Tag Archives: blockchain



The Multi-Level Marketing Industry has been around for decades starting out with home parties or Party Plan and predominantly seen by women as a way to supplement the family income. MLM companies never advertised on mainstream media, so relied on word of mouth and solicited recruitment of anyone inexperienced or otherwise, and that was all well and good until the hype of fulfilling dreams of getting rich beyond your wildest dreams, firing your boss, becoming your own boss all because of the unsustainable and complicated compensation plans created by the company to entice anyone that would listen.  

Over time the MLM industry has evolved online and this is when scams escalated and the promise of untold wealth for doing nothing really became a mindset.  Some companies have products albeit a few making outrageous claims about the benefits, but many don't have a product or service or at the very least they portray a facade of digital products that could normally be accessed online for free. The latter has been dubbed a money game showcasing their gimmicky comp plans since the internet era. Fundamentally, if an MLM company pushes recruiting and is only interested in building a team to fill up a matrix in the compensation plan, not focusing on acquiring customers to buy their product, this is considered a pyramid scheme and very much a red flag.  

There are programs that have failed, only to pop up later with a new name but similar model sucking in unsuspecting and usually desperate people looking to make an income online, or even worse believe the promise of getting rich quick. There are a number of individuals that keep launching new companies, all with matrix or binary comp plans then eventually closing them, then move on to the next, then another, and people losing money hand over fist with no recourse.


Common Sense. Do The Math

MLMs work by geometric expansion, where you get ten to sponsor ten, to sponsor ten, and so on. This is usually shown as an expanding matrix (looks very much like a "pyramid"!) with corresponding kick-backs at various levels.

The problem here is one of common sense. At a mere three levels deep this would be 1,000 people. At six levels deep, that would be 1 million people believing and expecting to make the amount of money promised to fulfill their dreams of becoming a millionaire. This, of course, must go on ad infinitum. This is proven to be unsustainable, there just wouldn’t be enough people in the world, let alone interested prospects, not to mention the attrition or churn rate of recruits. 

I have spoken to individuals who know its limitations and flaws and they just say, “That’s ok, at least I can make some money while it lasts.” What about the poor people that come in after you? 

The ethical question is, Are MLMs a morally acceptable way to make money? 


There are a few MLM companies that have been around for years that are legitimate as they concentrate on selling the products, some have even done away with their suspect compensation plan to stay in good stead with the Federal Trades Commission. (FTC)  Illegal pyramid schemes do have a product, but critics say that many MLMs have a business model that focuses on recruiting “downline” and getting new distributors to buy the product, rather than on actual sales to consumers, making them akin to pyramid schemes.

When you take a look at the FTC, and what they have to say about MLM companies, you need to offer retail products in order to stay in compliance with the law. This can be confusing for some however what it means is a company must have retail products that can be purchased by customers only without them having to become a distributor and buy into the opportunity offered through the comp plan to get those products.


Multi-Level Marketing Is The “Brand”

Robert L. FitzPatrick is an expert in examining and revealing deception and fraud in Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, and bogus home-based businesses opined,

“MLMs do not have brands in the same way that conventional companies do. Some MLMs have almost no "customers" at all other than their own “distributors” and most of them last less than a year. Arguably, MLM can’t be understood by business analysts because it more closely resembles a cultic religion than a business.

MLM’s “brand” is not based on products or on company culture, customer loyalty, or on new technology or social or political values. The brands of all MLM companies are one and the same, "multi-level marketing" itself, the contradictory business model, involving recruiting your own competitors and “being your own customer.” Each and all require “endless chain” recruiting and they always produce the same outcome: the majority of all “commissions” wind up in the hands of the top 1% of recruiters, kind of like a pyramid scheme always does.”

Polarization Runs Deep

While this is the most difficult point to make, it is perhaps the most important. Anyone who has any experience with an MLM has strong feelings, either for or against, and this is the problem. Polarization runs deep. 

There are a host of issues brought forth regarding multi-level marketing companies, often from former distributors and the disgruntled community is growing. If you search YouTube, you can find countless videos outlining the numerous problems with various MLM companies.


How MLMs Defend Themselves

There have been many arguments raised by MLMers. 

“How can it be a pyramid scheme if it’s legal?” 
Through some crafty loopholes. The fact that there is an actual product to sell allows them to operate and give the appearance of legitimacy. If you need to fill your matrix up to be eligible for commissions, it’s a pyramid scheme. 

“You just haven’t found a good MLM yet.” 
Wrong. A good MLM is an oxymoron. Multi-level Marketing is the brand. No matter what products they have, if the distributors are forced to recruit, then most are doomed to failure. The biggest problem with MLM’s is that most distributors don’t make a profit. In fact, a majority end up losing money. According to the FTC, an astounding 99% of recruited sellers lose money. From the FTC report: “MLM as a business model is the epitome of an “unfair or deceptive acts or practice”.

“But how is this any different from any other major corporation where the CEO makes the most money?” 
Because the people below the CEO at legit companies get paid salaries and have actual benefits. They don’t depend on endless chains of recruiting new members and asking for money upfront.

Comp Plans Detailed

Jeff Babener, Babener & Associates/MLMLegal.com published a guide explaining the major types of plans. The two outlined below became popular since the advent of computer technology.  

The Matrix Plan

This plan looks like a grid in which a distributor is limited to a certain number of recruits at each level. For example, in a 3-by-5 matrix, each level down to five can have only three downline distributors.

This type of plan is sometimes considered to be more gimmicky than others. Why? Because due to the width limitations, new recruits may find themselves placed underneath upline distributors who did not directly recruit them. In a three-wide matrix, for instance, the fourth distributor you personally sponsor would be placed under one of the first three distributors you personally sponsored (your first-level distributors).

Matrix plans have been subjected to attacks by regulatory agencies because they sometimes look like "a game." By and large, they have not had a successful record in the industry, and they foster nonproducers, which makes the upline distributors resentful. Nevertheless, several major companies operate matrix plans. 


Binary Plan

The binary plan is the newest on the scene. In a binary plan, a distributor is allowed to occupy one or more "business centers," each limited to two downline legs. Compensation is paid on group volume of the downline legs rather than a percentage of sales of multiple levels of distributors. In other words, payment is volume-driven rather than level driven. Sales volume must be balanced in the two legs to be eligible for commissions, which are paid at designated points when target levels of group sales are achieved. 

The distributor may occupy multiple positions and may re-enter or loop below the other two leg matrices in which he or she has been active. There is no depth limit on payment but each matrix has a finite amount that can be paid out, thus necessitating involvement in multiple two-leg matrices. 

The binary is the most controversial of plans. The binary had its unfortunate origins in the early 1990s in fraudulent gold coin programs, and its use later for other questionable products did not help. Those subsequent products were generally high-ticket one-time purchases such as consumer service or travel memberships, travel certificates, or overpriced prepaid phone cards. By the end of the 1990s, and after many legal challenges, the binary was not in great favor, and only companies like USANA, that had applied the concept to consumables, seemed to be around.

Critics charged that the implementation of binary plans brought on legal and business problems. Companies and distributors tended to promote the plan rather than the product, creating accusations of a "money game." Often plans had a one-time sale requirement which created a something-for-nothing atmosphere and appearance of payment for headhunting recruitment. 

The multiple business center approach was often presented as a "purchase of a business center," an "investment," or a "front-load" of product. The ability to stack personal business centers also created the possibility of front-loading. The required balancing of sales volume between legs meant that hard work might yield no payoff and income would be forfeited because personal production did not count if balanced sales volume did not occur. 

Finally, the multiple re-entry or looping created a "game-like" atmosphere in which an individual could end up in the downline of someone he or she had sponsored. For the distributor looking long term at a distributorship that might be sold, this "looping" also made it virtually impossible to place a value on a distributorship because no continuous downline genealogy could exist.


The Legitimacy Of Multi-Level Marketing

An issue in determining the legitimacy of a multilevel marketing company is whether it sells its products primarily to customers or to its distributors who must recruit new members to buy their products. In other words, does it emphasize getting products or services into the hands of consumers, or does it emphasize making money by finding new recruits? If it falls into the latter category, run away, fast. In the end, it’s the product, not the compensation plan that drives success.

Most people that are lured into these companies have little money to invest and want to believe the hype about utopian promises, get rich quick schemes, and how they can achieve great success. How they can fire their boss and be their own boss. Essentially, you are not your own boss. You have no control over the company, its products, people you recruit, or comp plan. 

Multi-level marketing companies are not new. However, with the rise of social media, more people are becoming fed up with their tactics. In fact, there is an anti-MLM subreddit devoted to calling out MLM practices and product quality. If you are considering buying a product from or signing up with an MLM opportunity, do your research first. 


Legitimate Company Investments Out Of Reach For Most? Not Any More.

The idea of investing in a legitimate company at a grassroots or shareholder level was out of the question. Only capital investors or entrepreneurs with millions of dollars were invited or could get involved. Hence the saying the rich get richer and the poor get poorer”, until now.

Markethive has been created for the rank and file to achieve success on every level. Starting out with the ability to promote your business with all the inbound marketing tools including blogging platforms, email services, CMS, etc, which you would normally have to pay for is free to use at Markethive. Then there is the collaborative social media platform of like-minded individuals which of course is free. It’s free but you get paid to use it! 

Huh? How? Blockchain Technology and Markethive’s crypto ecosystem has made this a reality for everyone to attain sovereignty and the freedom to create an income. It’s also the answer to an inequitable marketing industry.

But the icing on the cake is the ability to become a shareholder in Markethive via the Entrepreneur One Loyalty Program for $100 per month. This involves not only your cumulative share of an ILP (Incentivized Loan Program) but a number of cottage businesses that are like your franchises where the earning potential on these genuine products is huge. 


The first one being launched at the end of this month is the Banner Impressions Exchange. (BIX) Markethive does all the work, drives the traffic and you sell your share of impressions for the price you set. You keep all the profits from the impressions you sell, for one small flat monthly fee of $100. Now that’s an offer never seen before and allows regular folks like you and me to realize financial success in a real company, not driven by greed or imperialistic status. 

Marketers and businesses pay 10 to 20 times more than $100 per month just for the inbound marketing tools mentioned above that you get for free in Markethive!  

Real Business. Real Services. Making Dreams a Reality

This is not MLM, this is a real business and social market platform with next-generation technology and provides services that are proven and products with substantiated and provable facts. These are products that are being used all over the internet for the purpose of creating exposure to all businesses and content. This medium is increasing exponentially as more companies choose to advertise online. It’s unfortunate that MLM victims are so accustomed to getting ripped off they find it difficult to determine a genuine company.

The Visionary and Founder of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast explains in this video the conditioned mindset of the many that keep them trapped in the merry go round of living week to week, paycheck to paycheck. He also elaborates on the BIX that will be open for all Entrepreneur One upgrades to trade,

What do the rich buy? A millionaire mindset vs the poverty mindset

Breaking News

The Entrepreneur One Loyalty Program for $100 per month is limited to 500 with the rollout of the first of many franchises (BIX) expected to launch on May 1st, 2020. After that date, if there are any E1s left they will be available for the purchase of $1,500 per month. Until then, we are calling on people to beta test the exchange.

The Entrepreneur Two, Three, Four, etc, have been taken off the table to focus on the Apprentice and Journeyman subscriptions. More on that soon. 

If you’re still thinking about upgrading to E1 to take advantage of the money machines Markethive has in store for you as well as becoming a shareholder, you only have 8 days left at the time of writing this. Don’t be a “shoulda, woulda, coulda”, that can be a costly exercise. You really can be your own boss with the control required to succeed in Markethive making it your primary source of income.  

Click this link to upgrade before May 1st.   https://markethive.com/upgrademe



ecosystem for entrepreneurs



Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept, and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 

Cryptocurrency To The Rescue In This Great Lockdown Recession

Cryptocurrency To The Rescue In This Great Lockdown Recession

Being a nascent industry, cryptocurrency has never been amidst an economic recession. In fact the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin was born as a result of the GFC back in 2008 by creator Satoshi Nakamoto who documented that his aim was to replace the monetary system ruled by central banks and was designated as a new kind of money. For the last 10 years, we’ve seen other cryptocurrencies rise up with many tumbling into non-existence. The ones that will survive are purposeful and able to be utilized in a growing ecosystem, not subject to speculation.

Although Bitcoin still takes the top spot in the total cryptocurrency market cap, it is now generally regarded as a store of value with Bitcoin investors predominantly opting to buy and hold their Bitcoin rather than spend it which is not what Nakamoto originally wanted.  His vision was for Bitcoin to be used and transacted through a peer to peer financial network which would ultimately increase demand, velocity, and value.   

The recession we face at present brought on by COVID-19 is predicted to be worse than that of 2008 and although on the surface it appears to be a very positive thing that many governments are handing out money to appease the public concerns and provide liquidity and placate the nervous markets, the Federal Reserve is having to resort to quantitative easing again, which is a type of printing money electronically in the form of Government Bonds and securities. This adds trillions of dollars to the balance sheet and causes the domestic currency to devalue. (higher inflation

Money printer go BRRR… Know Your Meme

Will Crypto Stand The Test Of A recession?

Bitcoin, along with all worthy cryptocurrencies are inherently deflationary and defined by decentralization and a finite amount of coins that cannot be increased. Underpinned by Blockchain Technology means it does not need to be controlled by central banks or governments. Cryptocurrencies will benefit from an ever-increasing awareness that the monetary policy for fiat currency is solely in the hands of a small group of bankers able to control the cash flow at will.  

So what does this mean for the cryptocurrency market? Research shows that people invest in the time of a recession and now for the first time they are able to invest in cryptocurrencies and companies that are driven by the blockchain. There are cryptocurrency projects that are thriving amidst this crisis regardless if the market is bullish or bearish. 

The ramifications of COVID-19 are purported to eclipse the GFC in 2008 as well as the Great Depression. Below are various comments from Crypto industry pundits with their forecasts for the cryptocurrency domain as the world rides out the pandemic.



Jason Wu, CEO of DeFiner.org, a peer-to-peer network for digital savings, loans, and payments, believes that a recession will be the catalyst for the mass adoption of digital assets as well as decentralized finance or DeFi. Wu said that DeFi builds trust whereas the traditional financial system is based on human trust and company reputation,

“DeFi allows people to manage and own their assets without any intermediaries. The 2008 financial crisis taught people that financial intermediaries are not always trustworthy. The current financial system is associated with high-costs and lacks transparency. Thus, a future financial crisis could also be a factor in proving the worth of DeFi. Bitcoin was born from the last financial crisis and DeFi will thrive in these economic conditions. While a global recession will be good for digital assets, it will crush the market at the beginning due to the liquidity crisis.
Financial institutions will go into default and bankruptcy, and balance sheets of depository banks will end up with a deficit. Then the central bank will step in and print out even more money. This will lead to inflation. People lose faith in the existing financial system. DeFi is an alternative system for people to manage and grow their savings. It’s cheaper, faster, and gives back people full control of wealth. People will learn from their painful experiences and embrace the world of crypto to enjoy true financial freedom. For the next several decades, more and more assets will be managed through blockchain and the world of digital assets will thrive.”

Ashish Singhal, CEO, and co-founder of CRUXPay and Coinswitch.co said,

“Cryptocurrencies seem to be taking as much beating as debt, equity, and commodities like Gold. This happens because, at the onset of a recession, when panic strikes, all fundamentals are lost. However, during a crisis, debt and equity lose value because of the decline in asset value and decline in profit, respectively. But the underlying value of cryptocurrencies doesn’t lose value during a recession, in fact, it gets even stronger.

A global recession is a defining moment for cryptocurrencies. The long-touted “Bitcoin is a safe haven” is put to the test during a recession. A recession forces governments worldwide to introduce measures to ease the downturn, which will have adverse economic effects for years to come. Cryptocurrencies are inherently designed to be hedged against such implications. This makes an excellent case in favor of cryptocurrencies. The underlying value of cryptocurrencies defined by decentralization and mathematical stability will continue to hold even in the worst recessions. Cryptocurrencies will then become the choice of investment during such economic turmoil.”


Nicholas Pelecanos, Head of Trading at NEM Ventures, views cryptocurrencies as an uncorrelated asset class:

“Hidden in the bitcoin genesis block is a quote that perhaps acknowledges Bitcoin’s true purpose: ‘The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.’ The creation of Bitcoin is not incidental to financial crises but a direct response to the 2008 financial crash and failings of the global financial system. As a global recession or even depression looms, I’m more bullish on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies than ever. Unlimited Quantitative Easing, unserviceable global debt, a failing monetary system and negative interest rates all at a time where society, globally is moving away from cash. This is precisely what Bitcoin was designed to hedge against. 

The crypto sell-off witnessed in March was a result of a global liquidity event and Bitcoin has now climbed 90% from its low – a swift recovery. More importantly than being a safe haven, Cryptocurrencies are an uncorrelated asset class. This alone can attract a lot of capital in times of uncertainty and with a total market capitalization of $200billion it won’t take much capital inflow for the price to rapidly climb.”


Thomas Prendergast, CEO, and Founder of Markethivehas built the first blockchain-driven Social Market Network in anticipation of another economic downturn, to give a more sovereign way to conduct any business online. He believes crypto will stand the test of a recession if approached facilitated in a holistic way,

“In the midst of this crisis, it’s business as usual and then some for Markethive, providing financial inclusion for all is our main objective. The answer is Markethive’s blockchain technologies and integrated entrepreneurial ecosystem where people have their privacy, autonomy, and sovereignty. They earn an income with our coin (MHV) in many different ways on a daily basis, including becoming a shareholder via the ILP, the added advantage of the Vault, and also profiting from the many cottage industries within the Markethive ecosystem. Essentially, it’s the community that owns Markethive and not hierarchy. 

Bitcoin is the premier Fintech blockchain. Markethive Coin is designed to be a premier Consumer Blockchain coin. This means MHV is being utilized within the Markethive exchange and on the platform. So the coin is used within the commerce of the system thus creating the velocity. The revenue is a vehicle that is used to buy the Markethive coin back in the free market so it can be redistributed into the economic vortex of the system. 

This is a fundamental difference and is not dependent upon speculative value as is the case with other cryptocurrencies and platforms, thereby creating eternal economic velocity in the entrepreneur ecosystem within Markethive. It is an eternal economy that has more demand than supply, therefore, the demand will continue to outstrip the supply. The bottom line being the Markethive Consumer Coin and Incentivized Loan Program or ILP Token will only become increasingly more valuable.” 


Crypto Now Gets A Chance To Make Its Mark

Now dubbed the ‘Great Lock Down’, a name given to this recession by world economists will see the world economy suffer once more as we endure this induced coma of industries on a global level with some that will struggle to recover. Crypto, along with Blockchain may very well have an edge in this prophesied new normal. Many crypto advocates are hoping that the recession will help push cryptocurrency into the mainstream. 

The cryptocurrency market presents unique types of currencies that are not governed by economies, traditional exchange rates, and boast the benefits of added security and traceability through blockchain technology. These characteristics may appeal to many consumers and investors who may lose faith in the traditional financial economy. This general separation from international economies provides hope to many that the cryptocurrency market would strengthen during financial crises if market adoption increased.

During economic turmoil, investors will always flock towards safe-haven assets that are largely resilient to fluctuations of international monetary markets. So far Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have shown many characteristics of the ultimate safe-haven – gold.


The Time To Invest Is Now

Regardless of the crisis, it is worth knowing that there are cryptocurrency and blockchain companies that have created a path to self and financial sovereignty no matter whether the markets go down or up.  Markethive is proving to be a safe-haven and the next generation of social media, marketing, e-commerce, and digital media distribution network. It’s giving the community the opportunity to be part of a sovereign platform that will eclipse the tyrannical big tech colluding with the corrupt elite desperately trying to hang on to their power and control. 


Read this article from the CEO of Markethive. It explains the true nature of Markethive, built for you. Markethive Is A Concept And Vision 


If there was ever a time to invest in your future, it is now as we enter into a new world of light and sovereignty. The Entrepreneur One Loyalty Program is not only a great investment by way of the ILP, but it also opens up all the money machines, the cottage businesses within Markethive. This has enormous earning potential and will set you up for life. A very generous and genuine initiative that will ensure you as an Entrepreneur and shareholder realize financial freedom. $100 per month will unlock and secure your future on every level in this new world that is predestined.   


The perfect time to upgrade and be the very fabric of Markethive is now as it is limited to 500 Entrepreneurs. Don’t miss out… https://markethive.com/upgrademe


ecosystem for entrepreneurs



Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 






MARKETHIVE – A Technological Revolution 20 Years In The Making

MARKETHIVE – A Technological Revolution 20 Years In The Making 

A Lifeline For All Who Aspire To Work Online. 

The Entrepreneur Epoch Is Here 

Wherever you are in the world, you are probably experiencing a total upheaval of a lifestyle we have all been accustomed to.  As we move through this global pandemic, hitting us on two fronts, medical and health, plus the enormity of a very real financial crisis with governments handing out economic stimulus packages and hefty unemployment benefits never seen before. Although it may help us and attempt to keep the economy going in the interim period, where does that leave the global financial economy in the years and decades to come? 

The number of people choosing to work online in the hope of generating an income is and will continue to increase. Many are now working remotely for the company they are employed with from home, particularly in logistics, transportation, finance, and communication industries. Others have lost their jobs or been stood down with brick and mortar businesses either going totally online with the help of delivery services or in hibernation until COVID-19 passes. The massive economic, political, and sociological impacts of this pandemic world have the politicians, fiduciaries, and banks reporting they have never seen anything this bad. 

Via Michael Tisserand on Twitter  


A New Appreciation

This will change the way we have always done things. It will bring a new appreciation for what we have and the opportunities we never thought possible. The humanitarian nature and benevolence shines through these extraordinary and unprecedented times, a wake-up call for many and will generate a completely different outlook creating a new normal in a revamped world.

Just as restrictions like social distancing, rigorous testing, meticulous hygiene methods, and self-isolation or quarantine can help the medical crisis, now more than ever the technology companies can bolster the looming economic crisis. The whole world has turned to social media to keep in touch but what about marketers and business owners? The linear social media platforms aren’t always in favor of the vendor. For example, Instagram doesn’t allow external links in posts making it more difficult for e-commerce and local businesses to communicate with potential customers. 

On a global scale, we are seeing corporations, businesses and individuals helping each other and some big tech platforms are doing their bit to help small businesses by offering grants and ad credits to advertise on their platforms and that’s ok amidst the crisis everyone is facing right now. There is fear about whether the recession will take a long time to recover from, but I think it’s safe to say, although we’ve experienced a decline in spending due to the precarious circumstances in this present time, spending will resume and improve as we move forward into this new normal way of life, particularly online, in the not too distant future. 



Image by SparkToro – Rand Fishkin


Now Is The Time To Invest

It has been documented by pundits that investing during times of recession is a smart thing to do. Also, research shows that people who invest in marketing during a recession tend to more quickly outperform their competition as markets resume, so it makes perfect sense to invest now for the second and third waves that will inevitably come in the future.

We may well be heading for a recession but those that get it will invest in a platform far beyond the capabilities of any other marketing or social media platform out there as we know it today, ready and able to pioneer the next generation of platforms, with a more fair and equitable business model than previous. 

The Perfect Storm

This is the perfect storm for the next generation social and marketing platform, blockchain-driven, utilizing cryptocurrency to rise up from the devastation caused on all fronts. Called a Market Network noted by experts in the field, this is part of the new way of doing things. This is where complete sovereignty and financial freedom is not only possible, it’s probable.   


Markethive is the first Market Network and leading the way for marketers, business owners, all entrepreneurs, offering all the tools needed to facilitate any business along with a spirited community advocating collaboration in a blockchain-driven environment assuring privacy, autonomy, and sovereignty and all for free. This is a complete ecosystem where being able to generate an income is a reality. The Markethive system pays you to learn, it pays you to use it and it pays you to promote it. 

How is this possible? That’s easy. Markethive, with its own proprietary technology, built on the Blockchain with its own coin (MHV) is creating its own ecosystem. This allows Markethive to pay you in MHV for every activity you perform in the system.

It also runs on multiple engines. What does that mean?    

Markethive started out and is fundamentally an inbound marketing platform given to you for free, much like Marketo which charges up to $25,000 per month to use its services. Geared for huge enterprise-scale companies, Marketo sold for $4.75 billion to Adobe and faring well for the B2B market. 

But Markethive is much more than that. It’s geared for everyone, whether you’re just starting out in the online world or a business owner, writer, blogger, creative artist, an entrepreneur on any level. It not only plugs into all other social media platforms, but Markethive is also its own social media platform and digital news site. This lends itself to massive exposure and traffic required to succeed in any business online.


What Are These Engines? 

Social media and online marketing platforms or digital media sites typically only have one engine. LinkedIn, for example, only has a subscriber engine meaning they get their traffic through people subscribing to them so basically you have to log in to LinkedIn to see their platform. CoinTelegraph, a high profile digital media site, is predominantly a traffic engine. 

Markethive has both engines driving it and the engine’s speed and power are measured by Alexa and WorthOfWeb. Both these engines are growing daily in an exponential fashion as shown in the image below. 



These engines drive Markethive’s money machines, no actually, they’re YOUR money machines. So the free services at Markethive along with the Markethive Coin (MHV) are the fuel along with content which is a secondary fuel.   


What Are The Money Machines? 

The first money machine to be delivered is the Banner X, which is the banner system that the Entrepreneur One upgrades (limited to 500) get their share of impressions to sell on an exchange. The last foundation block for Banner X was implemented this last week by our engineers, so this means the launch of Banner X is just around the corner. Once it is rolled out and if there are any E1 subscriptions left, they will increase to $200 per month. Remember, all money machines are included in the Entrepreneur One Program, so lock it in now for $100 per month here, https://markethive.com/upgrademe

The next money machine to be implemented will be the Press Release Program and they will continue to be rolled out faster as our engines increase in power and speed, which will include a Boost Exchange, Video Advertising Platform, many different forms of advertising programs which are essentially money machines. So Markethive won’t be selling these programs, you as an Entrepreneur One will sell and profit from these various systems. Notably, Entrepreneur Two will receive all the money machines excluding Banner X. 


More Loyalty Programs Coming Soon

Later this year, Markethive will be launching loyalty programs similar to LinkedIn prices and services which allow more and deeper access to data. The first being the Apprentice which will be similar to the first level on Linkedin and will also include matching coin drops on your referrals. The next level is the Journeyman subscription which will allow you to access even deeper levels of data, more messaging capabilities, etc. 

There will be advantages to these programs, like increasing your effectiveness in acquiring greater reach for your endeavors, however, they are not money machines. You will always earn MHV coin at Markethive in whatever you do on the platform, but the Entrepreneur Loyalty Program is destined to be extremely lucrative. 

CEO Thomas Prendergast illustrates this very well in the video below… 


As Thomas explains, 

“Markethive is a vision, like a theme park for entrepreneurs. All for free. In fact, the system pays you to learn, pays you to use it, pays you to promote it. The Entrepreneur program will make you the money, a lot of money. I built Markethive for you. I was tired of your dreams being rained upon. Markethive changes all that. The Entrepreneur One program is very limited to 500. When we reach 500 we will be funded enough to go into warp speed.”


Markethive Is Not MLM

Markethive and all of its systems and money machines do not rely on ‘powerlines’, ‘matrices’, ‘binaries’ in fact any type of compensation plan that most of us know is what MLM is based on, and are fundamentally unsustainable, resulting in 97% of unwitting people failing to create a little income let alone a substantial one. This article shows a statistical analysis and the reality of MLM. 

Markethive is a referral company, like Paypal, Coinbase, even Facebook, and LinkedIn where users and subscribers join for the products and services and the social aspect respectively. What’s more, Markethive is your company, not run by any hierarchy raking in the profits at your expense. Bringing self-sovereignty, privacy, autonomy to every individual with a genuine opportunity to be in control of your future, fulfilling your potential, creating wealth and able to prosper in so many ways. 

No other platform or company is doing this to such a great extent. Starting out early with Blockchain technology, with its own financial economy along with every tool and portal imaginable to make Markethive an all-encompassing system where you do not need to go anywhere else for the added extras to compliment your marketing efforts and business facilitation. This is the new wave, the next generation of working online that ensures your success as an entrepreneur.   

More Good News!

You can also expect to have your own Hive Conference Room soon as the development of the HiveRoom portal is now back on the table. In fact, this coming weekend we will be conducting our weekly webinar in our own HiveRoom. Stay tuned for that and see you there!

The continued increase in revenue is accelerating these developments and we wish to thank all of those who support us to bring you your ‘state of the art platform’ that is much needed in these times for every single person seeking an online presence, financial and personal sovereignty with peace of mind. 

Remember, if you’re still thinking about becoming one of the 500 Entrepreneur One’s that will unlock incredible earning potential and wealth from your shares of the ILP (Incentivized Loan Program) also given to you through the Entrepreneur One Loyalty Program, there’s no time to waste. The Banner X system is now imminent. This is your last chance to get the E1 upgrade for $100 per month for a lifetime. It’s the perfect time to invest in your future. https://markethive.com/upgrademe



ecosystem for entrepreneurs



Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 



Markethive Banners Slides Infographics – Free And Available

Markethive Banners, Slides, Infographics – Free And Available 

Where Are They Located On The Markethive Platform? 

Markethive Banners Available FREE

Markethive has an expansive suite of marketing tools freely available for you to use, including a large assortment of banners designed for placing and promoting Markethive outside the Markethive platform on any advertising site or web page you choose. Sites such as Google Ad-sense, Warriorforum, IBOtoolbox, wahm.com, forums in general, most importantly, sites that have traffic. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs


The Markethive banners come in many sizes that meet the criteria of the various sites. You have a choice of Animated and Static hosted that are hot-linked to you personally for your unconditional usage. There are also numerous Markethive Slides you can use for videos, PowerPoint presentations, and Articles.  The Infographics which have a plethora of information about Markethive are hot-linked for your references and can be used in your advertisements. 

All of these eye-catching banners and images can be found in the Markethive.Banners Group in the Blog Posts section. 


An array of banners are also accessible in the Referral Program section which can be found on the Markethive Home Page menu. This is also where you can remotely share your referral link to your social media profiles. Your referral link will be automatically included so you get the referral.

Note: There are more social networks to be added to the sharing interface as Markethive moves forward with its integrations. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs

The Banner Program

The Banner Program is predominantly for advertising any other independent business or Markethive’s special offers to members on the Markethive platform and not to be confused with the Markethive Banners explained above. 

These banners are displayed at the top of Markethive’s pages internally and also on the complete Markethive Network which includes the many websites Markethive owns. This is Prime real estate and means your banners are not just viewed by members within Markethive, but also to the vast internet traffic and onlookers. 

At present, there is one banner size of 960×80 accepted on this platform and unlike the Markethive Banners, which are accepted on other advertising sites, they must be on a white background whether they are animated or static. Research shows this to be very appealing to the onlooker and sets a high professional standard for the Markethive Platform. They must fit visually with the rest of the content.

These banners are not predesigned for you. You must either create the banner or appoint someone to create it for you. If you would like to design one, here are two sites you can utilize;



Guidelines To Adhere To When Creating A Banner

Markethive.com and its affiliated media web sites receive large amounts of website traffic. To display one banner is included with your Entrepreneur One level membership. Until we deliver “impressions” you are limited to 1 banner with a duration maximum of 7 days (renewable). Compare pricing with AMBcrypto Banner Ad (Top Content) at $5,500 per month.



Banner rules and standards are as follows:

  • No adult content, hate speech, porn or otherwise controversial material.
  • Ensure your banner is sized to 960px x 80px.
  • No Borders
  • Backgrounds must be white
  • Images must not touch the border and can only be 20% of the banner area
  • Unprofessional banners or those that violate these guidelines will be rejected.
  • Animated banners (gif) are accepted.
  • Low resolution, chopping edged fonts, will be rejected.

Every banner must be approved by the banner quality control team. This is to your advantage and improves the success of your banner and keeps the level of quality design in Markethive high.


The Hive Keep Group 

Alternatively, you may get one of Markethive’s designers to create one for you. We are open for business right now. As we build out to the supergroup "upgrade" we will have a splash page with payment options. Once the new Vault is completed, additional options will occur. When the wallet gets delivered we will also be accepting MHV coin.

Entrepreneur One Upgrades get one free banner designed by the Hive Keep design group. Additional banner redesign or designs are $100 per banner job. Furthermore, The Hive Keep Group will operate as a professional Ad Agency which will require a retainer, and to assist you with your advertising and business needs are award-winning designers, top-notch engineers, and proven copywriters. Everything you need to build and facilitate your business with the utmost professionalism. We will be configuring the system to offer a $100 credit per month for Entrepreneur subscribers.




There are so many facets to Markethive, as it is a complete Market Network with a Social Media interface. It has everything you need to succeed in whatever it is that you do online, including the potential of extra revenue made available to Entrepreneur One (E1) associates through the Banner Program. Even as a free member you can access all the inbound marketing tools and Markethive, the company, will pay you via the micropayment faucet system. This is activated by just referring 3 people to join you on this platform where your privacy and sovereignty are of the highest priority.   

There have been 20+ years of high energy poured into Markethive. This is a Divine inspiration and places all of the members of Markethive first and foremost. So get busy, check out the available Markethive banners you can freely and unconditionally use to promote Markethive across the World Wide Web. 


Happy Marketing! 


Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 


Covid-19 Takes Its Toll While Markethive Thrives

Covid-19 Takes Its Toll While Markethive Thrives

As the situation worsens with the Coronavirus on a global scale, we are promised unprecedented financial aid by governments, not to the big banks as was carried out in the GFC of 2008, but to the individuals of the population in many countries in order to stimulate the economy. President Trump announced a $1,200+ payout to each US citizen to help at this time of crisis. Other countries have pledged similar as a helping hand to individuals and communities to lessen the blow of financial hardship.

 Further handouts have been proposed in the coming months as authorities speculate there is no quick fix to this pandemic that has financially hit and devastated small businesses, the entertainment industry, hospitality, travel industry, and sporting codes and clubs, and the people who are either employed or use the services. The whole world is virtually in lockdown bringing devastating effects to the world economy. 


Uncertainty And Contingencies 

The W.H.O and “powers that be” confess they have never experienced anything like this. This is something very new and the dichotomy being although we are urged to isolate, now mandatory in many countries, the world is uniting on a virtual level to beat this critical situation. Some brick and mortar businesses may never recover and there’s an urgency to conduct their businesses solely online with logistics and delivery services being revamped to accommodate this new way of living.  

Rest assured we will see an end to this present catastrophic state of affairs, however, the world and how we do business will change. I like to think this is for the greater good and with the advancing technology, we have today with Blockchain, cryptocurrency and quantum computers that have the capacity to connect in every part of the world bring a more self-sovereign way of life, with the freedom and financial independence we all deserve. Markethive is the only company to date with this vision and Plan to integrate this monumental undertaking. 


Markethive Thrives Amid The Covid-19 Devastation

As the offline business world comes to a stand-still or collapses, Markethive thrives. Entrepreneurs know this is where we are heading. The only platform that offers every individual self-sovereignty with the opportunity to capitalize on the many different services and products Markethive is rolling out. Entrepreneur One will include every reseller program starting with the Banner Impressions Exchange, then the Press Release Exchange, The Boost Advertising, Video Advertising, in fact, every aspect of Markethive will be available to the Entrepreneur One Upgrades to run as their own businesses within Markethive. 

Markethive will not be selling those services to Markethivers. Only Entrepreneur One Associates will be able to sell them. Markethive only requires the $100 per month subscription from you. You are then allocated your portion of banner impressions, press releases, etc, to resell them to the Markethive community of which there will be millions. Keep in mind the number of E1 Upgrades is capped at 500.

This is on top of the 1/10th ILP (Incentivized Loan Program) you receive after 12 consecutive payments of your Entreprepreneur One Loyalty Program. This continues to accrue every year you are current, up to 10 years. This in itself will bring you huge dividends as the limit of ILPs is 1000.


In a recent interview, CEO of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast says,

“This is truly a god-given, spiritual concept that is brilliant, to create an entry-level program of $100 per month. As we expand Markethive Entrepreneurs become an authority to conduct their individual businesses and capitalize on the Markethive products and services. I, as the CEO of the company, is an Entrepreneur One upgrade just like the others and just join in with what they are doing and let Markethive be that foundation of equality. It’s a concept I don’t think anyone has even considered before.” 


With the advent of the stimulus package, the governments are doling out to every individual, the likelihood that the 500 Entrepreneur One Upgrades will be maxed out sooner than first expected as many Markethivers will make good use of the money by investing in their own future and financial security by upgrading to Entrepreneur One Level. So the Entrepreneur Two Loyalty Program is currently in the works which do not include the Banner Exchange or the 1/10th ILP. More about that in this article…


Markethive – A Force To Be Reckoned With

Our Alexa rank currently at 5,146 puts us in the top .0001% of the billions of websites on the internet. Markethive is in the cream of the crop of the most visited and active sites. Markethive is exponentially growing as people who join see the good it’s doing for the individual and opportunities it is creating, open to everyone. So we will expand into the millions, just like LinkedIn. 

But even as it stands now, Markethive is receiving more than 60 million page views per month! This is increasing daily. What does that mean for the Banner Impression Resellers?  Popular websites are selling impressions for up to $0.10 cents. But let’s just do the math and sell them for a penny, ($0.01 cent). The allocated amount of impressions for each Entrepreneur One will generate an income of $1,200 and of course, you can expect that to increase on a monthly basis. 

Once we have the Press Release Reseller program in place you’ll be able to sell Press Releases for $10,000 each. This is what digital news sites with an Alexa ranking doubling Markethive are selling for. The following on the various social media platforms also plays an important role. Markethive is also exponentially growing there too with a following into the 10s of thousands. The only way is up now.  

Entrepreneur upgrades will be given a set amount of press release slots each month to on-sell to anyone who wants to publish their story. As an Entrepreneur Upgrade, you will also be able to buy more should you need them from Markethive at a fraction of the cost you would sell them for.

Thomas Prendergast explains,

“The reason we’re doing this is so that you as the individual have all of these cottage industries so you can make money, You don’t have to go recruit anybody. This is not MLM or affiliate marketing, it’s a referral business which completely works differently and instead of us taking all the money from the banner impressions, press releases, etc, you are responsible for using the system, that’s why we give it away.”

He goes on to say, 

“There is a spirituality to this, I was given the instructions and the blueprints intuitively to build the system as powerful as this and to give it all away. Where I can make my money is selling the services Markethive represents, like banner advertising, press releases, broadcasting, etc. So designing it so that you get your share of our traffic, which you are responsible for helping us build, you pay us a flat rate by way of the Entrepreneur Loyalty Program and you sell Markehive’s services thereby making you a cottage industry, not an affiliate, not Multi-level marketing, and now not even a referral. This is a completely different animal which can literally mean a significant income for the rest of your life!” 


The ILP is another income stream, which as we move forward and introduce the Apprentice and Journeyman programs which are upgrades similar to LinkedIn, for prices similar to LinkedIn. Members will have a big advantage in Markethive for as little as $20 per month that millions of people will subscribe to as they see the benefits that Markethive offers.   



Markethive Projections – Realistic And Viable

Statistics show that 39% of LinkedIn users have upgraded to one of their paid memberships. They have just tipped 500 million members. So let’s be conservative and project only 20% of 10 million Markethive members which equates to 2 million upgrades to the Apprentice Membership at $20 per month = $40 million. 20% of $40 million for the ILP holders = $8 million, divided by 1000, (the maximum amount of ILPs) = $8,000 per month, per ILP. This equates to $800 per month for a 1/10th ILP.
As Thomas passionately states,

Do you guys not get this? This is legitimate! I know that you have probably never dealt with this before and someone being so generous. What’s wrong with being generous? There is nothing wrong with being generous! It’s not found very often in the world but those of you that know me, I’ve been doing this for over 20 years and this is what drives me! 

I am not a materialistic person, I do not have greed in my blood. I have decided if I’m going to be a success, you’re going to be a success. I will not build my success on the backs of your failures. I am going to build my success arm in arm with your success. I really hope that makes sense?”    

A Wrecking Ball

Just as President Trump is seen as a political wrecking ball in the eyes of some, as he tends to defy the political norm, it can be argued that he is not left or right, he’s an entrepreneur and a president for the people, the little guy. So too does Thomas Prendergast shine in a similar light, a mini wrecking ball, with a mandate to bring down and crush the ethos and inequality of MLM and replace it with a legitimate system where every single person succeeds.

Markethive has been in Beta for nearly 5 years, but here is the good news about it taking so long to build. It is very unlikely that a company will try to copy what Markethive has or is doing. Markethive is a massively huge project of all linear platforms along with its own financial ecosystem. As we gain more revenue with the first tipping point of 500 Entrepreneur One Upgrades, we accelerate a lot faster, the more traffic we have, the more services we can deliver along with the planned money-making machines exclusive to the Entrepreneur Loyalty programs. This just leverages the complete system to grow even faster and become more profitable for everyone. 


Markethive Is A GrassRoots Company

As Thomas says, we are grass-roots. Think of it as virtually impossible to put a fire out that is burning on 400 million acres at the same time. So once it gets going it consumes everything and that’s what Markethive is. Not just one person making trillions of dollars and the rest make nothing or lose, everyone has the opportunity to make money. Of course, the Entrepreneur Loyalty upgrades and who have invested in the ILPs stand to make a considerable income, plus members who are more active and using the system will definitely make more than someone who sits idle hoarding their 500 MHV they received upon joining Markethive. What you sow, so shall you reap. 

We are very close to launching our wallet and when we do, the number of coins given away as airdrops will be reduced because there will be a real need for it. The MHV coin becomes fungible, more valuable as the ecosystem’s viability and velocity increases. If you’re a marketer and want to take advantage of the huge traffic and exposure the Markethive platform offers, but not an Entrepreneur One, you will need and want the MHV to pay for its banner impressions and digital media services available from Markethive’s Entrepreneur One Associates. There will literally be millions of prospects coming into the system who are looking for what you are selling. 

In Closing

To sum it all up, although this invisible war has almost stopped the world in its tracks with millions of employees and businesses feeling the blow economically likened to the great depression of 1929, the online world of business and social media is sitting pretty as its the only way to communicate and transact while we are all isolating. 

Markethive is the one place where real earning capacity is alive and well right now and for the long term future for all. Right now we accumulate MHV, ready for the exchange and wallet to come into effect. The Entrepreneur One Loyalty Program is the whale that will take you to the next level giving you the ability to make an incredible income. 

This is perfect for the non-recruiter as your customers are already there as part of the Markethive community. It is also perfect for those who would rather just invest and reap the rewards of the interest payments with the Incentivized Loan Program (ILP). This in itself will provide a significant income. 

This is the genesis of a new world. The Coronavirus war will end one day, but the world will not return to the way we know it. Now more than ever we will be relying on technology and Web 3.0, so the safest and logical way to go to achieve financial freedom, peace of mind and self-sovereignty is online with a Blockchain driven Market Network that was divinely-inspired and will withstand and survive the perils the world is now facing. 

Remember, the ILPs are capped at 1000 and the Entrepreneur One Upgrade is limited to 500. There are a few left. What will you do with your Covid-19 Aid Package? 

Become an Entrepreneur One Reseller today and be the owner of your Cottage Industry Turnkey system at Markethive… https://markethive.com/upgrademe



ecosystem for entrepreneurs



Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 



Entrepreneur One Upgrade A Reciprocal Blessing It Works Both Ways

Entrepreneur One Upgrade. A Reciprocal Blessing. It Works Both Ways!

A Path To Self-Sovereignty. The Solution To Oppression.   

Markethive is here and brings a whole new level to empower people.  Markethive is truly a blessing and a vision to bless Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of liberty and freedom, liberty and freedom is a gift from God, so Markethive is a vision God is using to bless people. Unlike all other platforms where you pay to use the linear systems to fulfill your marketing goals and business outcomes, Markethive’s inbound marketing platform is free to use, along with the collaboration and social connections found on the Markethive social media platform. In today’s online world this is a blessing and unrivaled by any other platform out there today. 

Not only does Markethive give this platform for free but the system pays you in MHV coin to use it. (Just refer 3 people to activate the Micropayment Faucet System) This means as a free member you can earn and accumulate MHV coins to buy services, products, banner impressions, in fact, anything on the Markethive platform once these systems are up and running. You will even be able to convert MHV to your currency once the exchange, wallet, and KYC are implemented. 


A comparison to just one of the linear inbound marketing platforms 


To take it one step further, the ILP is designed to bless you back. Most have found and perceived it to be impossible to succeed online. It’s too expensive for them and the scams are unrelenting, merciless and soul-destroying. Instead of a select few investing millions of dollars to develop Markethive’s unique all-encompassing platform, the ILP along with the Entrepreneur Loyalty programs are designed to bless you, the people, with self-sovereignty and financial stability for your lifetime and legacy. 


A Divinely Blessed Opportunity And Prophecy

To give the Marketive System to you for free is a vision from God, but as CEO Thomas Prendergast says, we need to make money to further our cause, hence the ILP and Entrepreneur Upgrade was born. 

Instead of turning the site into a banner advertising clickbait freak show to earn revenue or reach out to venture capitalists, Markethive is reaching out to members to upgrade to Entrepreneur One, giving a divinely blessed opportunity to secure your financial future by way of Markethive’s revenue in the form of ILP shares, plus the advantage of multiple streams of income from Markethive’s ecosystem of products and services. This, in turn, blesses you as you have blessed Markethive with your subscriptions. 
CEO of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast explained at our last weekly webinar,

“By blessing us with your contributions in the form of purchasing an ILP or upgrading to Entrepreneur One, you will get it back tenfold, a hundredfold, a thousandfold. That’s how the ILP and Entrepreneur One operates. 

As we enter into this new phase of prophecy, I fully expect your blessings will increase tremendously. Right now we need more Entrepreneur One and ILP subscriptions to get to that magic number of 500. Once we reach that number, we will be moving forward a thousand times faster than we are right now.

At the moment we have competent growth with our Alexa ranking which are confirmed by our internal numbers, and we haven’t really even scratched the surface yet! We are destined to become a humongous force.”  


Some would view this as incredulous, and I know many of you find it hard to accept that something like this could even be possible, in a world where many have been consistently ripped off by Ponzi schemes. It just takes one empath with a vision and a humanitarian heart followed by a like-minded community to bring a more sovereign environment and one of equality and opportunity into reality like Markethive. The technology that Markethive has, including the Blockchain, also made this model very real and doable.  

The New Normal

Times are changing rapidly given the recent events and afflictions bestowed upon us on a global scale. Businesses in every field are sending key employees home to work in the seclusion of their homes at this time of crisis. Many are being stood down or losing their jobs. I’m of the opinion that the way corporations were built and facilitated is becoming a thing of the past along with the greed that consumes people. We are in a new era where the unjust will slowly but ultimately collapse. Divine intervention? I believe so. 

People, families, and communities are isolating or cocooning for many reasons and we are heading for a more decentralized world off and online. We will order our groceries online to be delivered to our door by drones for example. This will fundamentally be accepted and enjoyed as the convenience and individual sovereignty will be paramount and the lifestyle we will come to know as normal.  

This will attract many people to build businesses entirely online and this is what Markethive is all about. Markethive is that system that is all-encompassing to deliver all aspects a business needs to grow and flourish, with eCommerce, API connections to aligned companies, inbound marketing tools, social media, digital media distribution, etc.  

At the moment, the fear of the unknown territory continues to plague individuals and communities, but one thing we know for sure is that working online from home with an escalating number of Entrepreneurs has been considered to be the way of the future. That future has arrived and is here and now with Markethive leading the way for everyone to achieve financial sovereignty.  

Multiple Streams Of Income

Entrepreneurs know that diversity is key to long-standing financial security and Markethive is architecturally designed to give all associates the unprecedented opportunity to derive multiple streams of income, all under one roof, whether it be using the Markethive platform to promote and facilitate your personal business via storefronts or just taking advantage of the many individual enterprising and income-producing systems like the 

Press Release and Sponsored Articles. Where you will be able to sell your allocated Press Release or sponsored article publication spaces, which is a lucrative income if you consider the statistics shown in this article  

Video Advertising.  A video ad portal will be similar to the banner portal. More on this in upcoming articles.

The ILP investments that will distribute 20% of the net profit of Markethive as interest. Explained in detail here. It’s like owning a piece of Markethive. It’s not about the bottom line for Markethive, it’s about you, the member, the rank and file. You are a virtual owner of Markethive, it’s your company where you receive very valuable tools and considerable returns from the ILP. This is on track to commence revenue payments this year and will grow as Markethive grow.

Banner Exchange (not to be confused with the traditional banner exchange), but more like a Banner Slot Reseller Shop, where you can sell your impressions to any member of Markethive requiring exposure on Markethive’s expansive reach across the internet. This will work similarly to a coin exchange and the launch of this prodigious system is just around the corner.

– and much more as they roll out

The Entrepreneur One Loyalty Program is a cottage industry turnkey system that includes many powerful income-producing mini businesses, like the Banner Exchange or Impression Reseller System.


Let’s Talk About The Banner Impression Reseller System. 

The First Cab Off The Rank

The whole concept behind the Banner Exchange system which is essentially a banner impressions resale system giving the opportunity for Entrepreneur One upgrades to sell their Banner Slots and impressions for a price on the exchange. This is potentially very lucrative and a separate income from the ILP shared interest paid to you or any other portal in which you can profit from once integrated into the Markethive system. There will only be a maximum of 500 Entrepreneur One Associates that can take advantage of this.

Markethive’s Alexa ranking now at 5,322 and continually improving daily makes Markethive a force with over 400,000 unique visitors a day and heading towards 100 million page views per month and growing exponentially.  

When we reach 2,500 in our Alexa rank which is very likely to be sooner than later, Markethive will have reached an estimated 287 million page views per month. The higher ranked websites and the position of the banner increase the cost of impressions. (ie: higher ranking being lower on Alexa. The highest rank is No. 1.)  

Just as an exampleDivide 287 million impressions by the maximum number of Entrepreneur One Associates of 500 = 574,000 impressions each per month. 574,000 x $0.001 = $574 per month that you’ll receive for only a $100 per month Entrepreneur One subscription. 

This is a very conservative figure. The price of an impression will, of course, be much higher, along with the ever-increasing number of impressions assigned to you each month.


Where Are The Banners Displayed? 

The Header banner is Prime real estate. It’s on the top position of every page in Markethive .com and .net as well as many other domains. Only 500 Entrepreneurs will have control of the most expensive piece of Real Estate and your timeshare is 1/500th of that in a system that delivers impressions on your banners per month literally into the millions.


In this video, Thomas explains how it is nothing like the traditional Banner Exchanges out there today, how it is unique and how important and lucrative banner advertising is. 

A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Apart from Markethive’s vision and prophecy, by upgrading to the Entrepreneur One for $100 per month creates a self-fulfilling prophecy of prosperity and abundance. Once we hit 500 E1s, there’s no real need to sell anymore ILPs. We will have reached that tipping point where we can complete the necessary objectives to be able to go to the next level and drive into the 100 million members. 

We get to just 1 million with a 20% conversion into the upcoming $20 entry-level  Apprentice Program, (similar to Linkedin), we are now looking at millions of dollars per month into the Markethive system which is totally debt-free. This also ensures a more lucrative monthly return for you on your ILPs. 

As we grow we will be able to expand into the mining hives, build a huge distributed database using Quantum computers situated in 1000 different places on every continent and country in the world, which work in conjunction with our wallets of which we will have billions of. Markethive with its blockchain is fulfilling what the blockchain was designated to do. A totally decentralized, distributed network that will be unstoppable and untouchable!

Markethive will continuously add more powerful marketing services to increase your business which creates an ever-increasing need for the Markethive coin MHV as this is the only currency Markethivers will use to purchase the products and services that compliments Markethive marketing tools that are given to you for free.  This, in turn, creates velocity and drives up the price of MHV. A complete and alive ecosystem that is fungible and liquid. 


Why is Markethive doing this? 

It’s the vision, the mandate to spread the wealth with as many who are willing to be part of this. Even free members have the chance to earn money just by being here and using Markethive’s free tools. No more venture capitalists and fat cats raking in the profits while you, your data and hard work are sold for their profit. 

You bless Markethive by upgrading to Entrepreneur One now and you will be blessed a thousandfold. This is your company, online business, and your home. While it lasts, you are welcome to purchase multiple Entrepreneur One subscriptions which of course multiplies your income accordingly. 

There is no requirement for you to continually recruit people into Markethive, just upgrade to the Entrepreneur One Loyalty program, stay active and current with your payment and watch Markethive take off at warp speed securing your share of Markethive and the exponential growth of your income and legacy. 

Note: To activate the Micropayment Faucet System you only need to refer 3 people. You are then free and clear to concentrate on your own business or passion which you can share on the Markethive platform that delivers incredible reach outside of the Markethive ecosystem thanks to its proprietary technology.  


As Thomas Prendergast says,

“When you understand what we have done for you with the Entrepreneur One loyalty program you will grab as many you can afford. Folks, I have been involved in the MLM industry for over 20 years and frankly, I came to the realization MLM does not work for 95% of the people. I built Markethive to change all that and give all of you a system that works for the average entrepreneur. Time is running out and these memberships will be sought after down the road for huge prices. Markethive is in this for your benefit and the long run. What do you think?”


Secure your future with the new normal.

Markethive is not MLM, but a Market Network which is a combination of Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Amazon, eBay, Marketo, Hubspot, Cointelegraph digital news site, Coin Exchange, Steemit among other linear platforms.

Become an investor now by signing up @ https://markethive.com/upgrademe



ecosystem for entrepreneurs



Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 


The Markethive Vault – Unlock Your Potential

The Markethive Vault – Unlock Your Potential

The Marketing and Engineering genius and visionary, Thomas Prendergast, CEO, and Douglas Yates, CTO, along with his team is laying the final foundation for the wallet installation – The Markethive Vault. 

The Vault is your new bank account and will also replace the current payment center with a far more effective and rewarding system. This will make all your purchases and upgrades easier to manage, giving you rewards and creating a new class of token, likened to a stablecoin, called Markethive Ad Credits, rewarding thrift and savings with discounts and interest paid to you monthly.

The Vault holds Markethive Ad Credits and MHV coin. It will pay interest on your threshold amount, MHV coin you have deposited into the Vault and your Coin Clip balance. It will also be the source to pay for **services. You will be able to fund it automatically or manually by Credit Card, and Bitcoin. Auto Payments can be scheduled to keep a minimum balance to ensure the monthly paid services like the Entrepreneur Upgrade run smoothly. 

As well as interest paid, the higher the balance in your vault, the higher your Hive Ranking will go. Higher Hive ranking will unlock additional banners and a new service Markethive is introducing in the near future, The Video Program,  where you are paid to watch videos.


What Are The Services? 

The **services I am referring to are the Incentivized Loan Program™, Entrepreneur Upgrade, and SNAP Department that are available right now. This will also include Video Advertising, Press Releases, Boost Advertising, in fact, all services in due course.


The ILP™ is completely and totally compliant to the regulatory and UCC code which means it is not a security. Incentivized Loan Program is a loan. There is no limit to the amount of money you choose to loan Markethive. 

The best part is even the small investor can participate by way of the Entrepreneur Program at $100 per month. This earns you a 1/10th share of an ILP for every 12 months that you continuously contribute to the program. That is significant as the ILP will be like a Bitcoin in that it will be able to be broken down into satoshis or bits, ie: 1 millionth of a token. So 1 full ILP equals 1 million ILP tokens or satoshis. More on this in upcoming articles.

This enables Markethive to conduct bounties, rewards, and trading on the ILP. The ILP and Entrepreneur Loyalty Programs simply turns this powerful engine of Markethive into a cash cow. 

Additionally, taking part in the Entrepreneur One Loyalty Program unlocks the coming commerce hubs and portals, Banner Ad Program, etc, and the matching MHV Coin Bonus for each of your referrals into Markethive. 


S.N.A.P is the acronym for Social Network Auto Poster system. This service is a plugin to your WordPress site and will automatically post your articles and blogs and the blogs you subscribe to, to all your social media and blogging platforms. This gives you incredible reach to enable you to build your brand awareness and presence online. 

Furthermore, The Snap Department will become an Advertising Agency and will consist of 

  • Staff Writers to write articles or a series of autoresponder emails for you.
  • Designers to do Banners Ads, images and logos
  • Research Department to research for you for marketing purposes
  • Professionals to design and set up your word press site

A full-blown Ad Agency which includes Copywriting, direct marketing, consumer marketing, response marketing, blog casting, WordPress development, capture page development, etc.

Markethive is becoming a Media Company. 

It is important to note Markethive is not an MLM or affiliate company, it is a referral company. So free members can also benefit greatly by just referring only three people which will activate the faucet or micropayments and Hive Rank. That means you don’t have to spend any money in the system. Simply build it and get rewarded.  


The image above is an example of how it will work


How Does The Hive Rank Contribute?

The Hive Rank is responsible for bonuses, bounties, and increases in revenue. This means you will get increased earnings from the faucet. If you’re an entrepreneur upgrade you get an increase on your matching bonus. It will also be responsible for Royal Bee Of The Day which gives you additional rewards for the day. The Hive Rank also plays a big part in the interest you earn in the Vault. The higher your Hive Rank the more interest paid to you. 

The Driving Force Of The Vault. 

The vault is where the Markethive Advertising Credits will be held. Advertising credits are similar to a stable coin. One Markethive Credit = USD$1. Instead of paying $100 per month for the Entrepreneur Upgrade Program, you will pay 100 Markethive Ad Credits. These credits can be purchased through the Vault via Bitcoin or credit card. In fact, you can pay for anything through the vault such as the Banner Program, SNAP installation, Press Releases, and Sponsored Articles and more as these services are implemented and introduced into the Markethive system.

Also, you can deposit Markethive Coins, (MHV) into the vault and you will earn up to 5% compound interest in MHV, roll it back into the vault and accumulate. This vault credit can be used to buy ILPs or an Entrepreneur Upgrade. By putting it back into the system, Markethive is giving you more value on your Markethive coin and paying you interest on it, similar to Staking. 

What Is Staking? 

Staking simply stands for holding a cryptocurrency in your wallet for a fixed period, in this case, the Markethive Vault,  then earning interest on it. Staking the coins you hold is a relatively easy way to earn more coins. The reward that one earns from staking varies depending on the length of the time and Hive Ranking. So it would be advantageous for you to keep it above the threshold along with an increasing Hive Rank enabling you to earn the maximum amount of interest. The Vault will notify you if you go below the threshold. 

So now there are 3 types of currency in Markethive. The Markethive Coin, (MHV) the ILP Tokens, and the Markethive Ad Credits which are always equivalent to $1usd of which you buy products and services with. So the Credits are what buys the services once we are on an exchange and the wallet is launched. And the amount of MHV coin you have determines the interest paid. 

By buying up Markethive Coin and banking it in the Vault you are essentially burning the coin and is a good thing as explained in this article on how Markethive creates coin velocity. There are many ways to burn crypto coins which is advantageous to the wealth and health of the coin. In this instance, to burn the Markethive Coin means pulling the coin out of the marketplace and staking or holding it in the Vault, so there’s less supply. The less supply the greater the demand, which in turn increases the price of the coin. 

The Vault is designed and implemented prior to the wallet being added. When the Wallet is complete and launched, then the true value of the Markethive coin will be realized. Once the wallet is active, Markethive Ad Credits and MHV Coins can be purchased and transferred over into the Vault. So this is like an online banking system. It’s a savings account with interest paid on it. 

It also changes the way you pay for subscriptions. The monthly subscription is debited from the Threshold in the Vault. Your credit card is debited and deposited into your Vault threshold to whatever amount you choose to maintain your chosen threshold and the payments debited. This also eliminates the issues caused by direct credit card payments and banks blocking your transaction. 


Where Are We At Right Now? 

The major aspects of the Vault have now been installed onto the Markethive platform. The Vault icon can be seen on the header of your Markethive page, next to the Hive Rank Symbol. Clicking on it will take you to the Vault page. This is the very foundation of the Markethive Wallet, the ILP, in fact, the entire system. We are very close now to launching the very heart of our ecosystem. 

Keep in mind the more you use the vault the higher the interest rate. The more you use the system the higher the interest rate. The four facets that are scored for stake interest are Hive Rank, Coin Clip score, Loyalty Level, and Attendance Bonus. Also, total interest is paid on both your vault balance and coin clip balance and the interest on this combined total is paid at the end of each month. 


The Vault Services

The Payment Center is being replaced with a far more advanced, effective and rewarding system called The Vault. This makes your purchases and monthly subscriptions easier to manage and is also creating a new class of exchange called Markethive Ad Credits. It will reward your thriftiness and using it as a bank account will earn you discounts and monthly interest. Interest has already been paid for this month and you will see extra MHV in your coin clip noted as Interest Credit in your payment settings. 

The Vault Statement is like a bank statement where all Vault activity is recorded, such as purchases, thresholds, funding, interest, bounties, autopay, etc. This can be viewed in your Markethive account in The Vault section and exported, saved and printed for your records. 

The Vault Multiplier is now active and where the fun starts. Play the HI/LO game and increase the amount of MHVs in your coin clip – up to 1000x. There is a 0% house edge which means neither Markethive or yourself has any built-in mathematical advantage over the long term. All rolls are provably fair so there is no way of altering the outcome. 


The Vault Subscriptions give you total control to maintain all your loyalty programs monthly or yearly subscriptions. You can create new ones, update credit cards, pay with Bitcoin, pause or cancel and much more.

The Vault Schematic is where we dissect, illustrate and edify the many aspects of the Vault Gauge Icon (seen up in your page header). So you know the health of your account at a glance.

Feed The Vault – This is where you can purchase Markethive Ad Credits and store them in your vault to pay for any of your monthly or yearly loyalty programs, press releases, banner ads or any other advertising program available to Markethive members. Remember the more you use the Vault, the higher the percentage of interest paid to you. 

As stated above, the fundamentals of the Vault can now be viewed on the Markethive platform, however, there is still some tweaking being done and of course, our engineers are now working on getting the wallet in place ready for all systems go! 

Your Future With Markethive

The future is bright for Markethive and You. This is an ingenious way to ensure the long-term sustainability of the Markethive Ecosystem while the MHV Coin inevitably increases in value, securing your success and prosperity within the realms of Markethive and beyond. Stay tuned for all the updates as they come to hand. Please attend our weekly live meetings hosted by the CEO, Thomas Prendergast, and CTO, Douglas Yates for all the exciting news and information. The date, time and link to the Markethive Zoom Room can be found in the menu at the top of your markethive home page under Calendar. See you there! 



ecosystem for entrepreneurs


Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 


KANYE WEST – The Road To Renewal

KANYE WEST – The Road To Renewal

Continuing on from Part 1 of Kanye West’s Journey, for over a decade long, the artistic genius went on to successfully create hit albums of a variety of music genres that were critically acclaimed, polarizing, influential and captivating, earning him the reputation of “America’s favorite bad boy”.

West toured with U2 in 2005 – 06 which inspired him to make hip hop more atmospheric and empowering to be performed in stadiums and arenas. He started to draw influence from both rock & roll music like The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, and The Killers, plus house music which originated in Chicago, where he grew up.  

Kanye puts himself in places where a vain or trendy person wouldn't dare try, like wearing pink polos, kilts and, skinny jeans. He made a career of consistently and willingly making himself the underdog by going against the grain for the sake of not just being able to say he did it first but to also avoid being boxed in or marginalized. 

His dedicated passion to reinvent the wheel along with his intense and dynamic creativity amassed him international acclaim and godly recognition. On West’s sixth album “Yeezus”, his song “I Am A God” was a powerhouse and punchy approach that has come to define the genius of Kanye West. “Yeezus” remains the only album to have sold fewer than 1 million copies in the US. Yet it was critically well-received, not least by the rock legend Lou Reed, who told Rolling Stone that “Each track is like making a movie… The guy really, really, really is talented.”


In an interview with Zane Lowe, Kanye explains his meaning behind his song “I Am A God”

Kanye West always sees an opportunity in just about everything and when the music industry began to worry about the effect the internet was having on its profit margins, West just embraced the change with a video for his single “Can’t Tell Me Nothing” and he hired the comedian/actor Zach Galifianakis to lip-sync the lyrics on an alternate version which created a viral sensation. 


Tragedy Strikes

Kanye was on top of the world, hailed as the artist who killed gangster rap. But in November 2007, tragedy struck. His beloved mother, Donda, died from a heart attack following cosmetic surgery. Kanye West dedicated a performance of “Hey Mama” to her at the first concert he did following the funeral. Given the bond Kanye and his mother had this put him in a very dark place. Months later, he separated from his then-fiancee Alexis Phifer and his next album, 808s & Heartbreak that he released 12 months later was laden with grief, pain, and alienation. 

Kanye with his mother Donda West

At that point West abandoned rapping completely, preferring to sing through an Auto-Tune vocal processor. This technique (ubiquitous in hip hop today) turned his voice into a robotic tone and he classified the new album and sound as “Pop Art”. 

It’s not to be confused with the visual art movement, but interestingly, when you consider West has Synesthesia, which is the condition where one sense, like hearing, is simultaneously perceived as if by one or more additional senses, such as sight, so everything that Kanye sonically creates is a painting in his creative mind.

West then announced, “Hip hop is over for me”. However, it wasn’t. He won two Grammys for guest raps he made that year, on Estelles’ “American Boy” and TI’s “Swagger Like Us”. 


Oops! A Faux-Pas Or…

Notorious for his controversial statements, (of which there were many)  and after the passing of his mother, West’s state of mind was fragile and coupled with a bottle of Hennessy, he invaded the stage during Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech for Best Female Vocal award at the MTV Video Music Awards the following year. He took the microphone from her and said although he was happy for Swift, Beyonce did a fantastic video clip, inferring Beyonce should have won the award instead. 

“Yo, Taylor, I’m really happy for you, I’mma let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time!”

The reverberations from that moment are still being felt, however, West did apologize publically, then retracted his apology in a 2013 interview with the New York Times. However, by 2015, they became friends. It’s evident that some on social media are still riled by the act, but time and circumstance have a way of healing and leading to self-development as Swift recounts in her biopic, “Miss Americana”. 

In her story, she makes it clear how much these incidents wounded her, and how a young woman desperate to be liked could be deeply hurt when she finds out it’s impossible to be everyone’s favorite. It made her stronger, more independent and the woman she is today. It could be said that one person’s faux-pas is another person’s gateway to a life lesson learned and growth. 


2009 VMA Awards Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech interrupted by Kanye West

Kanye West Focus On Fashion

Following the Swift fiasco, West took a break from music and relocated to Rome stopping off at Japan along the way for a time. His focus was on fashion at that point. He had already been collaborating with labels including A Bathing Ape and Nike on limited-edition sneakers since 2006. He gained more experience as an intern for other labels, reportedly for Gap and Fendi. In 2009, West partners with Nike for his own shoe, the Air Yeezys. 

West launched his first collection in Paris in 2011 which was very much criticized. Feeling wounded, West gave a speech at the show’s after-party, pleading “Please be easy. Please give me a chance to grow.”  His second collection a year later only received lukewarm acceptance, subsequently West announced he would no longer be showing in Paris.  

In 2013 he collaborated with the French label APC on his capsule collection. In an interview with W Magazine, he explained,

“I tried to come out of the gate going crazy. And it didn’t work. So now I have to somehow put out something that says, ‘I look sensible!’?”

Contrary to his personality, the collection consisted of understated tees, hoodies, and jeans. 


Kanye West’s Capsule Collection: Adidas “Yeezy” sneakers and Jewelry collection 


He then signed a $10 million deal with Adidas and launched his first apparel collection of Yeezy Season 1 in 2015. This collection had a mixed reception but his Season 5 collection in 2017 won praise and notably, Yeezy is the No 1 searched brand on the internet. 

He had a passion for fashion, showcasing his own style of apparel and the collection of Yeezy sneakers with Adidas Boost technology. West maintains that his brand expresses how he feels, not to keep up with trends or societal culture. Prior to that, he donned other high-end designer labels because he could and it made him feel good – It helped to feed his ego. He is still perceived today as the Louis Vuitton Don.

Now on a new quest, keeping his ego in check and getting back to grassroots, it’s all about bringing manufacturing back to America, from seed to sew, along with job opportunities for people in prison reform or second chance people. More about that later.
As a musician, what makes Kanye West one of the greats is his ability to innovate – to push the sonic boundaries of hip-hop. As a Fashionista, he has become a force in fashion with the desire to create designer fashion affordable to the people en-masse. 


Kanye West and Kim Kardashian – Equally Yolked

Kanye West and reality TV star, Kim Kardashian began their relationship in April of 2013, engaged in October, then married in May 2014. Happily married for nearly 6 years with 4 children. Their first daughter North (born June 15, 2013) son Saint (born December 5, 2015) and another daughter (born via surrogate January 15, 2018). Then came their fourth child, son Psalm, via surrogate in May 2019. 

Married life and fatherhood have helped West grow and realize what is important in life. In a recent interview, he described his relationship with Kim as equally yoked. They both have a spiritual connection to God. West considers his union with Kim a life-long commitment 

“It’s a God bond,” he says, Someone to call on, or call out. Someone that can call on you or call you out – Equally yoked. Someone to complain to and someone to grow with… as we grow and raise our children” 

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are one of the strongest couples in Hollywood and beyond after almost 6 years together.  


The West Family at Christmas 2019

The Turning Point

West went on to make his 7th album in 2016, “The Life Of Pablo”, tweaking his songs and resending them to streaming services, describing the album as a “living, breathing, changing creative expression”. That same year he started his Saint Pablo Tour, where he performs on a stage suspended in mid-air. However, with still 21 shows on the agenda the tour was canceled. 

In his last performance, West delivered a 15-minute rant, speaking his mind on personal gripes, naming names, business issues, revealing he was $53 million in debt and political stance, hailing Trump for President, before storming off the stage saying the show’s over. 

Subsequently, Kanye West was admitted into UCLA Medical Center, initially for exhaustion, only then to go through psychiatric tests and ultimately diagnosed with mental health issues. More succinctly, Bi-Polar Disorder. Reportedly, West never got over his mother’s untimely death. He has been put in the category of an HSP – Highly Sensitive People, but he has been called “crazy” by many. 



According to West, this was a crucial wake-up call that would change his life. His time in the hospital gave him space and the time he needed to not only get back on track but to re-evaluate his life and purpose. He had visions and divine messages to help him in his time of renewal. People call it a break-down, Kanye likes to call it a “break-through.”

The next 2 years West closeted himself, holed-up in the studio creating his 8th album “Ye” which has been a nickname of his and touched on issues ranging from sexual assault topics to West’s own controversial comments about slavery and being bipolar. In an interview following the album’s release, he expanded on the bipolar topic saying it is his “superpower”. He asserted that the condition fueled his creativity, but he also admitted that it led to unfortunate consequences.  

West deactivated his Twitter and Instagram accounts during that time due to the backlash he was receiving from many of his controversial comments, beliefs, and support for President Trump. Like him or not, he believes he has the right to express his own opinions and not be controlled by the system or manipulated into being something that he’s not. 

In 2018, Kanye dusts off the cobwebs and returns to the public eye, reactivating his Twitter account and music output with “Ye Vs.The People”. As the title insinuates, he needed to express his thoughts and feelings after becoming a recluse resulting from his experiences. It may even be seen as cathartic to some degree. Incidentally, the track was not included on the album. 

The Renewal

By this time West had relocated to Wyoming with his family, which is his “happy place”, a place away from “it all”  Although West was working on a new album titled Yandhi with a planned release date of September 29, 2018, it was delayed indefinitely. In April of 2019, Kanye West “woke up” and completely changed his direction spiritually, emotionally and physically.  In August of 2019, it was announced that he was working on another project which would display Kanye and his career in a whole new light that continues to gain momentum. 

Next, we’ll focus on Kanye’s life after renewal to the present day along with what has been deemed as Kanyean Philosophy. 


Previous article https://markethive.com/group/marketingdept/blog/kanyewesthisjourneyauthenticityvscontroversy


ecosystem for entrepreneurs



Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 



Kanye West His Journey Authenticity vs Controversy

Kanye West His Journey 
Authenticity vs Controversy 

Who Is Kanye West?

Kanye West is a Grammy Award-winning Rapper, Songwriter, Record Producer, and Entrepreneur. With a keen interest in designing and fashion, he also released his fashion label “Yeezy”, clothing and footwear apparel. His music has jumped from being a sensation to very much in demand in the rap industry, while his personality, his philosophies, and his willingness to speak out for what he believes in consistently land him at the center of controversy. 

Because West is renowned for being outspoken on his views about life, culture, religion, and politics, these controversial topics attract widespread media attention. He is a huge cultural figure who encourages people to think freely and be their own person and is often demonized by society and media channels.

Known for his arrogance Kanye West will be the first one to tell you he is a 21st-century phenomenon. A producer turned rap superstar who has reinvented hip hop many times over in the course of his outstanding career. The creative genius that he is, is somewhat overshadowed by his ability to put his entire foot in his mouth. He says he’s only human and often retracts any emotionally-based derogatory opinions and statements he blurts out publically. 

His name, his style, and the way he conducts his business are unique. His thoughtful reflections in interviews reveal a complex man that few have taken the time to understand. This and subsequent articles look at that multifaceted star, exploring his career as singer and producer, but also looking at the forces that prepared him to be the man he is today, relaying his mission and his message to anyone who will listen.


Kanye West rapping in NYC at 19 Years


The Genesis Of Kanye West

Kanye Omari West was born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1977 and grew up in Chicago from the age of three after his parents, Ray West and Donda Williams divorced amicably. He was raised in South Shore, Chicago, a middle-class neighborhood, by his mother and spent the summers with his father. 

Ray West (Father) was a photojournalist for the Atlanta Journal newspaper and a political activist in the Black Panthers. He later became a Christian counselor. Kanye’s mother, Donda West, was a teacher who became a professor of English at Chicago State University. West admits he came from “the wrong side of the mall” rather than the wrong side of the tracks. At the age of 10, Kanye and his mother moved to China for a year where she taught as part of a university exchange program. He had a somewhat religious upbringing which reflects in his music but somewhere along the way he admits he got lost. 


Talented and Determined 

After the China experience and returning to Chicago, Donda, West’s mother, helped a then 13-year-old Kanye and paid $25 to cut his first record in a basement studio. In 2004, Donda recalled in an interview with Red Eye, Chicago Tribune, 

“The microphone was hanging from the ceiling with a wire coat hanger. But he was so excited, I couldn’t say no.” 

Donda West told the Tribune his talent was evident even as a small boy at the age of 5, composing poems from gazing at the flora and his surroundings creatively visualizing it through the eyes of an artist and then transcribe it the way a poet would. She went on to say, 

 “People say Kanye and humility don’t belong in the same sentence, but he had that determination since he was 3. We need more people who aren't afraid to speak their minds,
I have always encouraged him to think and to speak the truth as he sees it."

 Kanye West and his mother had a very close bond, “My mother was my everything” he told TV News in 2005. Donda became his manager playing a significant part in his music career before she died from heart disease in 2007 at the age of 58. Her death profoundly impacted West musically and personally.


“Drop-Out” On The Road To Fame

West got caught up in the South Side hip-hop scene where he met his mentor DJ and producer No I.D. West graduated from Polaris High School and received a scholarship to study at Chicago’s American Academy Of Art. He has a love for the visual arts but dropped out of college to pursue music where he channeled that love for the arts into his music. 

He spent time working with local artists in Chicago where he realized his talent for producing and developed his own signature style dubbed “Chipmonk Soul”. He got his big break when he relocated to New York in 2001, handling the production for Jay-Z’s songs, a well-known New York Rapper. He then went on to produce for other major talents, including rappers, Mos Def, Talib Kweli and Ludacris, also singers Alicia Keys and Beyonce. 


Music Producer Not Enough For Kanye

Although Kanye West was cementing his reputation as a brilliant producer, he was not content with that. He wanted to be upfront as a rapper, however, he was not taken seriously as a rap artist. According to Jay-Z, the co-founder of Roc-A-Fella Records, 

"We all grew up street guys who had to do whatever we had to do to get by. Then there's Kanye, who to my knowledge has never hustled a day in his life. I didn't see how it could work."

West lacked the “Gangsta” credentials that were a prerequisite at that time. He was an arty middle-class kid who wore pink polo shirts and Gucci loafers. He got similar negative responses from other labels and recalled how he’d leave meetings disappointed and crying every time. West pleaded with Roc-A-Fella Records and finally in 2002, Damon Dash reluctantly signed him to record his music, but did so mainly to retain him as a producer. 

Not long after in October 2002, West was involved in a head-on car collision while driving home from a recording session in California, which left him with a shattered jaw. He wrote and recorded a song about that experience “Through The Wire” while his jaw was wired shut as a result of reconstructive surgery. Nothing was going to stop him and after writing the rest of his debut album while convalescing in L.A. he revised, rewrote and refined the production adding gospel choirs and strings that he paid for out of his own pocket. 


"Through The Wire" Video Clip


The album named “The College Dropout” was finally released in 2004 and made Kanye West a star. It sold 2.6 million copies and broke the mold of Gangsta Rap with themes that included consumerism, racism, higher education, and his religious beliefs. On the single of that album, "Jesus Walks" he rapped: 

"They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus. That means guns, sex, lies, videotapes, but if I talk about God, my record won't get played."


A Young Kanye West Makes His Mark

"Jesus Walks" – The original version.

The album peaked at No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 200 chart and West received 10 Grammy nominations and winning 3 awards for the best rap song, “Jesus Walks” and best rap album. West went on to create his own record label, GOOD Music, (an acronym for Getting Out Our Dreams) in collaboration with Sony BMG.  

Kanye West, being the restless bourgeoisie, brimming with creativity, wanted to see how far he could expand the hip hop genre of music and hired an orchestra. He spent $2 million and a year working with the composer John Brion, who had never worked with a rapper before. The results were prodigious, and he won another three Grammy awards. Best Rap Album again, “Late Registration” debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 200. Plus Best Rap Song for "Diamonds from Sierra Leone," and Best Rap Solo Performance for "Gold Digger." This is an achievement West would repeat with every subsequent solo album release.

Gold Digger is one of my fav songs from his newly branded genre of hip hop, which incidentally West asked Jamie Foxx (Comedian/Actor) to accompany him on this song. As Foxx relates in this interview, this took place at a party Foxx was hosting for a number of hip hop artists where he met Kanye West for the first time. Foxx had always had a hankering to get into the music business and just happened to have a music studio at his house. He agreed to do it but didn’t think it would be a success. The rest is history. 


Kanye West performing Gold Digger, with Jamie Foxx.

Success Story From The Suburbs

Kanye West became known as the success story from the suburbs – a hip hop artist without street cred. Kanye remains popular because he is regarded as truly one of the best rappers of all time. He has made headlines for his bizarre tweets and his grand pronouncements, his award-show stage invasions, his extravagant fashion sense and his marriage to reality TV star, Kim Kardashian. 


Image Courtesy of Wealthy Gorilla


But when West channels his impulsive and brash swagger into his music, the results have been stellar. Consequently, he has eight solo albums debuting at No. 1 and 21 Grammy awards. (no rapper has won more). He has been included twice in Time magazine's 100 most influential people list, also praise from Lou Reed, Prince, Elon Musk and of course from Kanye West himself. His music resonates and regardless of his antics or personal life, he remains relevant to many from all walks of life. 

Next, we will look at how West is now following a different path and what led him to his life change. He along with his family have moved to Wyoming where he has taken time to reflect and move forward. So Markethive and Kanye West are practically neighbors! In a recent interview at his home in Wyoming, West passionately declared… 

“Things are changing and God has the last laugh"



ecosystem for entrepreneurs



Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 



MARKETHIVE EMAIL SYSTEM Powerful Reliable And Ethical

MARKETHIVE EMAIL SYSTEM Powerful, Reliable And Ethical

The benefit of the Markethive Autoresponder is probably one of the most powerful aspects of our inbound marketing system. Our leads associate capture funnel systems unique method of using social networks to join Markethive and any other business you conduct from your Storefront within the Markethive platform ensures that Markethive produces an emailing system that delivers your messages within seconds to 97% of your recipients’ account with a 100% delivery to their INBOX. 

Note: The other 3% is usually because the recipients’ inbox is full and cannot receive any more emails.  

The Markethive Autoresponder System has been established for more than 20 years. The founder and CEO of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast invented the first autoresponder, then refined and established the email system and the concept of Automated Marketing which is now called Inbound Marketing. 

The Reality Of Email Delivery

We’d all like to think our messages reach our customers’ inbox but the reality is 1 in 5 don’t in many autoresponder systems. The unfortunate side of email is spam and although spam filters do a good job of detecting junk and send it straight to the spam folder, many organizations’ legitimate emails end up in the spam folder. If your subscribers don’t see your emails, they can’t open, click or convert. 

Emails that are able to make it past the gateway and spam filters are delivered to the inbox. Emails that are deemed malicious or untrustworthy are very often blocked at the gateway or sent straight to the spam folder. The spam filters look at the reputation of the sender, subscriber engagement and content to decide if it should be placed in the inbox or spam folder. 

Now Considered Old School

Email deliverability rates can really make or break an email marketing campaign. Primarily, email campaigns and autoresponders use a capture page opt-in form to collect data, being a name, email and often times a phone number. This takes time and usually a number of steps to complete. You then in some cases need to go to your email to verify it. It is well documented that the more steps in the signup form process, the more likely prospects will be lost for lack of follow-through. Email verification can reduce lead conversion up to 50%, delayed verification and delivery to spam folder reduce conversion up to 90%. 


Email Delivery A Top Priority

The delivery of email is paramount and a top priority at Markethive. We have dispensed the "old school" process of email verification replacing it with instantaneous “One Click” subscriptions, so we can now concentrate on delivering your autoresponders and email broadcasts out to your lead databases. 

This virtually guarantees the data is legitimate and the email is clean and not from a spam trap often acquired through website harvesting. The actions available to build email lists in Markethive are via Markethive Capture Widgets, Markethive Capture Pages, Markethive Blogs, and Markethive Profile Pages. This guarantees email quality and delivers to the members of Markethive, their subscribers and lead prospects’ email delivery “to the Inbox” of nearly 100%. 


Markethive Autoresponder Basic setup

Below is a video explaining the basics of setting up your autoresponder.


The whole purpose behind this is not to spam people or hit them with messages they don’t want, but to produce quality material that helps educate people and those who are looking for answers to their particular problem through systems like this.  By using these methods you establish authority and the credibility that your sphere of Influence you create will appreciate what you are doing.

  • Also, be sure to go to the Tutorial Group in Markethive where you will find numerous short and on-point video tutorials to learn how to get started and engage in all the facets Markethive offers. These will eventually be integrated into the Automated Tutorial System where you will be paid via our Micropayment Faucet in MHV Coin for taking each step in the program.  


Acceptable Or Unethical? You Decide…

Although it can satisfy your curiosity to track and know who clicked on your emails, this can only be achieved through sprites that are commonly used in some email systems which is essentially spying on the recipient. The email software adds a tiny invisible image to the body of your email. This is often called a web beacon or tracking pixel. 

Good marketing practices breed a good reputation. We do not engage in shifty and sneaky practices. We do not send email from our system with hidden spy images. We do not report to our subscribers what you view, what you clicked or looked at on any given day. 


What we do offer is a complete Market Network with everything under one roof to be able to conduct any business without having to go to individual vertical platforms for your marketing tools.  Just knowing you have a delivery rate of 100% to the inbox and a good reputation with the Markethive Email System is much better than a hit and miss scenario other systems suffer from due to their practices. You can track your productivity through the Markethive Analytics Integration solely built for you and your URLs. 

Markethive’s email and autoresponder systems are built for beginners through to Entrepreneurs and Business Owners at any level. It has utilized the OAuth technology to capture data via capture widgets through a choice of Social Media or verified email accounts situated on your capture pages, blogs, and profile pages. 



Markethive embraces OAuth and Blockchain technology as it keeps all your data and hard work under your control. It cannot be deleted by anyone else but you. This process also prevents 3rd parties from tracking you on our secure distributed security data system.   So when registering and utilizing the complete marketing system within Markethive to build your business, including the autoresponder system (CRM and CMS)  your security and autonomy are our highest priority. Gone from our system is the aged old and nonsecure process of entering fields with your name, email, and phone, etc, coupled with a verification email and validation link. 

The advent of the blockchain adds several new twists and may serve to be the disruption that has been overdue for marketers and advertisers that are looking to take their targeted campaigns to the next level. We are in for a ride over the next couple of years as technologies like blockchain slip into every facet of our lives. It’s not the strongest who survive or smartest, but the most adaptable.


ecosystem for entrepreneurs


Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals.