Category Archives: General

Part 3 – 5 Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging 5 part series

Want to earn some money?

There are many ways people earn from blogging and you could too. Whilst it may take time to build a following and start earning a regular income from blogging, it is possible. Here are a few ways you can start.

1) Affiliate Programs

There are countless affiliates programs online and many of them provide you with marketing collateral like banners, images and unique referral links. If you write a post that is related to that affiliate program, you can easily add your affiliate links within the article itself. 

Alternatively, you can also add a banner at the beginning or end of your blog (similar to what I done here for Markethive).

You can also check out the Blog Posts section on my "Hacking Travel" Group to see how I've incorporated Amazon product links there and how you can do something similar.

2) Banner Advertising

Once your blog has a regular flow of visitors and you have the stats to show this, you can sell advertising space and invite companies with complementing products or services to buy a spot.

For instance, if your blog is about parenting you could invite companies that sell educational games or other children related items to buy an ad spot. 

If your blog is about places to visit in Colorado, for example, you can make a deal with your favourite local bakery and invite them to buy an ad spot or tell them you will advertise their bakery for free if they can give your readers a free croissant or coffee every Tuesday, or something like that. 

3) CPC / PPC / CPM Ads

Cost per click (also called pay per click) ads are usually banners that can be placed within your blog content or in the sidebar. Each time a reader clicks on the ad, you are paid for that click. Your reader does not actually have to buy anything from the advertiser. They only need to click the ad.

CPM Ads (“cost per 1,000 impressions,”) on the other hand are ads that pay you a fixed amount of money based on how many people view your ad. This is great if you have a high traffic blog.

One of the most popular networks that provide this type of advertising is Google AdSense. Many bloggers employ this method because they do not need to contact any advertisers as Google takes care of all that. 

You only need to place the banner on your site and Google will determine what ads are relevant to your content. When your viewers click on the ads, you will get paid by Google. That's it.

Of course, Google is not the only company to offer this type of advertising. There are other companies such as and, that you can check out.

It is worth mentioning that you will not earn a large amount right of the bat, but as you continue blogging, creating a brand for yourself and establishing yourself as an expert, you will start to see the money come in.

4) Paid to Blog

Finally, there is a platform that actually pays you to blog. It's called Markethive. I personally prefer this method because my earnings are not solely dependant on anyone clicking my affiliate links or banners or ads. In addition, it allows me to earn with my very first blog post. Very few platforms in this world give you that opportunity. Plus they pay you in cryptocurrency!

Of course, my hope is that my readers find the content I provide helpful and useful and so they follow through to purchase whatever they need to through my links but knowing that I'm earning just for blogging, is nothing short of awesome! Want to start earning for every blog post? Click here.

Stay tuned for Part 4!


Melody Christie

Where life takes me..

Click here to start your free Markethive account in 1 minute flat!

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Part 2 – 5 Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging 5 part series

Photo by Dakota Corbin on Unsplash


2. Do you want to help others?

Think about it, how many times have you desperately Googled for something and then found the answer you were looking for in a blog post?

In the same way, if you choose to blog on a topic you have some experience with, you could very well provide the answers to questions many people are searching for.

For instance, if you're an Entrepreneur, you could offer advice to others who are considering becoming one, talk about the things to look out for when choosing a business, potential pitfalls, the need to commit and spend at least a little time each day working on their project and such.

Or if you are a foodie (yes, it's a thing now), you could tell people where all the best restaurants, cafes and eateries are, the best time to visit to avoid standing around waiting for a table, etc.

Think of it as helping people. Put yourself in their shoes and consider;
– what they are searching for
– what they need help with
– what you already know
– what you are good at
– how you can help them

It's heartwarming going through the reader's comments knowing your post has helped someone.. even if it's a seemingly small thing like how to re-open a browser tab they've closed prematurely 🙂 (<– this was not a blog post but it was one of my early shares and the response was just great)

If you would like to test your blogging skills, Markethive is a free platform that provides you with everything you need to do just that. Plus it comes with a community of supportive Entrepreneurs who are happy to guide you along the way… and the icing on the cake? You get paid for every post you make! What else could you ask for?

Click here to start your free Markethive account in 1 minute flat!

Melody Christie

Where life takes me..

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Part 1 – 5 Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging 5 part series


Blogging has become an extremely popular thing to do these days. 

What started out as someone having a kind of online diary has morphed into something anyone can use to discuss anything they like – whether it is their daily activities or promoting a business, sharing political opinions, or doing movie reviews, discussing travels, you name it!

In this series, we'll be discussing the reason why you should start a blog and how it could add value to your life or business.


1) Got a fantastic hobby?

If you're passionate about something, you probably won't stop blogging about it until someone pries your fingers away from the keyboard. 

Starting a blog can be confusing especially if the internet, WordPress, hosting, SEO, etc. are all new to you. 

You could start a blog very easily by using Markethive though. The entire platform is already set up for you and so all you need to do is actually pick a title and start typing 🙂

Blogging can be quite fulfilling especially when your posts gain popularity and people start to read your posts, send in their questions and comments, etc.

Blogging will also encourage you to get out and learn more and more about the subject you're blogging about thereby giving you a never-ending supply of fresh content for your blog. Plus, you can blog from anywhere!

You will be so pleased with yourself once you have a community of like-minded individuals around you, all contributing towards the success of your blog and hobby.

Stay tuned for the next article!


Melody Christie

Where life takes me..

Note: I have to warn you though, with the people being the way they are these days, they won't just skip your blog or keep quiet if they don't like what you're saying. There are those who seem to think it their duty to point out every error or to just be negative in the comments section, so..

DO. NOT. LET. IT. BOTHER. YOU. You just do you 🙂

Click here to start your free Markethive account in 1 minute flat!


ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Solo Build It: Everything A Solopreneur Needs To Build An Online Business

Solo Build It!: Everything A Solopreneur Needs To Build An Online Business

????Start with an idea, grow into a website, build traffic & fans, end with a profitable business.

Do it all with Solo Build It! (SBI!) ???? ????

Everyday solopreneurs building extraordinary businesses… Every day.

Building a website correctly is just one step out of 10 in SBI!'s comprehensive, business-building process.

SBI! guides you methodically through every part of building an online business, from the beginning (evaluating, picking and refining your business concept) to the "end" (growing the largest and most stable income possible). — Solo Build It! ("SBI!") is the ONLY product that enables you to build online businesses at the highest rates & levels of success.

The proof?

SBI! delivered 9X to 115X more high-traffic successes in scientific, objective and VERIFIABLE head-to-head studies vs. Wix, WordPress, Squarespace, and GoDaddy.


Succeeding by Helping Others Succeed in MarketHive

Succeeding by Helping Others Succeed in MarketHive

What do you think about self-help gurus that achieve most of their success (financial or otherwise) through the vehicle of their work as a self-help guru?

What can we say about a motivational speaker who talks about success but whose greatest success is being successful at speaking about success?

I see no problem with this, as long as the speaker is honest.

Problems occur when a speaker pretends to be something s/he is not, such as falsely claiming to be a millionaire through a prior business that was in truth a financial disaster, while reaping massive profits from book and seminar sales that teach people how to get rich.

I believe it’s wonderful to run a business centered around helping people, even one that follows a recursive pattern like helping people help others in the same way you’re helping them. If the demand for such work is there and if it truly benefits people, then this is a perfectly acceptable business model. In fact, I think it’s one of the more intelligent business models available. Why not help yourself by helping others?

I ran a computer games business for more than a decade and enjoyed some success with it. I could have continued to grow that business, but a funny thing happened along the way. I started writing articles to help other independent software developers, and over a period of years, my articles became more popular than my games. In the long run, I had a greater impact by teaching other people how to run a business like mine as opposed to minding my own business. More creative games were released into the world as a result of the articles I wrote, many more than I could have developed within my own company.

As I began writing articles that weren’t limited to software developers, on topics like goal-setting and productivity, my influence widened. Soon people were coming to my games site just to read the articles. Trying to sell games to those visitors made little sense, since most of them weren’t even interested in games.

Eventually I realized I could provide a better service (and ultimately build a better business) by writing more articles instead of releasing more games. It made no sense to continue publishing games when I had all these people coming to my games website looking for personal development advice.

It’s funny that even though I was running a computer games business, my passion for personal growth couldn’t help but come through.

Back then it was hard to get my head around what was happening. At first I saw the unplanned shift in my visitor demographics as a semi-annoying problem. I thought maybe I should stop posting new articles on my site. But eventually I recognized that this was a golden opportunity. If I could attract personal growth enthusiasts to an indie games site, imagine what I could do with a website that was actually focused on personal development. ????

Initially it was hard to step into the role of teacher. I kept thinking of the expression, “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.” It didn’t help that many of my friends and associates in the gaming industry reacted with a similar attitude when I informed them of my decision to start a personal development website and to retire from the gaming industry.

I stuck with my decision though. The demand was too much to ignore. I had inadvertently stumbled upon a better way to provide value to people. The longer I kept publishing games, the more I felt I was wasting time. By holding back on the personal development side, I was robbing people of a better service I could have been providing.

Although I don’t actively encourage people to start up their own personal development websites, hundreds of people have told me they started blogs and websites because of my work, often crediting articles like How to Make Money From Your Blog and 10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Job. Most of those sites were on personal growth topics as well.

At first I wasn’t sure if this was a good thing. I wasn’t worried about competition because I don’t think in terms of scarcity, but I was concerned that there were too many people jumping into the field, and I knew most of them would fail. Most people just aren’t serious about this kind of work and quit within a few months. But some of them committed themselves and achieved great success; many were able to quit their day jobs as a result.

It’s rewarding to visit some of these sites today and see how far they’ve come. They continue to provide a valuable service to their visitors. Moreover, the site owners are contributing much more value than they ever did before.

Most of these newer sites are run by people much younger than I am. For many it’s their first real business venture. They may not have much real-world experience to share, but they do have the desire to help people. This desire pushes them to work on their own growth, so they can have something to share that’s effective. Generally, those who try to fake success don’t get very far, but those who are honest about sharing their journey along the way can definitely provide a lot of value.

It isn’t necessary to be some kind of uber-guru in order to help people. You don’t have to make a ton of money, find the perfect relationship, or achieve your ideal physique before you’re able to contribute. You can start by sharing what you know, which is probably a lot more valuable than you give yourself credit for.

You don’t need to be a guru to write articles like that. It’s not that difficult to share what you know.

You don’t have to be the best at everything. You can still put yourself out there. You can still make a contribution. You can still give something of value to people.

How do you know if what you have to share has value? Share it first, and you’ll soon find out. If it provides value, people will tell you. If it doesn’t, people will usually ignore you. As long as you’re getting ignored, keep experimenting by trying to provide value in new and unique ways. Maybe you have a sweet voice and would be better at podcasting than blogging. Or perhaps video would be a better outlet for your creativity. The only limits are in your thinking.

When I released my first independently-developed computer game, it was largely ignored. It took me six months to develop it, but nobody cared. My next game sold a little better, but it was still basically a flop. I tried different game styles and different genres. It took several releases, but eventually I created an award-winning game that sold well for years. It took about five years of trial and error to align my game development skills with creating value for others.

Five years may seem like a long time, but I was coming from a place of knowing virtually nothing about how to run a business when I started. It took a long time to calibrate my skill set to market realities. In the beginning I was trying to create a product to sell, something that would make me money. But in the later years, I focused on offering games that people would love. That is a huge difference in mindset.

When I launched, I was able to start providing value to others much more quickly because I wasn’t stuck thinking about making money. I focused on the service side. I soon figured out how to use my skills to give people what they need and want.

I sometimes get emails from people complaining that they aren’t getting rich after blogging for only a few months. One blogger emailed me today to express disappointment that he hasn’t yet surpassed 100 visitors per day. He started his blog less than a month ago. Is it me, or are people getting a little impatient these days?

The most important result to track isn’t how many visitors your website is getting or how much money you’re making. Instead, figure out whether you’re actually making a difference in people’s lives. Are you helping people? Are you providing strong value? If you’re providing genuine value, time and referrals will take care of most of your other key metrics.

Recently I was talking to a friend in the personal development field. Business-wise he and I both had record years in 2008, and we each expect 2009 to blow it away. We joked about the rest of the economy crashing down around us. Why do we feel so optimistic when so many people are nervous? Because we know that we’re providing real value to people. We know that our skills are aligned with contribution. We also have the capacity to do a lot of good for people who are financially struggling, looking for career changes, or feeling uncertain about the future.

Erin is in the same boat. During a recession, more people feel uncertain about the future, and she offers intuitive readings that provide people with great clarity about their lives. Consequently, her income saw significant growth last year as well. Why? Because her skills are aligned with helping people get what they need.

Helping people grow is a service that’s in very high demand. It doesn’t matter that we’re in a (media-fueled) recession. That just means people are more keen to reduce low-value expenditures, and they’re more sensitive to spending money wisely — on purchases that provide the best bang per buck for them. If you’re providing weak value, you’re on shaky ground during a recession. But if you’re providing solid value that meets human needs, a recession can create even bigger opportunities for you — people will drop the fluff from their lives and seek you out instead.

When your business model is no longer fed by sufficient demand, you can always switch to doing something else. But if there’s one thing humanity needs right now, it’s for more of us to step it up and embrace our true potential instead of settling for the limited roles assigned by our social conditioning. In our current environment, there’s still plenty of room for more people to start businesses based on helping and encouraging others to grow. We’re a long way from being over-saturated in this area.

"Republished from"



CMS (Content Management System) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) provides two separate objectives in the business software realm. A small business needs both a CRM and CMS and Markethive has them both built-in to make it easier for you. The next generation Inbound Marketing Social/Market Network built on the Blockchain with everything needed to succeed under one umbrella.  


What Is A CMS? [Content Management System]

You’ll need a CMS from the outset to build your website/capture page, create content on your blogging platform and get your business up and running. (Think WordPress or Markethive) Even if you're not in business, but want an online presence to showcase a product, start a blog or promote your services, you will need a CMS. 

Key features of Markethive CMS include:

  • Custom domain names: When you join Markethive you receive (for free) a CPanel control panel and WordPress system built into your assigned domain, a subdomain of

  • Web hosting: Store your website and all of its data either in the CMS or by integrating with a popular web hosting platform.

  • Site editor: Change the layout of your site, either using code or a drag-and-drop editor.

  • Content Library: Store content for publication including images and videos. 

  • Online-store: Set up a catalog of products and integrate a payment portal so users can shop online via your website.
  • Manages the creation and modification of digital content and typically supports multiple users in a collaborative environment. 

  • Markethive provides capabilities for multiple users to manage content, data and/or information of a website project, or campaign but gives you 100% control of your data. 

Markethive assists you in managing content creation, editing, archiving, publishing, collaborating on, reporting, distributing website content, data, and information.


What Is CRM? [Customer Relationship Management] 

CRM is quite different. CRM solutions organize and manage information about leads and customers, and so it is a very important tool. Businesses, sales and marketing teams can utilize this tool to keep track of their leads and make sure they’re communicating with their customers at the most opportune times.

You will need a CRM when you start to accumulate leads and build up your client base. (Think Salesforce or Markethive)  

Key features of a Markethive CRM include:

  • Contact management: Markethive acquires high-quality connections (leads) we call “associates”. In doing so, you have access to call them on their verified cell phone, email them on their verified email, message them through the Markethive system and the multiple social networks our system nurtures each subscriber to add to their account. 

  • Groups System: There is also the groups' system that shares your customized funnel systems with all Markethive members. Markethive is rich in data, but unlike the other systems, your data is yours and their data is theirs.  Only You control it, not Markethive.

  •  Interaction tracking: Document every interaction that you’ve had with your customer, including phone calls, support requests, and purchase history.

  • Lead management: Allows you to sort to specific folders, sort by Social network, GEO, email, phone, capture page. Transfer from one group to another and delete. Markethive also has funnel page systems that capture leads for you through the Markethive One Click Widget

  • Email management: It has utilized the OAuth technology to capture data via capture widgets through a choice of Social Media Sites situated on your capture pages, blogs and profile pages. You can send email campaigns or follow up directly from your CRM.  Email Deliverability: Main Inbox  99.97% Spam 0.0% Tabs 0.0%  Missing 0.03%  

Free when you subscribe to Markethive. There are no limitations on the amount or size of your list of subscribers and no upcharges. 100 addresses or 1 million addresses, you will experience nearly 100% delivery for no costs, for free.


Leads Funnel Technology

Markethive funnel technology is the epitome of Inbound Marketing, or Automated Marketing designed to draw visitors and potential customers in, generating massive leads and customers. Your system includes capture pages, survey pages, and your profile page all serving to bring traffic into your platform turning traffic into visitors, then leads, then customers and eventually promoters on your team.  Organic, qualified leads for your business on a platform where you can cultivate those leads into long term clients. A system that meets marketers needs on every level.

Markethive’s capture pages are twofold. Create capture pages to build referrals into Markethive, direct them to a specific group, set up specific autoresponders. Choose from a vast selection of thumbnail templates, or build a more sophisticated capture page with custom configurations for the more seasoned marketer. Either way, similar systems sell for over $200 per month and are complex and less effective than Markethive’s one-click proprietary enrolment widgets. All of this included for free to the moon Markethive.


Markethive On Blockchain With MHV Consumer Coin 

Markethive is a Social Media Market Platform that is essentially a hybrid between the social networks, Inbound Marketing, eBay and exchanges. What makes Markethive different to other alternatives is it's built on the Blockchain providing transparency; anyone can look at how we function and see that we are not spying on you. It also means everything you do is encrypted and private. The platform is completely decentralized, encrypted, private and secure. All of our code is open source, meaning privacy, transparency and free speech is foundational.

The Consumer coin, MHV, is being utilized within the Markethive exchange by way of airdrops, the faucet system, which rewards associates using the platform,  bounties, and loyalty rewards and the upcoming vault. So the coin is used within the commerce of the system thus creating the velocity. The Revenue is a vehicle that is used to buy the Markethive coin back in the free market so it can be redistributed into the economic vortex of the system. This is a fundamental difference to the other systems currently out there today.

The Markethive system has been developed to produce revenue in the traditional sense with the added benefits of the blockchain taking it to the next level. Markethive is a philanthropic endeavor. To give, not take. To help not exploit.




This is the next generation of all things from the past. This is where it's at. Combining all forms of media and marketing built on the blockchain is the new era of online business. No more standalone platforms with the need to integrate with 3rd parties to create optimum leads and results. Markethive, 20 years in the making has had the forward-thinking and tenacity to integrate the latest technology to deliver a complete ecosystem for anybody aspiring to work online. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs




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Deb Williams
Market Manager for Markethive, a global Market Network, and Writer for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 



Dear Cable or Satellite TV YOU’RE FIRED


Did you know that on average, people are spending anywhere from $100 to over $200 a month for their cable or satellite TV services presently, and you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who is satisfied with their service or their current providers. 
The most common complaints are poor service, lack of programming choices, overpriced, long contracts, credit checks … just to name a few.
How would you like to tell your current provider this ………

Dear Cable or Satellite TV … YOU’RE FIRED!

Click for details

Shrink your cable costs and customize your channels, so you get more of what you love for a LOT less TODAY! Try before you buy, no contracts, no credit checks, everything included, even all premium channels such as HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, Starz and ALL SPORTS and even Pay-Per-View … and SO MUCH MORE!

You can TODAY!


Get registered for your 100% NO COST, NO OBLIGATION 7-day *F*R*E*E* Trial TODAY! Don’t just take our word for it, see for yourself!

REMINDER: even as a satisfied customer and user of this service, you can share with your friends, families, co-workers and people you know or meet and be rewarded, which can further reduce your monthly costs, and possibly even put a little extra CASH in your pockets!

Click here to get started today!

To your shrinked cable costs and

Best success

Slow Cooker Red Lentil Cauliflower Curry

Slow Cooker Red Lentil Cauliflower Curry

I have been experimenting with cauliflower lately as it is so versatile.  I do like curry.  I did a search for “curry cauliflower crockpot” and found “Slow Cooker Red Lentil Cauliflower Curry” by Erin.


Below is the link to her site.  This is her recipe.  I added a few more cloves of garlic and one avocado to it but that was it.  I pretty much put avocado in everything.


Below are the ingredients and directions from her site.  I just copied and pasted.



  • 2 cups Bob’s Red Mill Red Lentils
  • 1 yellow onion, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 head cauliflower, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon minced ginger
  • 2 tablespoons red curry paste
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
  • 1 (29 ounce) can tomato puree (not tomato sauce)
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk (use full fat—it’s worth it)
  • Freshly chopped cilantro, for serving
  • Brown rice, cooked quinoa, farro, or similar for serving


  1. Place the lentils in the bottom of a 4-quart or larger slow cooker. Add the onions, garlic, cauliflower, ginger, curry paste, salt, turmeric, coriander, cumin, cayenne, and cardamom, then stir to combine.
  2. Pour the tomato puree over the top of the cauliflower and lentils. Refill the tomato puree can halfway with water, then pour it over the top of the slow cooker ingredients so that they are covered with liquid. Cover and cook on high for 4-5 hours or low for 7-8 hours, until the lentils are soft.
  3. Just before serving, stir in the coconut milk. Serve over brown rice, quinoa, or farro, topped with fresh cilantro.


Below is the picture before I turned the power on to high.

Below is the picture after 5 hours in the high position.  I added this to cooked quinoa.

I am glad my local grocery store carries Bob’s Red Mill Red Lentils.  Fooducate gave it a grade of A-.


I am a huge cilantro fan.  Besides taste, it possesses good amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, essentials oils, etc.  Cilantro is our friend.


I will make this again as I believe it is healthy.


All the best,

Alan Zibluk

PS: Antioxidants are our friends.


Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Hot Lemon and Ginger Water – Best Sore Throat Remedy

Hot Lemon and Ginger Water – Best Sore Throat Remedy


I have always been interested in health.  This came to head with me in 1996 at 29 years old.  I became a USANA Distributor in July of that year as I wanted their products.  I am only mentioning it here as 20 years later I am still taking the product.  I will include a link for my site at the very end of this blog post. Better health interests me.


In 2013 I saw the movie “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead.” After that movie I bought a juicer.  I initially was juicing more fruit than I should have.  My girlfriend gave me Jason Vale’s book “The Juice Master’s Ultimate Fast Food Book.”  The book changed my life and I safely says lemons are probably my best friend after my girlfriend.

The book is great and the thing I took away from it was the “Three One” rule.  For every piece of fruit have three vegetables.  It made a huge difference.


Jason discusses lemons in his book which lead me to hot lemon and ginger water.  Hot lemon water by itself is boring.  Adding pieces of gingerroot to it makes it a lot more interesting.  I have never been a fan of tea but I like this.

All I do is cut a half of lemon into pieces and put it in my cup.  I then take a piece of gingerroot the size of my thumb, cut that into pieces and add it to my cup.  I then just add hot water.

I am not sure where I stand between the issue of nutritional supplements over getting all you need from food, I am sure of this sore throat remedy.  I put this drink in the “preventive” category.  I have not had a sore throat in years.  My cold use to start with a really sore throat.  Today when I get a cold it just starts with a little dry throat.  I still get colds but not nearly as bad as before.


I am passionate about health and I am going to start sharing what I know works.  Hot Lemon and Ginger Water works.


All the best,

Alan Zibluk

PS: I have been taking this for twenty years.









Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Value and Respect Your Brand: Ask Donald Sterling

Value & Respect Your Brand: Ask Donald Sterling 

Race or more accurately, racism was a primary issue in the Donald Sterling and L.A. Clipper controversy; however, the most important business component at risk was both the NBA and L.A.  Clipper Brand.  Now, a brand is commonly perceived as a product, service or concept manifested in the form of a visual logo that represents a specific company.  Okay, a nice safe and tidy corporate definition; however, successful brands are intangible and represent emotions, qualities and stories that motivate consumers to join in partnership with a specific company that gives value to its consumers.  A brand that attract its customers by providing value and develops a trusting relationship then, the logo not only represents the company but, the corporate culture (ideals, ideologies & values) that is portrayed in media for the benefit of further expanding the brand to a larger consumer base.  “The NBA has been the poster child for diversity in American sports from the coaches on the sidelines, to the executive’s they hire and obviously to the players on the court”.  Now, 81% of the NBA players are people of color, ¾ of the NBA players are African-American and 27% of NBA coaches are African-American”.  Needless to say, NBA’s brand is about inclusion of all people and strives for parity in all levels of employment.

So, what happens when a well-known brand is compromised because of an act of self-destructive conduct within corporate management?  When large sums of revenue are at risk then, immediate emergency measures are implemented to save the cash and more importantly, salvage the reputation of the organization that was perceived to have committed an offense against its customer base.  Donald Sterling, former owner of the LA. Clippers knows all about committing corporate suicide due to a documented long-term history of racial bigotry against African Americans.  Unfortunately, Mr. Sterling failed to consider the economic and social impact his words would have on his employees, basketball fans and corporate sponsors who invested significant sums of money into the Clipper organization.  Let’s look at who invested and who threatened to bail if, Mr. Sterling wasn’t removed from the Clipper organization in real time.

Well, sponsors like Car Max, State Farm, Virgin America, Chumash Casino Resort, Lumber Liquidators, Yokohoma Tire Corporations, Corona, Constellation Brands, Kia Motors, Adidas, Mercedes-Benz, Red Bull, Burger King, Samsung and MGM Resorts and End Ties, all threatened to end ties, with both the Clippers and the NBA.  Clearly, they didn’t want to be associated with any entity that appeared to support racial bigotry.  With millennials and older adults being primary consumers of goods and services in both social media and professional sports it would be complete lunacy for sponsors to ostracize such a critical revenue stream.

Business is about relationship building and like anything of value takes considerable time and effort to develop; however, it only takes seconds or minutes to DESTROY.  Developing a trusting relationship with customers is the foundation of business’s ability to achieve long-term success.  Now, if you consider Donald Sterling’s 30-year plus ownership of the Clippers was essentially destroyed in under 9-minutes of secret audiotape (recorded by his mistress) and with the potential of collateral damage to his other businesses.  Additionally, future business opportunities were potentially compromised; hence, the true cost of this act of entrepreneurial-suicide remains unknown to the general public.

So, it remains clear that one’s words have consequences and this is true in all aspects of life but, even more, when you’re the owner of a NBA franchise worth 1 billion dollars and the majority of your players were African-American. It is clear Mr. Sterling didn’t respect certain people of different races/ethnicity but, why didn’t he respect his brand?  Why risk it all?

Well, let’s first review a definition to ensure everyone is on the same page, “Brand is the “name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s product distinct from those of other sellers.”  Alright, that’s clear so both NBA & L.A., Clippers are brands that represent the best in professional basketball, which appeals to millions of people who are willing to pay to be associated with such organizations because they provide value/service to their target market.

Unfortunately, Mr. Sterling FAILED to recognize the importance of valuing his target market and the formula for success that generated millions of dollars for his organization.  He took things for granted.  When you have success and you become reckless then, you become a liability to your company and those who rely on its production of products and services to the established consumer abuse.

Now, fortunately for both the NBA and LA Clipper organization, they never lost sight of the most important element of the Formula of Success and that is the fans.  Without the fans then, you have no business and keeping them interested in the basketball brand was paramount to everyone’s success.

Like in both online and offline businesses the formula for success entails a system designed to produce new customers and create an income multiplier rather than just one-time customers but, a lifetime customer.  This is desired in all businesses; hence, to achieve this goal begins with respecting your BRAND.

Vaurn James



Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member