Tag Archives: markethive

Remember the Hammer from Veretekk?

Unfair Advantage has returned.

Remember The Hammer?

Shortly after shutting Veretekk down I embarked on building a new platform from scratch, all new code, fresh, from the start using modern operating systems, this vision is called Markethive. It is a true social network, easily navigated and works similar to Facebook, which means it is extremely intuitive and a quick learn to use.

Markethive is a vertical social network for entrepreneurs, a culture that represents innovation, vision and determination and driven to achieve greater than one’s own boundaries.  An engine that roars with the blood, sweat and tears of the individual that seeks beyond their capabilities.  We now live in a time that the entrepreneur has become all of us as the traditional culture of jobs fades away into today’s realities.

But Markethive has another engine as well. If you were a member way back in the 90s you remember us ”inventing” Automated Marketing, Veremail (autoresponder emails), Traffic Portals (Blastomatic, Sohomatic, Maoney_Machine, Vereconference), Broadcasting platforms (The Hammer), Tracking (Veretracking) all of this and more all integrated, 20 years ago! Remember the massive unique leads you would get coming to you, not you chasing them?

Today it has been rebranded as Inbound Marketing. Inbound Marketing is attracting traffic, converting to subscribers, then converting to customers, that converting to advocates. Other companies sell a similar service for up to and more than $10,000 per month. I am not kidding. These platforms are valuable, expensive to build and flat out work!

Markethive has fused the Entrepreneur Social Network together with our own Inbound Marketing platform. The results are outstanding

The Hammer evolved into a master piece that published a message, Title and link to literally billions of FFA sites, Classified Ad sites, Guest books, and forums. It was abusive, rude, did not ask, it broke down the walls and placed it’s message, millions of messages on billions of sites. It was an amazing piece of work. It produced massive inbound traffic and leads. People literally became addicted to it. It combined an entertaining eye candy process and a huge massive result. It got oooos and ahhhhs. I became famous for The Hammer. I even have a video of one of the later versions of the Hammer. It is nostalgia in it’s purest form. Enjoy.

I have replaced the Hammer!

In fact I have eclipsed the Hammer with a new Social Networked Broadcasting tool called the Blog Caster (Broadcaster). It integrates into the hundreds of Social Networks owned by 1000s and growing into millions of Markethive subscribers accounts. It operates on a viral process of subscribers, to your posts and their subsequent reach, giving you a downstream result that can easily eclipse reaches of readers into the billions. But not static, but people who react to your messages and the traffic influx becomes massive.

And the message? It originates from your Markethive blog. So your message(s) are comprehensive and often will find themselves being shared by people you never knew. Your Markethive blog is subscribed to by your 1000s of friends and their 1000s of friends, 1000s also share your blog content, with your permission, to their many WordPress and other blogs.

Markethive WordPress plugins turn WordPress into a massive broadcasting platform, exponentially increasing even further reaches. This chain reaction has no limit.

Markethive is just getting started. If Veretekk impressed you once upon a time long ago, Markethive will blow you away. And we are just getting started.

Unlike Veretekk, Markethive’s technology Inbound Marketing platform, the whole enchilada, is Free!

We fund Markethive with advertising and the best part about that? We share up to 50% of that revenue with you.

I told you I would return, come join me as we head of into the future 10 years ahead of the rest. Now Unfair Advantage is available to you, again, for Free.

For more about the new Broadcasting technology make sure to read Blog Casting and the Reach

Find out more about Markethive by joining us.

If you believe that my message is worth spreading, please use the share buttons if they show at the top of the page.

Stephen Hodgkiss
Chief Engineer at MarketHive


Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Reach Massive People by Blogging

There are more and more bloggers created every day. If you have a point to share about a product, service, business, events (the list goes on), many people choose to expose it online via their blog. With so many blogging services and platforms out there, how do you choose one? Even after you have chosen a blogging platform, service or network, can you still "Reach" enough people to make a difference.

We all know that blogging is definitely a numbers game. This is why so many bloggers are scrambling to create and promote their blogs on multiple platforms thinking they can reach more people. The greater the "Reach" can bring success to what you're promoting. A big question is, how many people would you like to reach? Now that you have that number in your head the other questions is How do I do that?

MarketHive is the simple answer for many reasons. MarketHive makes it simple, easy and more affordable than any other option out there.  Before WordPress, Aweber, Constant Contact, Facebook and other marketing solutions is the CEO of MarketHive. He ushered in the industry of automated marketing back in the early 90's known as the "Godfather of Automated Marketing".  if that wasn't enough he then created the first Inbound Marketing Network in the mid 90's. Now he's at it again with his new social Inbound Marketing Network for all entrepreneurs, built by entrepreneurs called MarketHive.

Don't just take my word for it, see his video blow that talks about reaching massive people by blogging. This is just one component of his new business network and how it can impact any bloggers reach in a massive way.

If you're a entrepreneur that specializes in helping others to succeed online, you owe your viewers this info. To get inside the MarketHive system for free more details is as easy as connecting any of your favorite Social Profiles by Clicking Here Now

Now is you want to be telling others about MarketHive before they start telling you and others they know.


Bruce Jacobs
MarketHive (Partner/ Developer)

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Value and Respect Your Brand: Ask Donald Sterling

Value & Respect Your Brand: Ask Donald Sterling 

Race or more accurately, racism was a primary issue in the Donald Sterling and L.A. Clipper controversy; however, the most important business component at risk was both the NBA and L.A.  Clipper Brand.  Now, a brand is commonly perceived as a product, service or concept manifested in the form of a visual logo that represents a specific company.  Okay, a nice safe and tidy corporate definition; however, successful brands are intangible and represent emotions, qualities and stories that motivate consumers to join in partnership with a specific company that gives value to its consumers.  A brand that attract its customers by providing value and develops a trusting relationship then, the logo not only represents the company but, the corporate culture (ideals, ideologies & values) that is portrayed in media for the benefit of further expanding the brand to a larger consumer base.  “The NBA has been the poster child for diversity in American sports from the coaches on the sidelines, to the executive’s they hire and obviously to the players on the court”.  Now, 81% of the NBA players are people of color, ¾ of the NBA players are African-American and 27% of NBA coaches are African-American”.  Needless to say, NBA’s brand is about inclusion of all people and strives for parity in all levels of employment.

So, what happens when a well-known brand is compromised because of an act of self-destructive conduct within corporate management?  When large sums of revenue are at risk then, immediate emergency measures are implemented to save the cash and more importantly, salvage the reputation of the organization that was perceived to have committed an offense against its customer base.  Donald Sterling, former owner of the LA. Clippers knows all about committing corporate suicide due to a documented long-term history of racial bigotry against African Americans.  Unfortunately, Mr. Sterling failed to consider the economic and social impact his words would have on his employees, basketball fans and corporate sponsors who invested significant sums of money into the Clipper organization.  Let’s look at who invested and who threatened to bail if, Mr. Sterling wasn’t removed from the Clipper organization in real time.

Well, sponsors like Car Max, State Farm, Virgin America, Chumash Casino Resort, Lumber Liquidators, Yokohoma Tire Corporations, Corona, Constellation Brands, Kia Motors, Adidas, Mercedes-Benz, Red Bull, Burger King, Samsung and MGM Resorts and End Ties, all threatened to end ties, with both the Clippers and the NBA.  Clearly, they didn’t want to be associated with any entity that appeared to support racial bigotry.  With millennials and older adults being primary consumers of goods and services in both social media and professional sports it would be complete lunacy for sponsors to ostracize such a critical revenue stream.

Business is about relationship building and like anything of value takes considerable time and effort to develop; however, it only takes seconds or minutes to DESTROY.  Developing a trusting relationship with customers is the foundation of business’s ability to achieve long-term success.  Now, if you consider Donald Sterling’s 30-year plus ownership of the Clippers was essentially destroyed in under 9-minutes of secret audiotape (recorded by his mistress) and with the potential of collateral damage to his other businesses.  Additionally, future business opportunities were potentially compromised; hence, the true cost of this act of entrepreneurial-suicide remains unknown to the general public.

So, it remains clear that one’s words have consequences and this is true in all aspects of life but, even more, when you’re the owner of a NBA franchise worth 1 billion dollars and the majority of your players were African-American. It is clear Mr. Sterling didn’t respect certain people of different races/ethnicity but, why didn’t he respect his brand?  Why risk it all?

Well, let’s first review a definition to ensure everyone is on the same page, “Brand is the “name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s product distinct from those of other sellers.”  Alright, that’s clear so both NBA & L.A., Clippers are brands that represent the best in professional basketball, which appeals to millions of people who are willing to pay to be associated with such organizations because they provide value/service to their target market.

Unfortunately, Mr. Sterling FAILED to recognize the importance of valuing his target market and the formula for success that generated millions of dollars for his organization.  He took things for granted.  When you have success and you become reckless then, you become a liability to your company and those who rely on its production of products and services to the established consumer abuse.

Now, fortunately for both the NBA and LA Clipper organization, they never lost sight of the most important element of the Formula of Success and that is the fans.  Without the fans then, you have no business and keeping them interested in the basketball brand was paramount to everyone’s success.

Like in both online and offline businesses the formula for success entails a system designed to produce new customers and create an income multiplier rather than just one-time customers but, a lifetime customer.  This is desired in all businesses; hence, to achieve this goal begins with respecting your BRAND.

Vaurn James



Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Fourteenpress Theme as looks matter

Fourteenpress Theme as looks matter

It was recommended to me to use Fourteenpress Theme by Noor as it is mobile viewing friendly for wordpress blogs.  I compared it to the Twenty Ten theme I have been using and concur. 

It has been said a picture is worth a thousand words, I am going to show how my blog posts look on my mobile phone.  I will use a blog post I wrote yesterday for my example. 


The first picture is my website at http://alzibluk.com.  I wrote the first blog post.  The last two blog posts were written by other people that I don’t even know.  I use Markethive to constantly give my websites content.  I am a big fan of utilizing groups in Markethive for this purpose.

The second picture is my blog post.  I like how the title and picture looks.

The third picture is text from my post.  It is very easy to read on my phone.  We live in a world that is constantly on the go.

My last picture is to show the Pinterest widget.  I do want people to follow me on Pinterest.

Thanks for reading and I give the Fourteenpress Theme two thumbs up.

All the best,

Alan Zibluk
e-mail: alan@internetguy.ws

PS:  I believe in maintaining health joints.


Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Crockpot Black Beans and Brown Rice

Crockpot Black Beans and Brown Rice

My Favorite Crockpot Recipe So Far

This is the first blogpost in the Markethive Group called Crockpot Recipes.  I encourage anyone reading this to join and share their crockpot recipes.  It will be featured on different websites.  I also plan in the future to make a Pinterest board for crockpot recipes to pin the ones I like.


The recipe I am sharing I got from mostly homemade mom.  Below is her link.  The recipe is perfect.  I was impressed how easy and delicious it came out.  I am not a fan of sour cream so I did not use it.




Although the recipe is wonderful, I can’t help myself but always add more things to it.  It is fun to experiment.  Below are the ingredients I used.

  • 2 (14 oz) packages of black beans, drained and rinsed. (I use Fig Foods Black Beans)
  • 1 uncooked cup of brown rice (I use Texmati Brown Rice)
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup salsa (I used Frontera Hot Roasted Habanero Salsa)
  • 2 tsp cumin (I bought Cumin Seeds from Amazon)
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • ½ tsp salt (I use Himalayan Pink Salt)
  • ¼ tsp black pepper
  • 1 diced onion (my idea)
  • 5 minced gloves of garlic (my idea)
  • 1 avocado (my idea)
  • 1 jalapeno pepper (my idea)
  • A handful of mushrooms cut into smaller pieces (my idea)


I greased my crockpot with coconut oil and threw all the contents in it.  Below is my picture of it before I turned on the power.


Following the original recipe I put my crockpot in the low setting.  The original recipe called for 3 hours cooking time, the picture below was 4 hours 30 minutes later.  I waited for the liquid to soak up.



This was the third time I have made this.  It is great by itself.  You can use it for dipping tortilla chips or making burritos.  This time I am using it for soft shell tacos.


I like using Maria and Ricardo’s Soft Corn Tortillas.  They taste great and do not fall part like other soft shell tacos.  I have experimented with others but keep coming back to them.

All the best,

Alan Zibluk
e-mail: alan@internetguy.ws

PS:  Visionex for supporting clear vision and optimal long-term eye health.
Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 6: SSL- Redirect to Mobile Redirect-Problem and Solution


Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive

(Reposted from Patrick Sexton, https://varvy.com)

There are four common types of redirects that affect how your users and Google see your mobile pages. Each of them is bad for performance (speed). They include:

       *    Initial redirect – canonical (www.example.com vs example.com)

  • SSL – secure pages redirect
  • Redirect to mobile version
  • Content driven redirects

Content-Driven Redirects

  1. Problem

          Content-driven redirects are not required to display a page. These redirects have been added because mobile and                   desktop versions of a given webpage may not display the same content.Thus, some mobile pages are redirected to                 other locations.

          Bottom-line: Content-driven redirects are more of a design issue rather than a technical issue.

       b. Solution

         The use of content-driven redirects should be avoided if possible.The solution here is to utilize responsive web design.            This will ensure that both website versions (mobile and desktop versions) display the same content with no need for a              content-driven redirect.

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 5: SSL- Redirect to Mobile Redirect-Problem and Solution

Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive

(Reposted from Patrick Sexton, https://varvy.com)

There are four common types of redirects that affect how your users and Google see your mobile pages. Each of them is bad for performance (speed). They include:

       *    Initial redirect – canonical (www.example.com vs example.com)

  • SSL – secure pages redirect
  • Redirect to mobile version
  • Content driven redirects

Redirect to mobile version

  1. Problem

            When you have a different web address (url) for your mobile pages than you do for your desktop pages, the mobile                 device must somehow get to the mobile version. The way it does so is through a redirect.

           In other words, the mobile redirect is the method in which your mobile page gets displayed.This redirect only occurs                when a different url is utilized for mobile devices versus the desktop version. This redirect does not happen when a                  responsive web design is employed.


       b. Solution

         As previously mentioned, a mobile redirect only occurs when a different url is utilized for mobile devices versus the                  desktop version.

         Using responsive web design or dynamic serving will remedy this issue by eliminating the need for separate urls for the          same website (i.e., mobile v. desktop version).

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 4: SSL-Secure Pages Redirect-Problem and Solution

Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive

(Reposted from Patrick Sexton, https://varvy.com)

There are four common types of redirects that affect how your users and Google see your mobile pages. Each of them is bad for performance (speed). They include:

       *    Initial redirect – canonical (www.example.com vs example.com)

  • SSL – secure pages redirect
  • Redirect to mobile version
  • Content driven redirects

SSL-Secure Pages Redirect

  1. Problem

               Pages that use SSL will often be redirected from the url

              "http://www.example.com" to the secure version of that page at "https://www.example.com"

              This redirect usually occurs when a webmaster uses a site-wide 301 redirect as a simple step to forward all pages to               the secure versions of the page.

       b. Solution

              A redirect exists for SSL sites typically because the webmaster used an "easy fix" of doing a site-wide 301 redirect to               make all traffic forwarded to the secure version of their pages.

             A better option would be to use HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) which forces all traffic to use secure pages.                  This means your pages will be more secure and load faster by not using that 301 redirect.



Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 3: Initial Redirects-Problem and Solution

Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive

(Reposted from Patrick Sexton, https://varvy.com)

There are four common types of redirects that affect how your users and Google see your mobile pages. Each of them is bad for performance (speed). They include:

       *    Initial redirect – canonical (www.example.com vs example.com)

  • SSL – secure pages redirect
  • Redirect to mobile version
  • Content driven redirects

Initial Redirect (Canonical)


  1. Problem

Example: The url "www.example.com" and the url "example.com" are actually two different urls even though they typically will have the same content.

One has the "www" and one does not. Oftentimes webmasters will choose one or the other throughout their site (www or no www).To ensure that pages are always using the same version of the url, a site-wide redirect is typically used.

Thus, when typing "google.com" into a browser, the end-result is "www.google.com".

  1. Solution

This type of redirect was typically implemented for SEO purposes.The common logic was to obtain credit for each link given to a page because some people link to the "www" version and some link to the non-version of a page.

As a webmaster, one must decide if this value even still exists and if so, is it worth the redirect?

Google understands pages and sites much better now than it did when this redirect became a common practice and Google even offers you a way via Webmaster Tools to choose which version you prefer (without the redirect).

Take Home Points:

*Regardless, make sure your site-wide redirects are smartly working with other redirects like ssl.

*Do not redirect users to one version of page just to be redirected again to the secure (ssl) version.

*The way to actually review / update / remove it for most webmasters is to go to their htaccess file and find it:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.com/$1 [R=301,NC]

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member

Pipeline Marketing: A Powerful Tool For Realizing Funnel Potential

Pipeline Marketing: A Powerful Tool For Realizing Funnel Potential

Posted By 

Pipeline Marketing: A Powerful Tool For Realizing Funnel Potential

Pipeline marketing is a term that many in the marketing industry, even those heavily engaged in digital marketing, are not entirely familiar with.

It may go by other names; math marketing or revenue marketing, for instance, but the idea is the same: using data strategically to critically evaluate the effectiveness of online marketing efforts.

ClosedOpp was a very early adopter of this concept. A small paid search agency founded in 2007 that is breaking new ground in PPC marketing, ClosedOpp has been able to improve lead attribution by integrating all of its clients’ AdWords and Bing data with their CRM records.

The process of pipeline marketing is unique and innovative. ClosedOpp ties paid search data into clients’ Salesforce opportunity and lead records. This provides the ability to track leads from the point they were created, to closure. It also allows marketers to analyze the paths that resulted in the new business wins, to compare paths and to identify best practices to leverage in the future.

Pipeline marketing is a powerful tool to help businesses better understand their customers, how to segment customers into more high-performing groups, and how to identify the sales approaches that achieve the best results. Customer better, how to segment, and how to attribute successful sales approaches.

Rich Norwood, co-founder of ClosedOpp, describes how they developed this approach: “We realized early in 2012 that many digital marketers didn’t trust AdWords conversion data and were looking for a new way to track SEM performance.

We ran countless regressions identifying whether or not there was a correlation between AdWords conversions and Salesforce leads, AdWords conversions and Salesforce opportunities, and AdWords conversions and Salesforce wins. Once we determined there was a low R-squared correlation, we began looking for a better solution for our clients…”

The Power of Pipeline Marketing

The result was the new approach of “pipeline marketing,” which lets businesses focus less on lead gen and more on what they really care about, results. From Bizible’s website: “If your intention is to grow your business, shouldn’t you want to focus on generating customers and revenue, not leads?”

Lead gen, developing new contacts in hopes of increasing sales, has been an important marketing metric for decades. However, as Bizible states, “even as marketing has shifted to digital and analytics systems have been able to capture more complex data and insights, far too many companies are using legacy ways to measure their performance.”

Norwood asks the $64,000 question: “Do the clients care about leads or do they care about opportunities?” It boils down to this: do they want contacts, or do they want customers? Norwood says, “This may throw some people off. However, we’ve… proven that all leads are not created equally, some keywords drive larger opportunities, some keywords convert to opportunity at a much higher conversion rate. This is what Pipeline Marketing and Account-Based Marketing is all about.”

How It Works

The beauty of it all is that pipeline marketing allows marketers to be able to evaluate, in real time, exactly what keywords are driving visitors to their site, where they’re entering and what actions they’re taking. It’s a powerful analysis tool that requires careful consideration up front to realize the full promise of the technique.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Define campaign goals. The first step to embracing this new approach is for businesses to define their campaign goals in detail. And one of the most important goals is, as Norwood explains, to “focus on their sweet spot first. Start with the keywords that are must-targets.”
  2. Determine, specifically, the type of leads you’re looking for and where in the sales funnel you hope to initially engage with these leads. For instance, Norwood asks, “Do [you] want to buy top of funnel leads, leads looking for resources, checklists, and guides? Those leads tend to convert a lot… but [few] convert into opportunity. This can be a great strategy if the company is at scale and already has a successful nurture program. On the other hand, clients may decide it’s best to start with bottom of funnel leads that want a quote and pricing information and to talk with someone from sales.” It’s clear to see that engaging at the bottom of the funnel can yield better, and less expensive to convert, opportunities.
  3. Focus on Cost Per Opportunity. Norwood explains: “Because the opportunity has a high correlation with wins, and pipeline is defined as the total amount for all open opportunities, it makes sense that Cost per Opportunity should be the focus.” Simply put, you’re looking for the best outcome. This should be the main metric you focus on, according to Norwood. What keywords drive the highest ROI? “We need to create pipeline and wins. Period,” he says.
  4. Monitor and measure. Because they are tied in so closely with their clients’ CRM records, ClosedOpp is able to be extremely responsive and nimble, receiving feedback daily about what is and isn’t successful. Shorter timeframes allow quicker course corrections, as well as more rapid expansion of a campaign to leverage big wins.
  5. Adjust, and reap the rewards. Based on the feedback received, marketers are able to adjust their budgets based on real data related to ads, channels, keywords and audiences.

Access to Salesforce records powers the potential of pipeline marketing and provides a unique approach to business development. Norwood says, “[W]e actually measure leads, opportunities, wins, and Average Revenue per Unit (ARPU) daily, in real time. Our access to Salesforce allows us to monitor paid search so that we can see problems before they affect revenue.

We literally have our fingers on the pulse of the company. We often share data with our clients that cause them to pivot their whole strategy or completely redesign their landing pages.”

Pipeline marketing provides the ability to take a very focused, outcome-based approach to campaign analysis Norwood explains: “Our system creates an instant feedback loop between sales and marketing with the simple action of converting a lead to an opportunity and adding the amount to the opportunity.

We see this instantly and take action [often] days before the director of marketing suggests that we do so, because we’re looking at the data in real time and the director of marketing is in meetings.”

The Takeaway

What pipeline marketing boils down to is using your Salesforce records to figure out where your opportunities are coming from. Norwood clarifies: “Traditional PPC companies care about AdWords conversions. We don’t. We care about getting to know what campaigns, ad groups, keywords, landing pages, ads, countries, cities and devices result in opportunities and revenue.” 

Businesses that are able to tie marketing attribution to their CRM can get to market more quickly, spend money more wisely, and out-market their competitors. Pipeline marketing offers a unique competitive advantage, and gives business owners and managers an enormous amount of insight.

When you know where your best customers come from, it makes sense to invest more paid search dollars toward finding them. Pipeline marketing leads the way.

Charles R Juarez Jr

Alan Zibluk – Markethive Founding Member