God’s Way To Self-Esteem

Do you love yourself?

Written by GodLife on 02/08/2016

Series: Weekly Devotional

Tags: FaithGrowthIdentitySelf EsteemShame

A second [commandment] is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

Matthew 22:39

When Jesus quoted Leviticus 19:18, He was not teaching us to love ourselves. In stating that we already love ourselves, He was using the quality of that already-present love for ourselves to teach us how to love others. One who really loves is fully-invested in the loved one's best interests. Here are three ways that attitude towards self is supposed to be altered when God gives us a new heart (Psalm 51:10) with His love poured out (Romans 5:5) in it.

1. Practice repentance: Guilt brings shame and hopelessness.

The whole time God is working through the things which happen to you to conform you to Christ's image (Romans 8:28-29), the world is also trying to force you to conform to its own. (Romans 12:2) One of the ways this is done is through subtle reasoning meant to make you arrogantly ignore God and your obligation to obey Him. (2 Corinthians 10:5) Two equally harmful reactions to guilt feelings are often advised by the wisdom of this world. We can excuse them by labeling them "false guilt", or we can blame others (parents, teachers, or other authorities) for them. But the Bible warns us, “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?" (Jeremiah 17:9) Guilt feelings are usually due to real guilt. Our new nature still wars with an old one, (Galatians 5:17) and we still sin. Obeying God, (and loving ourselves His way), means confessing and agreeing with Him about our sin. (1 John 1:7-9)

2. Practice humility: We do not want to be judged by our actions.

An unhealthy self-image tends to bounce back and forth between the hopelessness of guilt and the pride of accomplishment. Spiritually speaking, you are in one of two categories. If you are "in Adam," you are destined to be judged by your works—and will perish. If you are in Christ, you are credited with His perfection—and destined for eternal life. (1 Corinthians 15:222 Corinthians 5:21) Embracing God's plan to conform you to His image (Romans 8:28-29again) means making God's will, (Christ's exaltation, not yours), the point of your life. (Matt. 5:16Luke 22:42Philippians 2:5-9)

3. Accept Assurance: We have value to God!

Look to Jesus to find your identity. To keep from bouncing back and forth from pride to shame, center on God Himself. He wants all people everywhere to turn away from sin and a selfish life, (Acts 17:30), and find security in Jesus' statement on the cross: "it is finished!" (John 19:30) Your sin has been paid for. Christ's sinless record can be credited to you.

Esteem means value. Value of self, apart from what God says about us or wants for us, is idolatry. On the other hand, God's investment in you is total. He has invested His image in you. (Genesis 1:27) He has invested His life's blood in you. (Acts 20:28) He is not ashamed to call you His children, brothers and sisters to Christ. (Hebrews 2:11-131 John 3:1) Will His investment in you bring a return?

Pray this week:

Father, I confess I have gone my own way like a straying sheep. I have no confidence in my own work but only in what Jesus has done for me. Show me His way, and help me to follow it, I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Where does your value come from?

Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member

Bitcoin price plunges following Senate hearing into Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency

Bitcoin price plunges following Senate hearing into Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency

Bitcoin price plunges following Senate hearing into Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency

The price of bitcoin plummeted Tuesday after a Senate hearing that questioned a Facebook Inc. executive on Libra, the company’s proposed cryptocurrency.


Bitcoin fell 12% today to a 24-hour low of $9,266.56 as of 10:45 p.m EDT before recovering slightly, to $9,402.28, an hour later. The decline means bitcoin hit its lowest level in a month, extending a bear market that saw bitcoin start to plunge following news of a crackdown on bitcoin mining in China over the weekend.

Bitcoin itself isn’t directly related to Facebook’s Libra, but it’s the attitude held by those in power and the potential to impose new laws that has spooked cryptocurrency markets.

David Marcus, the head of Calibra, the Facebook-owned division that plans to provide Libra services, testified before the Senate Banking Committee that the cryptocurrency would be regulated in Switzerland, but he did not find a receptive audience. Despite Marcus clearly stating that Libra would comply with all U.S. regulations and that Calibra itself would be regulated by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, the senators on the committee were skeptical.

Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown led the anti-Facebook push, saying that “like a toddler who has gotten his hands on a book of matches, Facebook has burned down the house over and over, and called every arson a learning experience.” He added, “We would be crazy to give them a chance to experiment with people’s bank accounts, and to use powerful tools they don’t understand, like monetary policy, to jeopardize hardworking Americans’ ability to provide for their families.”

The disdain for Facebook and Libra was bipartisan, with Republican Senator Martha McSally saying that “I don’t trust you guys” and “instead of cleaning up your house you are launching into a new business model.”

The reaction to Libra from Washington D.C. has been negative from the day it was announced. Both sides of politics criticized it June 18, with President Trump joining the pile-on July 11. Pre-judging Marcus’ testimony, Democratic Congress members started circulating a proposed law July 15. The “Keep Big Tech Out of Finance Act” would ban large tech companies from providing financial services, including digital currencies.

The negative reaction to Libra has led to fears that a crackdown by lawmakers on Libra could involve a legal crackdown on all cryptocurrencies, bitcoin included. “The Libra announcement has heightened the need for policymakers and regulators to establish clear rules of the road,” Banking Committee Chairman Mike Crapo told CNN.



Alan Zibluk Markethive Founding Member