a social network, we have also delivered to you “Inbound Marketing tools” like broadcasting, capture pages, lead funnels, autoresponders, self-replicating group tools, traffic analytics, and more. Plus, we are built on the Blockchain which allows Airdrops of 500 Markethive Coin (MHV) upon joining and micropayments for using the tools mentioned above. This is all free to you.

The Entrepreneur program is designed to add gold plating to an already stellar and unbelievably valuable system you receive for free.

The Markethive Coin – MHV Consumer Coin
Notably, MHV was listed on the first of many exchanges, including its own exchange [in development] in March in 2019 and is currently valued at $0.18. The Markethive coin will not be dependent upon speculative value as is the case with other cryptocurrencies and platforms, thereby creating eternal economic velocity in the entrepreneur ecosystem within Markethive.

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

How To Determine Actual Unique Visitors Via Alexa

How To Determine Actual Unique Visitors Via Alexa

What Is A Unique Visitor?

Unique visitors is a fundamental metric of web analytics that is traditionally used to measure the overall level of traffic to a site. Because it counts the number of unique people that visit a site in a given time, it gives a better sense of a site’s true audience size. That means unique visitors is an excellent tool for market share analysis and benchmarking to evaluate how a site can improve. It also demonstrates merit when securing potential advertisers and investors, as a representation of a site’s impressionable audience size. Finally, it’s a great indicator for determining sales leads. In all, unique visitors is a universal metric that rounds out the total competitive analytics suite.


How Is A Unique Visitor Determined?

In order to understand why Alexa ranking is important, you need to know how it is calculated in the first place. Alexa uses two metrics while deciding the ranking of a website – the number of page views and the number of unique visitors – over a period of three months. Page views refer to the number of times your website’s URL is viewed by users. 

Alexa calculates your website’s ranking based on the traffic received from a particular subset of users – those who have Alexa toolbar installed and those who have browser extensions and plug-ins installed. Each time a user visits your website, the toolbar, extension, or plug-in sends the information to the Alexa server, which records the user’s IP and the pages he or she visits. The information collected over a span of three months is then analyzed to determine your website’s ranking.


What's The Difference Between Unique Visitors And Visits?

Unique visitors refers to the number of distinct individuals requesting pages from the website during a given period, regardless of how often they visit. Visits refer to the number of times a site is visited, no matter how many visitors make up those visits.

Is Alexa Rank Important?

It is one of the factors that determine your Google page rank. Higher ranked websites are indexed by Google bots regularly, which makes search engine optimization easier. Alexa ranking is considered a relevant and important metric by many webmasters as well as users. It is not uncommon for users to take a look at your Alexa ranking and rating before deciding if your website is safe and trustworthy enough to buy from. 

 It serves as a valuable metric to indicate your website’s popularity. It also serves a comparative tool, as you can compare your website with that of your competitors and see how well you are doing in terms of traffic and popularity as it allows the user to view links to external, relevant websites

It is also one of the factors that advertisers consider to determine the marketing potential of your website. Websites with high Alexa ranking generally tend to be more profitable and attract more advertisers. It also helps to assess your website’s total monetary value.


P.S Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join


What Is A good Alexa Rank?

With Alexa, the smaller the number, the more popular your website is. Websites that are relatively popular and get a decent amount of traffic regularly have an Alexa ranking of 50,000 to 100,000. If your website’s ranking is higher than 100,000, you need to optimize and market it better to bring it down as much as possible. If your ranking is lower than 50,000, it means your website attracts a large amount of traffic regularly.


How To Increase Alexa Rank Quickly?

Alexa Ranking has been in operation for over 2 decades now and is the best-known metric for ranking websites. This is the first thing I look at when I visit a site. Alexa tracks stats for everyone who has the Alexa toolbar installed on their browser. 


  • You can download Alexa toolbar from their website. It is one of the baby steps which needs to be taken to increase Alexa page rank. The Alexa toolbar works by sending data to the Alexa server for each website when someone visits. If you’re regularly visiting your blog you’ll instantly see your website go higher up in Alexa rankings

  • Embed the Alexa rank widget on your website and watch how people start clicking on it. Every time a click is registered, your website goes higher and higher in the rankings. The more visitors your website has, increases the number of hits it will get. 


How to install Alexa Widget – Copy below HTML code and paste your website. All you need to do is replace with your website domain name and put the complete code at the place on your blog where you want to show your Alexa widget.





  • Publishing unique and quality content is a crucial part of retaining visitors on your blog. It’s not only important to get new visitors. Giving people a reason to come back and visit your website is what is going to give you a good boost in increasing Alexa rank. Also, share your content on Social Media. Just about everyone is active on the internet through social media. Also, submit to other sites such as Dig, Reddit, Delicious, Stumbleupon, and Tumbler, etc. 

  • Build more Backlinks to your site. At Markethive, there is a Backlinking tool with which you can very easily increase Alexa ranking. When a webpage links to any other page, it’s called a backlink. Backlinks are a major metric for the ranking of a webpage. A page with a lot of backlinks tends to rank higher on all major search engines.

  • P.S Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join



  • Build Backlinking through guest posts. Guest posts create more backlinks which will in turn work as an Alexa rank booster. The one non-negotiable thing you should have for guest-posting is this. The host blogger must include a link to your blog in the post somewhere (usually at the beginning or end). Over time, these backlinks will raise the value of your blog to search engines, making your content easier to find via Google, Yahoo, Bing, and others.


It is good practice to know why Alexa ranking is important, how to determine unique visitors and why your website needs it. The tips above will ultimately help you to achieve a lower Alexa ranking to your website. Start by downloading the toolbar, find out your ranking, and display it on your home page proudly.

P.S  Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

ecosystem for entrepreneurs


P.S Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

Deb Williams
Market Manager for Markethive, a global Market Network, and Writer for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 

How to Choose the Right Social Network for Your Business


Pick and choose your social networks.

In fact, often times it may be best not to be on certain social networks, perhaps because of the time it takes to do social right or because your customer personas don’t fit with a particular network. When you’re choosing which social networks to be involved with, it’s okay to be picky. 

The next step is making an educated decision on which social networks to choose. There are a big number of factors that could weigh a decision for you, and I’ve done my best to collect them here in this post. From demographics to research and a whole lot else in between, here is what I’ve found to help you choose your social networks.

Choosing the right social network for your business may not be as easy as one may initially think. Sure, you can start by creating accounts for your company on all the top social networks out there, but who will manage them?

Being present on all the leading social media platforms is not a bad thing if you’re sure that you have a social media manager to take charge and to handle your brand’s online presence. However, if you’re just starting off, you should limit yourself to the key social networks relevant to your business.

Even if you’re a big company, you will always have a stronger focus on some platforms as opposed to others, depending on where your clients and potential clients can be found.

How do I start finding the right social network?

Everything begins with research. Try to see the metrics for each social network. What do their demographics look like? Who are the people present on their platform? What do they like to do? Where do they live? How much time do they spend online?

All these questions will offer you the much-needed answers in developing your social media strategy. Not only that, but they will point to a clear direction on what social network hosts your key audience.

What are the top social networks to take into consideration?

At first, you will need to start with the top 4 titans of social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Sure, YouTube is right up there with these four, but it’s focused strictly on video content, making the platform usable for niche categories of business, mostly in the creative fields.

Facebook is all focused on building long-term relationships with your audience and requires a lot of time put into digital communication efforts. Be sure to constantly engage with your audience, because the social network’s algorithms will easily mark you as less relevant if your fans and followers don’t interact with your updates.

Twitter is very important if you want to communicate short, straight to the point updates, likes breaking news, or if you want to live stream events (this is where Youtube is also highly recommended!). Twitter allows you to post fast updates before offering more generous content on your blog and other social networks. It’s a good place to keep your audience informed in real-time, before you start giving them more details.

LinkedIn is the way to go, especially if you’re thinking of having a more B@B (business 2 business) approach for your company. It’s the easiest place to target people based on their profession and their industry. It’s easy to stay connected with top players in your field, and also a good place to keep an eye on your competition. Don’t count this social network out.

Instagram & YouTube are niche platforms focused on visual content. This can really bring a lot of attention to your brand, because they’re the fastest-growing social networks online. If you’re planning on choosing to work with visuals, which is highly recommended, be sure to choose high-quality images and videos. This will make your company stand out from the crowd. Try to avoid generic stock photos and videos, because most users can spot them a mile away.

What to do after you have chosen the most suitable social network?

No matter the social network you decided to choose for your company, one thing’s certain – Be consistent, be constant! It’s always recommended to constantly update your social networks, because otherwise, you’ll give the impression that your brand is fading away.

Keep things interesting with fresh content whenever you post and don’t forget to engage with your audience.

Questions and Answers about how to choose the right social network for your business.

What are the top social networks to take into consideration?

At first, you will need to start with the top 4 titans of social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Sure, YouTube is right up there with these four, but it’s focused strictly on video content, making the platform usable for niche categories of business, mostly in the creative fields.

How to grow my network on Social Media?

The best way to grow your network on social media is to post frequently, with high quality content for your followers and for people that will find your content online. By using correct hashtags will spread your content further, and by responding to comments on your posts is another great way to gain more followers. If people see that you are active and knowledgeable in your industry they will naturally follow you and your network will grow.

Social networks, ranked by monthly active users:

  1. Facebook: 2,44 Billion
  2. Google+: 3,8 Billion 
  3. Twitter: 68 million
  4. Instagram: 200 million
  5. LinkedIn: 630 million
  6. Pinterest: 300 million

How many people use Twitter?

In the first quarter of 2019, the number of monthly active U.S. Twitter users amounted to 68 million, an increase from 66 million in the previous period. In recent times, Twitter's user growth has been not endeared the company to its investors – the growth compared to the previous quarter only amounted to three percent and has hovered in the low single digits since 2017 as the company continues to struggle to attract and retain users.

16 LinkedIn Statistics That Matter to Marketers in 2019

What is LinkedIn worth to your business, and what are the LinkedIn statistics that will help you perfect your marketing strategy on the platform? ?

LinkedIn is unique among the major social media players because it has a very specific user base. That is, educated and affluent people who are already in a professional headspace and actively looking for solutions.

If your brand is yearning for a calm, focused alternative to the oversaturation and vitriol of 2019’s social media landscape, then LinkedIn gets even more attractive.

Hootsuite CEO Ryan Holmes singled out the platform’s continued rise as one of his top trends for 2019.

LinkedIn user statistics

1. Two professionals join LinkedIn every second

Even before 2016, LinkedIn’s growth was reliable:

2.2. 155 million Americans workers have Linkedin profiles.illion American workers have LinkedIn profiles

America has the highest number of LinkedIn users.

The remaining 70 percent of users live in 200 other countries and territories around the world. And users can engage the platform in 24 different languages.

3. 50% of Americans with a collage degree us Linkedin

4. 45% of Linkedin users are in upper management.

LinkedIn usage statistics.

5. 57% of Linkedin use is on mobile.

6. 3.5 million Americans jobs are posted on Linkedin every Month.

Linkedin Demographics

Linkedin Content Marketing

  • LinkedIn is the #1 channel B2B marketers use to distribute content at 94%.
  • Of 500 million users, just 3 million users share content weekly.
  • LinkedIn makes up more than 50% of all social traffic to B2B websites & blogs.
  • 91% of marketing executives list LinkedIn as the top place to find quality content.
  • 92% of B2B marketers include LinkedIn in their digital marketing mix.

Twitter statistics.

Twitter is still an important social platform for advertisers and immediate customer service. So you should still keep a close eye on the essential social media statistics specific to this platform.

  1. 88% of social advertisers use it. This makes it even more popular than Instagram.
  2. The platform earned a total of $665 million in revenue during the first quarter of 2018–a 21% increase year over year.
  3. $575 million of this total revenue came from ads. That’s another 21% increase.
  4. Videos accounted for more than half of this ad revenue.
  5. Between May and June of 2018, Twitter suspended more than 70 million fake and suspicious profiles. This may have caused a drop in the total count of users, but also served as a move to increase the authenticity of the content on the platform and build user trust.
  6. There are currently 326 million monthly active users on the platform.
  7. Twitter users send out 500 million tweets per day.

Instagram statistics

Instagram has been experiencing a rapid and steady growth in the number of monthly active users. The platform has also undergone plenty of changes in terms of features and interface. One of the most significant changes was the introduction of IGTV, which enables users to share long-form video content with their followers.

Marketers need to be prepared with updated social media stats specific to Instagram if they want to stay ahead of the curve in 2019. Here are some stats to know for the platform:

  1. The number of monthly active Instagram users has grown to 1 billion according to the latest social media statistics.
  2. Instagram continues to attract a younger audience with 72% of teens saying that they use the platform. This is an impressive increase from 2015 when 52% of teens said that they used the platform.
  3. Since 2016, there’s also been a 7% increase in the number of US adults who use the platform with 35% of them currently using it.
  4. Even in terms of engagement, Instagram is ahead of Facebook with a median engagement rate of 1.60% per post for brands.
  5. But among marketers, Instagram still takes second place to Facebook with 83% of them using the platform.
  6. In spite of this, the ad spending on Instagram is 23% higher than on Facebook according to an internal analysis by Merkle.
  7. The platform is getting tons of activity with users uploading more than 100 million photos and videos on a daily basis.
  8. 2 billion Likes occur on the platform every day.
  9. Wednesday is the best day to post on Instagram for brands across all verticals.
  10. Instagram Profiles saw a follower growth rate of 17-33% during 2018.
  11. Videos get 21.2% more interactions compared to images and 18.6% more interactions compared to carousels.

Social media advertising statistics

With changes in social media algorithms, it has become a lot more challenging for brands to earn organic engagement. Now paid social media advertising has become a necessity for brands that want visibility and results. Check out these social media statistics for your social media advertising efforts in 2019:

  1. Social networks are the biggest source of inspiration for consumer purchases with 37% of consumers finding purchase inspiration through the channel.

  1. Social media advertising spend in the US is expected to reach $18.4 billion in 2019.
  2. Emarketer estimated that the ad spending on social video in the US increased by 38.1% during 2018, reaching $7.85 billion.
  3. Facebook controlled 84.9% of this social video ad growth.
  4. Social media is the most relevant advertising channel for 50% of Gen Z and 42% of millennials.
  5. 57% of millennials feel that ads are becoming more relevant.
  6. 45% of Gen Z and 41% of Gen X-ers feel the same, while only 27% of Baby Boomers feel this way.
  7. Non-customers are three times more likely than customers to visit retailers from social media ads.
  8. 50% of consumers said that seeing user-generated content would increase their chances of buying products through a brand’s social media.
  9. 49% said that easy payment systems (like Amazon Pay) would increase their chances of buying through social media.

Social media engagement statistics

Social media bridges the gap between consumers and brands by providing them with a platform to engage with each other. Brands need to make the most of this and create opportunities for interaction and connection. Otherwise, they could end up losing potential customers.

High social media engagement rates will also improve other aspects of a brand’s performance. Keeping an eye on social media statistics regarding consumer preferences and engagement trends is a great way for brands to refine their engagement efforts. The Sprout Index cited earlier highlighted some important stats on social media engagement. Let’s take a look:

  1. 80% of social marketers said that their key strategy is to increase engagement across social channels.
  2. Posts with links to more information are the most preferred type of content on social media. 30% of consumers said that it’s the content they like to see most from brands on social. 18% preferred graphics and images, while 17% would like to see produced video.
  3. 61% of social marketers prioritize social media posts that teach. 58% focus on telling a story and 53% focus on posts that inspire.
  4. This shows that there’s a huge misalignment with what consumers actually prefer. 73% of consumers want to see posts about discounts and sales. 60% want to see posts that showcase new products and services. 59% want to see posts that teach something.
  5. 58% of consumers prefer visual-first content, with their main preferences being graphics and images and produced video.
  6. 74% of consumers share video content from brands on social media.
  7. Consumers are equally likely to share and engage with inspirational posts from brands.
  8. For 45% of consumers, social media is one of the first channels they go to in case they have any questions or issues.
  9. In fact, 21% of consumers would rather message a brand on social media instead of calling up customer service.
  10. 88% of social marketers said that it’s important for their brands to provide customer service through social media.

62. The most common reason why consumers reach out to brands on social media is because they have a question. 57% of consumers reported doing this.

63. The second most common reason is to have an issue with a product or service resolved. 45% of consumers have done this.

64. A fair amount of people (34%) also reach out to brands on social media so they can commend them on their products or services. Brands should use all of these instances as an opportunity to build relationships.

65. 21% of consumers are more likely to buy from brands that they can reach on social media.

Best New Market Network for the Future.

Own A Piece Of Markethive – Lifetime Income Opportunity
Markethive, the first Social/Market Network built on the Blockchain, introduces The Entrepreneur Program

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

The Entrepreneur program is designed to leverage your system. Your free Markethive system is a market network, like a social network, but with powerful inbound marketing tools integrated into the system. This premier hybrid social network includes news feeds, blogging platforms, video channels, chat channels, groups, image sharing, link hubs, resume, profile page and peer to peer commerce. But more than a social network, we have also delivered to you “Inbound Marketing tools” like broadcasting, capture pages, lead funnels, autoresponders, self-replicating group tools, traffic analytics, and more. Plus, we are built on the Blockchain which allows Airdrops of 500 Markethive Coin (MHV) upon joining and micropayments for using the tools mentioned above. This is all free to you.

The Entrepreneur program is designed to add gold plating to an already stellar and unbelievably valuable system you receive for free.

The Markethive Coin – MHV Consumer Coin
Notably, MHV was listed on the first of many exchanges, including its own exchange [in development] in March in 2019 and is currently valued at $0.18. The Markethive coin will not be dependent upon speculative value as is the case with other cryptocurrencies and platforms, thereby creating eternal economic velocity in the entrepreneur ecosystem within Markethive.

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

Reasons Why You Should Work from Home

Starting a full or part-time home business is a major decision that requires research and planning that can seem daunting. But before you put off or dismiss doing it, consider these reasons why you should work at home.

1. Control Over Your Schedule

Being in charge of your day is one of the biggest benefits of working from home. You can set and customize your work hours to meet the needs of your life. Do you wish you could take a power nap in the middle of the day? You can as a home business owner. Do you do your best work late at night? You can schedule your work time then.

However, this freedom can also bring with it distracting temptations and the risk of procrastinating on work-related tasks. You'll want to make sure you have the right entrepreneurial traits and a good daily organizational plan to handle this new responsibility.


2. More Time for Personal Pursuits

If you feel like your job is taking up too much time, having a home business could be the solution. Having a flexible schedule means you can make time for your kids and family, if you have them, or pursue other personal interests. If you want to homeschool while running your business, you can.

However, achieving work/life balance does take some planning and time management. In some cases, you may still need to arrange for child care. 


3. Make Money Doing Something You Love

One of the best aspects of starting a home business is being able to turn a hobby or a passion into income. In fact, you're more likely to achieve success if you focus on pursuing your passion for profits when starting a home business.

4. No More Commuting

Working outside the home not only takes a lot of time, especially if you have a long commute, but also job-related travel expenses. Americans spend an average of $386 per month on gas. Cutting down on a daily commute would put some of that money back in your pocket. Other expenses many don't consider are tolls, wear and tear on the car, and more frequent tune-ups.


5. Control Over Income

Many people choose not to start a business because they worry about making a consistent, livable income. While the potential ebb and flow nature of running a home business is something you need to consider, the reality is that a home business can allow you to earn what you're worth.

As a home business owner, you set your own income goals, as well as your own product or service prices. As long as you do the work that needs to be done, such as drumming up new customers and marketing your business, you're likely to make a profit. 

6. Tax Benefits

A big perk of working for yourself is the tax advantages not given to employees. You can write off equipment, supplies, services, and even a portion of your home or car if it's appropriate.


Further, when you have a home business, you can deduct your expenses first and pay taxes on net income. With that said, it's important to learn about home business deductions to ensure you're following proper tax laws. Ideally, you should consult a tax expert.

8. No Boss

A home business is ideal for someone who doesn't like to be told what to do. You can do the work in the way you feel is best. Further, home business owners don't have to feel guilty for showing up late (unless of course, it's to an appointment). There's no having to ask for time off or calling in sick. There's no one looking over your shoulder to make sure you're working.


9. More Opportunity for Growth

Too often, employees end up feeling stuck in their jobs. In a home business, even if your day-to-day tasks are relatively similar, there are so many opportunities to mix things up more. You can work from a different location. You can change your schedule or the order of the tasks you have to do.


Starting a business in and of itself requires learning new things.To stay competitive, you'll want to continue study and keep abreast of current trends in your industry or small business management. In essence, you design your day and what you do, which allows you to expand and grow your skills and your business.

Own A Piece Of Markethive – Lifetime Income Opportunity
Markethive, the first Social/Market Network built on the Blockchain, introduces The Entrepreneur Program

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

The Entrepreneur program is designed to leverage your system. Your free Markethive system is a market network, like a social network, but with powerful inbound marketing tools integrated into the system. This premier hybrid social network includes news feeds, blogging platforms, video channels, chat channels, groups, image sharing, link hubs, resume, profile page and peer to peer commerce. But more than a social network, we have also delivered to you “Inbound Marketing tools” like broadcasting, capture pages, lead funnels, autoresponders, self-replicating group tools, traffic analytics, and more. Plus, we are built on the Blockchain which allows Airdrops of 500 Markethive Coin (MHV) upon joining and micropayments for using the tools mentioned above. This is all free to you.

The Entrepreneur program is designed to add gold plating to an already stellar and unbelievably valuable system you receive for free.

The Markethive Coin – MHV Consumer Coin
Notably, MHV was listed on the first of many exchanges, including its own exchange [in development] in March in 2019 and is currently valued at $0.18. The Markethive coin will not be dependent upon speculative value as is the case with other cryptocurrencies and platforms, thereby creating eternal economic velocity in the entrepreneur ecosystem within Markethive.

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join



A Few Reasons Why Your Business NEEDS Social Media Marketing

Did you know that 90% of all marketers say social media marketing has increased their business exposure?

Or that 66% of marketers that spend at least 6 hours on social per week have seen more leads? No matter what you sell and who you sell it to, using social media as a marketing tool can help you grow your brand and pad your wallet.


In your tweet and Facebook post sharing your new content, be sure to tag the experts you quoted so they see it pop up in their notifications.

Doing so makes it far more likely your source will share or retweet the link to their thousands (or tens of thousands) of followers, which drives traffic back to your website. It’s a win-win all around.

Social Media Is THE BEST Tool to Connect with (& Learn From!) Consumers & Industry Leaders

18 Reasons Why Your Business NEEDS Social Media Marketing

4. Social media marketing helps you understand your audience.

Part of what makes social channels like Twitter and Instagram effective marketing tools is the interaction you have with your customer base. By reading their tweets and status updates, you’ll gain insights into their daily lives and consumer behaviors, and answer questions such as:

  • What products are they buying and why?
  • What hobbies do they have?
  • What kinds of posts do they love to share?
  • What websites do they visit?

These insights have obvious marketing benefits. When you understand your customers, you can write better content and more compelling posts, which leads to more traffic. But the benefits can sometimes go far beyond marketing, helping you identify customer pain points, improve sales conversions and even refine your product strategy.

5. An active social media presence builds relationships with your audience.

Consumers see Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as social networks, not marketing machines.

That can be a challenge when you’re first developing your social media marketing strategy. A lot of companies instinctively take a hard sell approach, inundating their followers with discount offer codes, new product announcements and customer reviews. Then, when the account only brings in modest traffic gains, they assume social just isn’t a good fit for their brand.

But customers don’t want to be pitched to — they want authentic engagement.

When you stop seeing social as a way to pitch your customers and start seeing it as a way to connect with them, it can transform your brand. You help customers by answering their questions, entertaining and informing them with relevant content and even forming bonds over shared interests.

In #SMM, remember that customers don’t want to be pitched to — they want authentic engagement.

You’ll build connections with industry leaders and influencers, providing great stories for reporters, top notch products for promoters and interesting topics for experts to share with their followers. Over time, you’ll become more than a brand — you’ll become a part of a community.

And that comes with serious ROI. If you’re following social media marketing best practices, you’ll get a ton of exposure. That exposure brings in new leads. Over time, those leads become followers, followers become customers and customers become dedicated brand promoters, continuing the cycle.

6. Social media ads allow targeting and retargeting.

Why advertise on social media?

Because social media platforms offer highly targeted ads, which can be customized around your customers’ needs. Facebook ads, for example, can target customers by factors like age, location, education level, industry and even user behavior — e.g. the pages a user has liked. Using an ads management tool like HubSpot will give you even more insights into your ad campaigns. Connecting your ads to a CRM will allow you to see exactly which ads are turning prospects into customers.

Pro Tip: Install a Facebook pixel on your website to track how your ads affect customer behavior, and retarget your ads accordingly. Over time, Facebook will learn which users are more likely to click your link or buy a product, delivering your ads to the people most likely to convert into solid leads and sales.


7. Social media can help you get noticed at events and earn media coverage.

Whatever metric you use to measure the success of an event, it will always demand effective promotion. And that promotion always benefits from an active social media presence.

  • Measuring signups for a new expert webinar series? Facebook and LinkedIn will help spread the word.
  • Working to maximize donations at a charity fundraiser? Good social targeting will help you reach the big donors.
  • Attending a trade show to collect high-quality leads? A mature social media strategy will enable you to leverage influencers to amplify your message and bring attendees to your booth.

Brand Image Thrives on Social Media Marketing

8. Social media is key to customer service

Quick customer response time isn’t optional anymore. If there’s a problem with your product or service, your customers expect you to solve it right away.

Few companies are meeting those expectations.

A Sprout Social study found that customers want responses to social media companies within four hours, yet the average response time is 10 hours.

A @SproutSocial study found that customers want #socialmedia responses within 4 hours, but average response time is 10 hours. #SMM

This isn’t just a minor irritation for your customers — it directly affects your profits. A Twitter study showed that customers are willing to pay almost $20 more for future tickets when airlines respond to their tweets within 6 minutes.

And that isn’t just an isolated data point, either. Study after study has shown that consumers reward companies that respond to customer requests and complaints. A strong and engaged social media marketing presence will help you keep customers happy, and keep your public image positive.

9. A strong social media presence builds brand loyalty.

A report published by Texas Tech University found that brands with active social media profiles have more loyal customers.

It’s easy to understand why: when you’re engaging the public on social media, you’re building connection and rapport. You’re taking the time to provide your followers with useful information, help and entertainment, without asking for anything in return.

That shows customers you value them, not just as a source of revenue, but as people. Customers will begin to see you as an entity that cares about them, and has values, personality and vision. And in a competitive market, that can make a huge difference.

10. Social media is the perfect addition to your PR strategy.

Press releases are an important part of any marketing strategy, especially when you’re launching a new product or making a huge change in your company, but most people get the distribution part terribly wrong. If what you’re accustomed to is writing a press release and sending it out on PRWeb, you’re wasting your money.

Traditional press release distribution services are incredibly overrated.

Social media, on the other hand, provides you with a space where you can reach your target audience in a more personal, conversational way. And if your customers have questions, they can ask you right then and there.

The Right Social Media Marketing Strategy Can Help You Slay the Competition

11. Your competition is already social.

The crowded world of social media branding can feel very intimidating. Most brands have at least a token social media presence, and in some industries, multiple channels is the norm. For example, 91% of retail brands are using at least two social media platforms. So, what hope do you have of getting your brand noticed on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram?

It’s a lot easier than you think, because most brands aren’t doing it right.

Bigger brands may have sophisticated social media presences, but SMEs rarely do.

They start a few social media channels because it’s cheap, and it’s what everyone else does. Without investing in social media strategy, however, they rarely make a big impact. They post irregularly, rarely engage with followers and don’t develop a sophisticated voice. Social media remains essentially just a way for them to throw ads at customers now and then. And when that strategy doesn’t yield results, they put even less effort into it.

The truth is, posting to social media because you think you’re supposed to post will get you nowhere.

You’re better off with one really good social media channel than your competitor is with four semi-abandoned ones. If you take the time to develop your voice and strategy, post regularly and respond to messages and comments promptly, you can build a following your lazy competitors can’t possibly match — even if they’ve been on social for years longer than you have.

12. The social media marketing arena is a (fairly) level playing field.

Everyone can start a social media account for free, and most SMEs can dedicate either the time to maintain a social media channel, or the budget to outsource social media marketing.

Big brands do have some obvious advantages: better name recognition, bigger budgets that let them put together slick posts across multiple channels, and (in general) more influencers who already want to engage with their brand.

But SMEs have one big built-in social media advantage most big brands don’t: authenticity.

If you’re an entrepreneur with an inspiring story, a local company with ties to your community or an underground brand offering something new and exciting to early adopters, that can resonate with consumers — even if you don’t have a massive ad budget.

Ultimately, you don’t have to beat all your competitors at their own game to win on social media. You just need to find a way to connect with your own market in a way that builds your own brand. If you’ve got a good team and a strong brand voice, backed up by a solid product, that’s something you can do.

13. When it comes to newsjacking, social media is king.

In our media-saturated culture, it’s hard to tell when fate will throw a great opportunity at your brand. Sometimes your brand gets mentioned on a cable TV show, or tweeted about by an influencer. Other times, there’s a news story, meme, or pop-culture phenomenon that fits perfectly with your branding.

If you can jump in and engage with the story while everyone is paying attention, it can lead to viral posts, traffic boosts, press coverage and greater visibility for your brand. This strategy, known as newsjacking, works best if you get your voice out there while it’s still breaking news. If you join in too late, you’ll just look like another company trying to ride the trend.

To be one of the first voices out there, you need an active social media team.

Not only will that enable you to track and react quickly to current events, it will also ensure your message gets out, so that reporters, influencers and followers see your take while the story is still hot.

The Importance of Social Media Marketing for Sales and ROI

14. Social media marketing will get you more sales.

So, why is social media marketing important for your business?

Because it will get you more sales. Period.

Did you know that 70% of business-to-consumer marketers have acquired customers through Facebook? Or that 84% of CEOs and VPs say they use social media to help make purchasing decisions?

Not surprisingly, when you stay in front of your customer base, they’re more likely to buy from you when they need the products you sell, but social media marketing does far more than increase brand presence. You can influence customer buying decisions at multiple points along the sales funnel, from amplifying the reach of white papers and blogs targeting top of funnel, to answering customer questions and addressing pain points, to incentivizing buyers with coupon codes. We even think it’s crucial for real estate agents to get on social media — and stay active!

15. You can find potential customers who don’t already know your brand.

Social media marketing enables you to search out customers looking for information related to your product — even if they aren’t familiar with your company.

For example, on Twitter, you can use Hootsuite to set up streams, following specific keywords related to your industry or products. When you spot people tweeting about those products, you can direct them to your site, or explain how your product can address their needs.

This strategy can also be valuable for customers who tweet about your brand, but may not be familiar with a new product or use case. By reaching out to them with new information, you can not only influence a sales decision, but also show customers how your brand is growing to better meet their needs.

16. Social media marketing establishes you as an authority in your industry.

From joining Facebook groups to answering Quora questions, social media provides ample opportunities to demonstrate your expertise.

By answering questions, giving advice and sharing relevant information, you can show your leadership.

If you use this strategy regularly, it can greatly increase your brand’s reach. Your answers to common questions will come up in Google search, as well as in particular social channels. Other users will start to retweet or share to your posts or refer friends and colleagues to your social media team when they have questions. And new leads, impressed with your helpful information, will be more likely to visit your site and purchase your products.

All without ever asking anyone to buy!

You Can’t Beat the Price (or ROI) of Social Media

17. The ROI on social media ads is unbeatable.

Social Media Signs Illustration Design

By boosting the right social media posts, you can bring in a lot of traffic at a fraction of the cost of targeted Google ads.

As of 2018, the average Google AdWords cost per click varied from $1.20 for travel and tourism, to $5.27 for education and employment. Depending on the keyword targeted, you can end up paying $50 or more for a single click. Cost per acquisition — the amount of money businesses spend on ads to acquire a single customer — varies even more, from less than $20, to over $200 for the legal industry.

Just take a look at some of the most expensive AdWords keywords:
  • “Divorce attorney” costs $31 per click
  • “Cloud computing” costs $72 per click
  • “Solar installation” costs $11 per click
  • “Car insurance brokers” costs $21 per click
  • “Press release distribution” costs $29 per click

With boosted posts, you have a lot more control over when your message gets amplified, which means you can spend your advertising budget more strategically by focusing on the posts that matter most to your audience.

Through targeted boosted posts, we’ve been able to send traffic via Facebook and Pinterest for as little as $0.12 per click. At the low end, that’s ten times more traffic per dollar than you get from AdWords

18. Social media marketing is fun!

Hosting a Twitter chat to celebrate a new product launch, getting your geek on while you A/B test Facebook ads, or sharing pop-culture polls for your followers to weigh in on doesn’t just build your audience — it also gives you a chance to interact with your audience, express yourself and show what your brand is about.

With all the work that goes into marketing and growing your business, getting a chance to build real connections with customers is incredibly rewarding. And when that one perfect tweet goes viral, or that Q&A session brings in a big traffic boost, you’ll feel like a rockstar!

Drive Revenue With Social Media

No marketing tool or technique plays a bigger role in influencing your brand perception than social media. Regularly interacting with followers, journalists, thought leaders and taste-makers can increase your profile, improve your public image and give your brand the sales it deserves.

Are you ready to rocket ahead of your competitors and take the social media world by storm?

Own A Piece Of Markethive – Lifetime Income Opportunity
Markethive, the first Social/Market Network built on the Blockchain, introduces The Entrepreneur Program

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

The Entrepreneur program is designed to leverage your system. Your free Markethive system is a market network, like a social network, but with powerful inbound marketing tools integrated into the system. This premier hybrid social network includes news feeds, blogging platforms, video channels, chat channels, groups, image sharing, link hubs, resume, profile page and peer to peer commerce. But more than a social network, we have also delivered to you “Inbound Marketing tools” like broadcasting, capture pages, lead funnels, autoresponders, self-replicating group tools, traffic analytics, and more. Plus, we are built on the Blockchain which allows Airdrops of 500 Markethive Coin (MHV) upon joining and micropayments for using the tools mentioned above. This is all free to you.

The Entrepreneur program is designed to add gold plating to an already stellar and unbelievably valuable system you receive for free.

The Markethive Coin – MHV Consumer Coin
Notably, MHV was listed on the first of many exchanges, including its own exchange [in development] in March in 2019 and is currently valued at $0.18. The Markethive coin will not be dependent upon speculative value as is the case with other cryptocurrencies and platforms, thereby creating eternal economic velocity in the entrepreneur ecosystem within Markethive.

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

Own A Piece Of Markethive Lifetime Income Opportunity

Own A Piece Of Markethive – Lifetime Income Opportunity
Markethive, the first Social/Market Network built on the Blockchain, introduces The Entrepreneur Program

The Entrepreneur program is designed to leverage your system. Your free Markethive system is a market network, like a social network, but with powerful inbound marketing tools integrated into the system. This premier hybrid social network includes news feeds, blogging platforms, video channels, chat channels, groups, image sharing, link hubs, resume, profile page and peer to peer commerce. But more than a social network, we have also delivered to you “Inbound Marketing tools” like broadcasting, capture pages, lead funnels, autoresponders, self-replicating group tools, traffic analytics, and more. Plus, we are built on the Blockchain which allows Airdrops of 500 Markethive Coin (MHV) upon joining and micropayments for using the tools mentioned above. This is all free to you.

The Entrepreneur program is designed to add gold plating to an already stellar and unbelievably valuable system you receive for free.

The Markethive Coin – MHV Consumer Coin
Notably, MHV was listed on the first of many exchanges, including its own exchange [in development] in March in 2019 and is currently valued at $0.16. The Markethive coin will not be dependent upon speculative value as is the case with other cryptocurrencies and platforms, thereby creating eternal economic velocity in the entrepreneur ecosystem within Markethive.

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

The Consumer coin, MHV, is being utilized within the Markethive exchange by way of airdrops and the faucet system which rewards associates using the platform, so the coin is used within the commerce of the system thus creating the velocity. The Revenue is a vehicle that is used to buy the Markethive coin back in the free market so it can be redistributed into the economic vortex of the system. This is a fundamental difference to the other systems currently out there today

The Next Level
First, we begin with the AIRDROP. That means you receive a 100% Matching Airdrop bonus on all referrals from you so you build quality leads, not just friends. You are also included in the Markethive’s Advertising Co-op and receive new associates via the ad campaigns and traffic sponsored by Markethive. So if you struggle with recruiting friends and traffic, then just sit back and let us work for you.

Friends or Associates
As a free member by referring 3 people you activate the Markethive faucet or micropayment system and all free referrers are immediately made friends, just like Facebook does. Access to friends is limited to internal messaging and posting on their profile newsfeed (according to their settings) just like Facebook.

Fetch.AI's (FET) Post-Binance Launchpad Sell-Off Continues
As an Entrepreneur upgrade and when your traffic signs up through you, they become nurtured leads we call “Associates.” This gives you access to all their data, verified cell phone, email, GEOlocation and the list and links to all the Social networks they share in Markethive.

Traffic Portals And Banner Program
You also share in our Traffic Portals, the traffic they produce, the revenue and the leads. Markethive’s many traffic portals include our Exchange, our Web Builder, our Commerce System, and our News Release sites. And we plan on releasing more on an ongoing basis. This one feature can produce for you a lifetime of success. We refer to them as money machines and share their success with you.

You receive the exclusive Banner Program to publish three sizes optional banners within the Markethive dashboard and all the traffic portals. This means you get unlimited Banner advertisements in all of our traffic portals and Internet properties. This offer is incredibly valuable. Markethive properties are already receiving significant traffic and as we grow, that traffic is exclusively yours as an Entrepreneur upgrade.

Entrepreneur Profile Page
All subscribers have a profile page, but upgrading to Entrepreneur turns your Profile page into a capture page. When any traffic decides to subscribe to Markethive through your profile page or any of your Markethive blogs, they become an “Associate” (a highly qualified and nurtured lead)

It essentially turns your Profile Page into a lead funnel acquiring the best quality leads on the Internet. With full data, their social networks verified phone, and text verified email and a contact management system that tracks data, stores dated notes, sends messaging and calendars events reminding actions on your Markethive calendar like callbacks, email, etc. And, of course, you also receive a 100% matching coins bonus from all direct registrations via the Infinity AirDrop Campaigns.

Become A Shareholder in Markethive (Limited Time)
You also get an equal ILP share after 12 months of continuity with the Entrepreneur program. This is only available for the first 1000 Entrepreneur upgrades. What that means… Liken to an ICO, your monthly payment is accrued and if you stay current for 12 straight months, we contribute to you a full 10% ILP which pay out a share of 20% of Markethive revenue for 20 years and longer.

Ethereum and EOS See All-Time High DApp Traffic
Receive matching ILP shares for all Entrepreneur Upgrades that come via your account and exclusive ICO like portals; Exclusive loyalty award program assigning a 10% share of an ILP for every 12 months of consecutive payments towards the Entrepreneur program. That is a minimum value of $1500. ILPs are the revenue engine for holders of these shares.

This offer is only assigned to the top 1000 active Entrepreneurs in the program by seniority. The Entrepreneur Program is $100 mth, so with all you get, we are basically paying you back as well for the contribution for life.

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

The 8 points of upgrade

1. Profile Page turns into lead “associates” capture page

2. 100% matching bonus from the airdrops via your “associates”

3. 100% matching bonus from your direct “associates” upgrade

4. Loyalty Program 12 straight months, we contribute to you a full 10% ILP

5. Unlimited Banner advertisement in all of our traffic portals

6. Equal share from Markethive’s co-op advertising

7. Traffic Portals seller classification

8. Receive your own ILP site receive matching ILP shadow shares

During Markethive’s crowdfunding, all Entrepreneur upgrades also receive their own ILP site, assuring matching ILP shares as a reward for sending funding business to Markethive via your own personalized website. Similar to an ICO Site.

We are all entrepreneurs, and we know the future can have the greatest potential for those who take command and aggressively build their dreams. Markethive is dedicated to your dreams and not only has spent over 20 years perfecting our systems but have built this Entrepreneur upgrade to accelerate your path to success.

Click here, Markethive is Completely Free To Join

My Advice On Building a Link Building Strategy

My Advice On Building a Link Building Strategy

Link building is a crucial element when it comes to SEO (search engine optimization). 

Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay 

The reason for this is clear:

A link building strategy gets you traffic to your site and greatly improves your search engine rankings. 

If you can obtain a link from another site to your site, this signals to the almighty search engines that you have something worth taking a look at and they move you closer to the front of the line. The more links you get, the closer you get to the first page of search engine results when someone does a search for a relevant term. And once you are on that first page, you will start getting more traffic. 

"So, What should be the components of a good link building strategy?" You ask.

1. Valuable Content

One of the best ways to get inbound links is to ensure that your site offers valuable information to your visitors or valuable reference pages that relate to your business. . .or both. Once you have proven that you have quality content, other website owners will link to your site without you having to go out and ask them to do so.

Make sure your link building strategy includes a concerted effort to always provide information your particular market is interested in. If you know your market well, identify the kind of informations they are interested in and give it to them.

2. Keywork Related 

Make sure your content is not only informative and valuable but also related to keywords that direct relate to your market's interests.

Keep in mind that the highest quality links are those that are connected by a keyword or keyword phrase, not links that go from another site straight to your simple domain name. So, for example, if someone links from his site to your site, this counts for something. But not as much if the same person links the text "red apples" from an article in his site to your article on red apples within your site.

3. Outbound Linking

Many marketers often ignore outbound linking but for a comprehensive strategy, it is worth including it in your overall strategy.

Choosing to do some outbound linking (you linking to another site) provides additional value to your readers and inspires others to link back to you. This also contributes to your link building strategy and is viewed well by the search engines. Don't overdo it though. Just one or a couple of links per page will be fine. 

4. Join Forums and/or Networks

This may seem out of place in a Link Building Strategy but the reality is that Forums and Networks offer you easy opportunities to get valuable linkbacks to your blog/web site content. The secret here is to first, learn how the forum/network operates and what behaviours it will allow, and then engage with other members. This can be time consuming but once you start contributing and helping members in your market, you will find lots of opportunities to suggest links to your content. The fundamental principle here is to be helpful.

Having said this, there are many forums I could suggest, like Warrior Forum, however, there is one absolute must network you should never do without. It is called MARKETHIVE  and it's tools are absolutely FREE to use. Every marketing strategy should include its priceless features.

SIDEBAR: You can also try link building services although it's important to do your research first. If you choose the wrong service, it can get you penalized by the search engines. It's easy to see why people do opt for these types of services–link building is a long, tedious process and hiring someone else to do the grunt work may be well worth the required fee. But it isn't worth it if your site ends up going backwards instead of forwards in search engine ranking.

Although going out and seeking links is somewhat frowned upon, it works. And it's a win-win situation if you come across a website that offers something of value to your target audience. It's important to keep in mind that it's not only the quantity but the quality of your links that will get you where you want to be. Also, the very best way to ensure that you will get links to your website is to create top quality content. 

These are the basics I suggest when it comes to implementing your link building strategy.

Maxwell Jacobs is the Owner of Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.