Monthly Archives: July 2021
The Markethive Boost Launches

The Markethive Boost Launches
Time to “Release The Boost” Unleash the Marketing Beast In All Of Us!
Now that we’ve got the Markethive Donation Wheel of Fortune spinning, giving away valuable prizes with every spin, it’s time to release The Boost. This launch is just the beginning of Markethive’s proprietary portfolio of advertising services.
Fashioned from the Facebook Boost system, the Markethive Boost is a foundational inclusion and fundamental to the Markethive ecosystem. The service will “boost” your marketing efforts to every subscriber in the Markethive community with enormous potential to increase your brand awareness, conversions, and engagement.
Facebook Organic Reach Declining
Since 2014, Facebook’s organic reach has been declining, with a more significant dip in organic reach in 2018 due to a considerable change in its news feed algorithm. Facebook started to shift ranking, focusing on delivering more posts from friends and family to any FB news feed.
The new algorithm didn’t bode well for marketers and businesses. As a result, marketing content had to take a back seat to content from friends and family – a value that Facebook says it originally had and that it's trying to return to.
Consequently, a Facebook Page only has a 2% reach. Additionally, Facebook says you should assume organic reach will eventually arrive at zero. So, if you really want to reach your target audience on Facebook, you’ll need to supplement your organic efforts with some paid advertising.
Image: Agorapulse
Hence, the boosted post feature, which is opined by many as a design to funnel money from your bank account into Facebook’s coffers swiftly and consistently. And still, your publication will only reach a small percentage of your friends. Audience targeting options are limited and not designed to help you create a well-optimized campaign.
Granted, the more you pay, the higher the estimated reach, which can cost thousands. The average is $1000; however, this will only give you access to your friends and subscribers of your page. These are people that you have already worked for or even paid to have in your sphere of influence.
Facebook Analogy
Think of it like this: Imagine you have invited a large number of your friends for a banquet. Typically, you would mix with everyone much like a cocktail party setting before being seated at the table. However, at a Facebook dinner party, you must remain seated.
You start a conversation, but only the four people closest to you at the table hear you. The guests further down the table don’t. The Facebook Boost would have you pay $1000 to include a few more to listen to what you're saying, but not all of them.
The next time you host a dinner party, you need to pay to have a few more people hear you. Ten of them may be your friends that you couldn’t speak to before and six that already heard you at the last party. So you still are unable to get your message across to the entire table and probably never will.
And you definitely will not be able to put your message on the loudspeaker at the front of your house to speak to the people barbequing in their backyard. In other words, you can never go outside the boundaries of your groups, pages, friends, or colleagues. Even within the boundaries, your message will not reach your audience in total.
What Sets Markethive Apart?
The Markethive standard news feed already allows your posts to reach all your friends’ news feeds, always organically. That’s 100%. There is no algorithm preventing your posts from being seen by all your friends and group members. No shadow banning or 3rd party deciding what you should and should not see.
And now, with the Markethive Boost service, you also have a PA system to communicate with the entire membership, not just your friends and associates. If they like your message and subscribe to you, you are then publishing to their sphere of influence and social networks.
The Markethive Boost will always be considerably less expensive than other similar systems out there. Initially, the Boost will allow you to post on every member’s news feed for one flat fee for free members and a discounted fee for upgraded Entrepreneur One and Premium members. The standard BOOST prices will be $200 for free members and $100 for upgraded members.
As the Markethive Boost evolves, it will become layered to the level you want it delivered, including different prices to deliver via hashtags, keywords, most active, number of friends, etc. This allows you to customize and target your audience to build brand awareness, increase leads, drive sales, and promote overall business growth.
Also, Entrepreneur One upgrades will be able to offer a free boost to new signups and members with our code generator. You simply choose a block of “BOOSTS,” pay for them, then distribute them as incentives to join Markethive or Members who accept your invitation to join your groups or make store purchases.
Introductory Offer
Right now, though, for a limited time, in line with the release of The Boost, you can take advantage of the special introductory of only $20 to send your message into the News Feed of the entire Markethive membership. The offer will be for 30 days and is available for all members of every level.
The whole Markethive Boost concept will enable aspiring entrepreneurs to meet their marketing goals with the knowledge and satisfaction that their message reaches far beyond the scope outlined in Facebook for a lot less cost. Furthermore, you have a like-minded, receptive audience of business professionals and entrepreneurs.
After all, Markethive is an ecosystem for entrepreneurs providing a valuable automated marketing platform, commerce portals with a social network where users can learn, engage, and expand markets. We’ll let Facebook get back to its family and friends’ focus while the next generation social market network transcends with putting the needs of entrepreneurs, companies, and marketers first.
Come to this Sunday’s meeting and see The Boost in action. Also, CEO and Founder of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast, will randomly give coins, banner impressions, Free Spins (In the Wheel Of Fortune), and a free Boost to a few lucky attendees. Be there!
Written by Deb Williams
Chief Editor and writer for Markethive.com, the social, market, broadcasting network. An avid supporter of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech and sovereignty. I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people en masse, accept and move forward with enthusiasm.
Study Shows We Are More Resilient Than We Know

Study Shows We Are More Resilient Than We Know
Time To Realize Our Latent Entrepreneurial Spirit
By now, it’s mostly common knowledge that the Covid-19 pandemic has induced a global mental health crisis. Last year, at the height of the pandemic, there were many articles published warning us of a threatening psychological epidemic. Clinical scientists and research psychologists have pointed out that the pandemic created many conditions that can lead to psychological distress.
These include the sudden and widespread disruption to people’s livelihoods and social relationships, millions of grief-stricken families who have suffered the loss of a loved one, and the most vulnerable who face long-term hardship. This narrative took hold as quickly as the virus itself, but 18 months on, it seems the world's psychological immune system proved more robust than expected.
A global collapse of well-being seemed inevitable, so a team of distinguished professors of medical and mental health joined a task force commissioned by The Lancet to quantify the psychological impact of pandemics. They combed through more than 1,000 studies that examined hundreds of thousands of people in over 100 countries.
Image Source The Lancet
The Surprising Outcome
After reviewing the best available data, it was found that some groups, including people suffering from financial stress, experienced significant, life-changing hardship. But, with regards to the entire population of the world, they were surprised as they did not find the prolonged, interminable misery they had expected.
The many variables associated with mental health, including anxiety, depression, suicide, and life satisfaction, were measured in the research. Two complementary types of evidence were the focus, such as surveys that investigated comparable groups of people before and after the pandemic and studies that tracked the same people over time.
Neither study is perfect, but when the same conclusions were drawn from the evidence of both studies, the team was confident that the results were factual. Early in the pandemic, the team observed that what the media was reporting was the case in these studies: that the average levels of anxiety and depression and broader psychological distress increased dramatically along with the number of people who experienced significant forms of clinical anxiety or depression.
For example, in both the U.S. and Norway, reports of depression tripled during March and April 2020 compared with averages collected in previous years. And in a study of more than 50,000 people across the United Kingdom, 27% showed clinically significant levels of distress early in the pandemic, compared with 19% before the pandemic.
But something remarkable took place over the next couple of months; the average level of depression, anxiety, and stress began to decline. This set of data suggests that overall mental stress has returned to near pre-pandemic levels by June 2020.
It Must Be An Anomaly!
Further reviews of the data were done to explain what were thought of as anomalies. For example, some of the data came from wealthy countries disproportionately, so the geographical lens was extended. It was then considered that if the pandemic did not lead to intense, long-term distress, it in all probability undermined people's overall life satisfaction. The team then examined the most extensive available data set on this topic from the Gallup World Poll.
The Gallup survey asks people to rate their lives on a 10-point scale, with 10 being the best life possible and zero being the worst. A nationally representative sample of people in most countries worldwide answered these questions every year, which enabled a comparison of the 2020s results with previous years. No signs of a decline in life satisfaction were evident from a global perspective.
Individuals scored their lives on average at 5.75 in 2020, which was the same as the average from the previous year. There was some concern that the survey wasn't reaching people who were struggling the most. It stands to reason, if someone is on the brink of not coping, they may not answer a phone call from a researcher.
However, real-time data from official government sources in 21 countries showed no noticeable increase in suicides between April and July 2020 compared to previous years, and suicide rates declined in some countries – including the US. California anticipated 1,429 suicides during this period; only 1,280 occurred.
These outcomes came as a surprise to the mental-health task force and how well many endured the psychological challenges of the pandemic. So to make sense of this pattern, they returned to the classic psychological finding that: People are more resilient than they realize.
When people experience adverse life events, such as losing their job or romantic partner, we imagine these events devastating for months or even years. However, their misery tends to fade faster than they imagine it would.
The Psychological Immune System
Humans possess what researchers call a psychological immune system, a multitude of cognitive abilities that allow us to make the best of bad situations. For example, after separating from a romantic partner, the individual may focus on the ex’s annoying habits and enjoy their newfound leisure time.
This ability to withstand difficult events also applies to traumas such as war or severe injury. These events can cause considerable anguish. It does not minimize the pain that many suffer; however, many studies have shown that most survivors recover and never show a significant decline in mental health.
The pandemic has tested the global psychological immune system, which seems much more robust than previously thought. As usual and familiar sources of enjoyment and get-togethers became almost non-existent, people got creative. They attended drive-by birthday parties, mutual help groups, virtual cocktail evenings with friends, nightly shout-outs supporting the healthcare workers, and some even learned or improved their baking skills.
Several large data sets showed a modest increase in loneliness: In April 2020,13.8% of adults in the United States said they felt lonely compared to 11% in April 2018. But these general trends and averages do not erase the real struggles, immense pain, overwhelming losses, and financial struggles many people faced in the last 18 months. For example, that 2.8% difference represents 7 million Americans who reported loneliness in April of 2020.
As with many facets of the pandemic, the Covid-19’s mental health toll was not evenly distributed. Some segments of the population, including women and parents of young children, showed a significant increase in overall mental stress early on.
Then as the pandemic progressed, ongoing mental health problems disproportionately affected people who were facing financial issues, those who contracted Covid-19, and those who had struggled with physical or mental disorders before the virus. So tangible support and access to mental health services are crucial and necessary for the people who have endured the most intense distress and are at the most significant ongoing risk.
Astounding Resilience Overall
However, the extraordinary resilience of most people braving the sudden changes caused by the pandemic carries its lessons. The studies also discovered that people are much better at handling temporary lifestyle changes, such as working from home, imposing travel restrictions, and even accepting periods of isolation and quarantine, than policymakers seem to think.
This knowledge can empower us to make disruptive changes in our societies required to support the people and communities most affected as we look ahead to the world’s future significant challenges. But, by no means are we out of the woods with Covid-19 with its mutated variants plaguing parts of the world. The consequences have left many people jobless and small businesses devastated, with the overall global economy in turmoil.
Markethive Nurtures The Entrepreneurial Spirit
Unlike previous pandemics, we do have some fairly advanced technology at our disposal. Although nothing beats a human touch, the broader community uses technology to stay in touch and alleviate boredom and loneliness. From education to career changes, the internet, blockchain, and cryptocurrency leverage the ability to circumvent any situation in which we may find ourselves.
The Markethive Social Market Network is a Divine vision, years in the making and constantly evolving to bring economic sovereignty, abundance, and prosperity to all. A place to be uplifted and to realize that latent entrepreneurial spirit. A multidimensional platform with like-minded people to engage and collaborate with, learn and earn and find your niche in this changing and burdened world.
Markethive created this system to lift you up financially while giving you a powerful broadcasting social network. Our foundation is built upon the principles of freedom of speech, liberty, and autonomy. Markethive is built by, of, and for the people with the knowledge that people are not passive victims of change but active guardians of our own wellbeing.
Sources: The Atlantic, The Lancet
Written by Deb Williams
Chief Editor and writer for Markethive.com, the social, market, broadcasting network. An avid supporter of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech and sovereignty. I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people en masse, accept and move forward with enthusiasm.
Markethive Press Releases: Standing Tall In The New Ocean Of Crypto Currencies

Markethive Press Releases: Standing Tall In The New Ocean Of Crypto Currencies
Markethive Introduces The Wheel Of Fortune For Its Growing Ecosystem
Markethive, the next generation of a market network, Is proud to announce the launch of its first among many other initiatives to come, the Wheel of Fortune.
As per the announcement, the launch is the first step into ensuring Markethive becomes the most powerful marketing and Social Network platform in the market.
Thomas Prendergast, CEO of Markethive, explained:
“We have launched the Wheel of Fortune as we move Markethive into being the most powerful marketing platform, social network, and the most effective broadcasting platform in existence. This is just one of the many major integrations of services coming that will benefit entrepreneurs and marketers. We are building a powerful epic ecosystem never seen before.”
One notable feature about Markethive is that every spin is a win. The Wheel of Fortune also offers different prizes, including Airdrops, Hivecoins, Newsfeed Boosts, Ad Impressions, ILPS, and Micropayment’s boost.
The Markethive’s Wheel of Fortune is a donation type of wheel that is created with five levels. The first-level players get 500 bee coins, 500 ad impressions, 100,000 bee coins, 1 Hivecoin, 100 ad impressions, and 10 Hivecoin. However, this increases as the level progresses so that the last level has 1000 Hivecoins, 20,000 ad impressions, one news feed boost, 50% airdrop bump for a year, entrepreneur one for life, and one full ILP.
In addition to the gamification aspect of the wheel, Markethive allows its users to accumulate and increase their crypto portfolios. The wheel also allows Players to become Markethive shareholders with the ILP program, providing them with an opportunity to earn revenue for the rest of their lives. For the launch, the platform is giving away ten spins for free that must be used within seven days.
Notably, Markethive is a hybrid platform that has infused inbound marketing into News Feeds while infusing social network power into their inbound marketing platform. Additionally, the platform was created for entrepreneurs, putting their needs first.
Markethive seeks to revolutionize online marketing, social networking, commerce portals, and media content provision across the globe to empower, entrust and validate the startups, entrepreneurs, and media marketers without financial challenges.
The Wheel of Fortune is another great addition to the Banner Impression Exchange that allows users to buy and sell Markethive’s impressions. The Banner Impression Exchange is an open exchange in which the free market determines the price.
Join us as we move forward with the next-generation multi-dimensional media platform, and welcome to the Entrepreneur’s ecosystem. We are built for Entrepreneurs by Entrepreneurs and are of Entrepreneurs of every caliber.
Click on this link to discover all the features and benefits of these enterprising initiatives provided by Markethive, the Broadcasting Social Market Network.
Links to published Press Releases are below:
Markethive Standing Tall In The New Ocean Of Crypto Currencies
Markethive Introduces The Wheel Of Fortune For Its Growing Ecosystem
Banner Impressions Exchange

Connect with entrepreneurs, techies, cryptonerds, artists, innovators, musicians and professional members both subscribers and traffic
Get first-mover advantage by advertising your product or service on Markethive and Markethive subsidaries.
The average user comes to Markethive to learn how to build an Inbound Marketing campaign, promote their services, connect with other members and discover services to purchase.
Markethive provides a valuable inbound marketing platform, commerce portals and a social network where users can learn, engage, expand markets and be introduced to trusted providers.
Markethive provides education, mentoring, direction, and professional services.
Our Reach (Alexa Rank: 4317)
17.57 M Monthly Unique Visitors
130 M Monthly Pageviews
146,500 Social Followers
89,813 Subscribers
We live in a time of disruption, some innovation, some natural and some political.
Markethive is an agent of change and disruption and many refer to Markethive as a Next Generation multi social Saas commerce and media platform.
Markethive has developed 2 significant engines driving the platform into world prominence, those engines being traffic and subscribers.
The 3rd engine Markethive is bringing to the market is advertising as a non-fungible token built into an exchange.
This system delivers to the media buyer a transparent value for their impressions in an exchange type environment.
This insures open market principles, allowing the media buyer to buy impressions from the exchange similar to buying coins in a coin exchange.
The market sets the price. What does that mean? This means the CPM you pay is based on the market setting the price based on demand, effectiveness and availability.
In other words, you will only pay what the market will bear and that assures you are getting the price determined on the value that represents how effective the traffic is.
Traffic impressions are like electricity, in that they cannot be stored, they are only effective at the moment as is electricity.
As electricity the rate or cost is determined by the utility at a set rate, as is the case across the world or as is now that case the price is determined in the exchange based on supply and demand, making its value determined by the demand and effectiveness.
This also means third party sites can join the Markethive BIX exchange to put their impressions up for sale based on the same principle of supply and demand and the free market driving the value accordingly.
Welcome to the BIX by Markethive.
Buy display advertising now with Markethive Coin Launch your campaign today with our advertising platform
The First In The Social Media Marketing Niche
Markethive is building an epic entrepreneurial ecosystem, never seen before and transcendent to other social media and marketing platforms. The transformation is enhanced with our release of the first of many initiatives being the Wheel Of Fortune and the launch of The Boost to follow soon after.
With Markethive now running on its own servers, with the security of Blockchain and its Hivecoin about to be released as a native fungible multi-asset token on Cardano, we have arrived as the first mega decentralized social platform marketing network with the mission is to deliver a decentralized and autonomous environment to the masses, that is not subject to the oppressive technocracy.
Inspired by Binance’s rise in becoming more than a crypto exchange, Markethive goes far beyond by creating a robust ecosystem in the social media and marketing niches. It will deliver very unique aspects to the Markethive exchange by creating niches and exclusivities that no other platform or system has.
As stated by Founder and CEO of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast,
“The transformation has begun. We are releasing our first of many services as we move Markethive into being the most powerful marketing platform in existence, as well as the most powerful Social Network system as well as the most effective broadcasting platform ever built. The Wheel of Fortune is just one of the many major integrations of services coming that entrepreneurs and marketers need and will benefit from. We are building a powerful epic ecosystem never seen before.”
The Wheel Of Fortune
First off the development team’s rank is the Wheel of Fortune: The spinning wheel is packed with various prizes related to Markethive and conducive to the people of the community who participate. The awards consist of Hivecoins, Bee Coins, Ad Impressions (to use on the BIX platform), Airdrop bumps of Hivecoin, Newsfeed Boosts, Micropayment boosts, and even ILPs or a fraction thereof.
Note; A “BEE” coin is a fractional unit of the Hivecoin. Like the Satoshi is to Bitcoin, it takes 100,000,000 BEEs to make one Hivecoin.
It’s fundamentally a donation platform displaying five levels ranging in price from $1usd to $100usd, and prizes or number of spins are commensurate with any given level as shown below. The beauty of this wheel is that “Every Spin is a Win!”
Wheel of Fortune Popup Store
Level 1:
500 Bee Coins; 500 Ad Impressions; 100,000 Bee Coins; 1 Hivecoin; 100 Ad Impressions; 10 Hivecoins.
Level 2:
500 Bee Coins, 1000 Ad Impressions; News Feed Boosts; 10% AirDrop Bump for seven days; 10% Faucet Bump for five days; 50 Hivecoins.
Level 3:
200 Hivecoins; 5,000 Ad Impressions; News Feed Boost; 50% AirDrop bump for 30 days; 10% Faucet Bump for 15 days; 1/10th ILP.
Level 4:
200 Hivecoin; 10,000 Ad Impressions; News Feed Boost; 50% AirDrop Bump for 30 days; Entrepreneur One for one month; 1/10th ILP
Level 5:
1000 Hivecoins; 20,000 Ad Impressions; 1 News Feed Boost; 50% AirDrop Bump for a year; Entrepreneur One for Life; 1 full ILP.
With the much-enjoyed gamification aspect, the Wheel of Fortune provides ample opportunity to accumulate and increase your crypto portfolio as well as the chance to become a lifetime revenue earner as a Markethive Shareholder with an ILP.
All proceeds of the Wheel of Fortune and the other advertising services to be released like The Boost (coming soon), Press Releases, Premium Upgrades, etc., are classed as revenue for the Markethive ILP holders. Markethive will pay these dividends via fiat or Bitcoin and eventually paid in Hivecoin when we progress with the exchange.
The Boost Explained (coming next)
Have you ever noticed when creating a post for your business on your Facebook Page, you constantly get prompts to increase traffic to your post by purchasing a Boost Package? The concept is a good idea; however, the number of viewers that actually see your post is questionable.
Facebook algorithms are notorious for being manipulated. The reality is that even after spending time and money to build a large following with a Facebook Page, the news feed posts are only posting to less than 1% of your followers.
Facebook Boosts cost as much as $1000 to post your News Feed post to a maximum of about 500-700 members even if you have 1,000s of Page followers. There is much room for improvement as Facebook Boost posts are limited in their reach and are too expensive for most aspiring entrepreneurs.
For instance, at the time of this writing, Markethive’s Facebook page has about 10,000 followers. When we post to the News Feed, only around 1% of the members are reached (for example, our post was only available on the news feed of 141 people). However, Facebook is quick to alert us a boost is available.
However, for $1000, Facebook will publish our Newsfeed post to an additional 5,000 over seven days of our 10,000 followers.
Facebook’s algorithms greatly reduce the number of friends who see your posts and significantly limit your marketing efforts to your followers. Even with the Boost, it’s not ideal and can run into thousands of dollars.
There are pros and cons to Facebook Boost, but arguably, Facebook is not designed for marketers or aspiring entrepreneurs, nor does it have their best interests at heart. The coming Markethive Boost system is designed to give the entrepreneur a very distinct advantage within our ecosystem.
The Markethive Boost Difference
The Markethive Boost will not be prone to algorithmic manipulation and will allow you to Boost outside your boundaries as well for a fraction of the cost. As the Markethive Boost evolves, it will become layered to the level you want it delivered (different prices to deliver via hashtags, keywords, most active, number of friends, etc. (But not via private navigation).
Initially, the Boost will allow you to post on every member’s News Feed for one flat fee for free members and a discounted fee for upgraded Entrepreneur One and Premium members. The standard BOOST prices will be $100 for free members and $50 for upgraded members; however, for the launch, Markethive will offer a first 30 day special that all members may make one Boost post for $20 “All levels.”
Stay tuned for the big release.
Markethive Puts The Needs Of Entrepreneurs First
Markethive has infused the power of Inbound Marketing into the News Feed and infused the power of the social network into the Inbound Marketing platform, which means it’s an enhanced Social Network hybrid. It’s where the needs of the entrepreneur, marketer, business, and corporation are not only met but put at the forefront.
Markethive’s evolutionary and innovative ethos is showcased with the introduction of Markethive’s unique combined news feed interface. Plus, the social market network’s ability to build a massive database management system on the decentralized blockchain with its crypto, Hivecoin, as a native token which is a fungible multi-asset token along with the Markethive Wallet App. All are coming soon.
It already has a large community that is highly engaged, has exceptional traffic, and all the components and the utility that is considered essential for a cryptocurrency to be explosive on the crypto market potentially.
Social + Marketing + Blogging + Video + Curation + Broadcasting + Gamification + Crypto = Markethive
An Epic Ecosystem In The Making
All these elements constitute a powerful and epic ecosystem that will only expand as we move forward with our next-generation multi-media interface. Markethive was built for the Entrepreneur: It’s about looking after the community, the products and projects, the use, and the utility.
Getting it right, being clever and evolutionary will pay huge dividends in the mid to long term for everyone in the Markethive ecosystem. Markethive is always focused on where we are going and why we are going there in the mission, giving economic sovereignty, privacy, security, free speech, and liberty to all.
Markethive has built a system that they said could not be done; it’s too big. However, Markethive will always be ahead of the curve, introducing new products, systems, and more innovative ways to facilitate user operations within the social media and marketing environment. The added advantage of a decentralized crypto environment offers the potential for real financial wealth and abundance on every level for its community.
Join us as we move forward with the next-generation multi-dimensional media platform, Markethive. Welcome to the Entrepreneur’s ecosystem. We are built for Entrepreneurs by Entrepreneurs and are of Entrepreneurs of every caliber.
Written by Deb Williams
Chief Editor and writer for Markethive.com, the social, market, broadcasting network. An avid supporter of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech and sovereignty. I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people en masse, accept and move forward with enthusiasm.
The Wheel Of Fortune has been delivered

The transformation has begun.
We are releasing our first of many services as we move Markethive into being the most powerful marketing platform in existence, as well as the most powerful Social Network system as well as the most effective broadcasting platform ever built. We have arrived as the first mega social platform Marketing network, secured with block chain and run on Hivecoin (our Markethive Coin).
This coming Saturday Night Sunday Morning we are releasing our first of many services called “The Wheel Of Fortune” It is a donation type of Wheel with 5 levels. And “Every Spin is a Win”.
Level 1:
500 Bee Coins; 500 Ad Impressions; 100,000 Bee Coins; 1 Hivecoin; 100 Ad Impressions; 10 Hivecoin.
Level 2:
500 Bee Coins, 1000 Ad Impressions; News Feed Boosts; 10% Air Drop Bump for 7 days; 10% Faucet Bump for 5 days; 50 Hivecoins
Level 3:
200 Hivecoins; 5,000 Ad Impressions; News Feed Boost; 50% Air Drop bump for 30 days; 10% Faucet Bump for 15 days; 1/10th ILP
Level 4:
200 Hivecoin; 10,000 Ad Impressions; News Feed Boost; 50% Air Drop Bump for 30 days; Entrepreneur One for one month; 1/10th ILP
Level 5:
1000 Hivecoins; 20,000 Ad Impressions; 1 News Feed Boost; 50% Air Drop Bump for a year; Entrepreneur One for Life; 1 full ILP
And we are giving away 10 spins for free. You must use these spins before 7 days has passed.
So it begins. Any day now we will be setting the launch date on the wallet. Things are heating up and this party is about to get started. And…..you’re invited.
See you at the meeting. And remember I now have another commodity to give away. Coins and Spins. There is a lot more to reveal too, and we will this Sunday conference. Be there or be (well you know)
All About The Boost

The Markethive Boost
The idea comes from Facebook. It means you publish to your Newsfeed. Some copy, a link, a video, an Image and your friends see your post. That is the basics. The reality is a little different.
Facebook algorithms significantly reduce the number of friends who see your posts. If your friends do not engage your posts with likes, shares and comments, only a small handful (like 5 or 6) out of your total friend count of 4000+ will see it.
Facebook also does the same to your “fan” pages. After spending time and revenue to build a significant following, your posts will only be seen by a handful of followers.
Facebook came up with “The Boost” to exploit your frustration of your news feed posts not being posted too and even more egregious is after spending time and money building a large following with a Facebook page News Feed posts were only posting to less than 1% of your followers.
Facebook Boosts cost as much as $1000 to post your News Feed post to a maximum of about 500-700 members even if your Friends or Page followers number in the 1000s. I think you see were there is much room for improvement and Facebook posts are really limited to their reach and too expensive for the majority of aspiring entrepreneurs.
For instance, at the time of this recording, Markethive’s Facebook page has about 10,000 followers. When we post to the News Feed we get less than 10% of the members reached (in other words our post was only made available on the news feed of 141 people). However Facebook is quick to alert us a boost is available.
However for $1000 Facebook will publish our Newsfeed post to an additional 5,000 of our 10,000 followers.
I hope this illustration based on researched fact helps you understand why Facebook has made the boost available by limiting your marketing to your followers.
Is Facebook really designed for the entrepreneur in the first place? The boost concept is sound but Markethive is designing it to give the entrepreneur our very distinct advantage within our ecosystem.
From https://penji.co/facebook-boost
Pros of Using Facebook Boosted Posts
So why do marketers use Facebook Boost Posts if they don’t skyrocket revenue? Here are the pros of using FB Boost Post:
Lower costs. Marketers can boost posts for as little as $1. However, Facebook provides various budgets that are spread throughout the ad duration. Technically, marketers can spend a minimum of $1. But they have the option to spend $5 with an estimated reach of up to 2,000 or spend as much as $200 with an estimated reach of up to 130,000.
Perfect for brand awareness. If you aim to educate more people about your business and tap into broader communities, boosted posts are effective and cheap. This type makes up for a declining organic reach.
Drives traffic. Since you’ll be able to target particular audiences, posts will be shown on quality prospects. This gives you a high probability of website traffic.
Access to Facebook Insights. One benefit of Facebook Boost Post is you can monitor or manipulate your boosted post if it’s not getting positive results. Although Facebook Ads has this option, it’s a great deal considering you’re paying less for Boost Post.
Excellent for small businesses. Startups and small businesses that are still testing the waters on Facebook advertising can use boosted posts without shelling out too much of the campaign budget. It will certainly give you results, although most of the time, not on a massive scale.
Cons of Using Facebook Boosted Posts
Not built for conversion. Since Facebook boosted posts don’t offer extensive customization features found on Facebook Ads, they only lead users to the top of the sales funnel.
Targeting is limited. As mentioned, marketers will only have two options for their objectives: Website Visits and Engagement. Facebook Ads Manager offers so much more.
Less ROI. Even if your budget is on the high spectrum, marketers won’t get a high ROI due to a broader target.
No overall control. Boost feature can sometimes appear unavailable on some posts due to several reasons. For example, shared posts and shared albums could not be boosted.
Compare to Markethive
Markethive was built for the Entrepreneur. Markethive was also built to protect your privacy and deliver security in a friendly supportive network of entrepreneurs. The Markethive Social Network is more than that. It is actually a Market Network, which means it is an enhanced social Network hybrid.
Markethive has infused the power of Inbound Marketing into the News Feed and infused the power of the social network into the Inbound Marketing platform.
Markethive delivers the next generation News Feed that delivers a Video platform, a Blogging platform, a News Feed, a Curation platform, a Store Platform and a groups platform all in the same feed, searchable, hashtags, filterable and sortable.
We also deliver a similar service like Facebook’s, Boost, yet in a way you wish Facebook did. We let you Boost outside your boundaries, for a lot less as well.
As the Markethive Boost evolves it will become layered to the level you want it delivered (different prices to deliver via hashtags, keywords, most active, number of friends, etc. (But not via private navigation). Right now, the Boost allows you to put your post on every member’s News Feed for one flat fee for free members and a discounted fee for upgraded members.
For the launch we will offer a first 30 day special that all members may make one Boost post for $20, “All levels”.
Entrepreneur Ones will be able to offer new signups and members a free boost with our code generator … Simply choose a block of “BOOSTS” pay for them then distribute them as incentives to join Markethive or to Members to join your groups or make store purchases. This is still in the works.
The standard BOOST prices as of right now will be $100 for free members and $50 for paid members (Entrepreneur One and Premium members). Expect this price to rise as we grow.
You will be able to boost from the POPUP SALESPAGE and right from the NewsFeed BOOST option.
Welcome to the Entrepreneur’s ecosystem. Built for Entrepreneurs, for Entrepreneurs by Entrepreneurs.
The Premium Upgrade Platform

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Help Markethive Spread the Entrepreneur Spirit
and defend Liberty and Freedom with
"The Premium Platform"
Here are just some of the benefits that thousands of upgraded members receive
Markethive supports and promotes
The Entrepreneur and Free Speach
Read what some of members are saying about Markethive and why they support us.
Markethive’s Premium Platform
Help Markethive Spread the Entrepreneur Spirit
and defend Liberty and Freedom with
"The Premium Platform"
Here are just some of the benefits that thousands of upgraded members receive
Markethive supports and promotes
The Entrepreneur and Free Speach
Read what some of members are saying about Markethive and why they support us.