Beniamin Mincu Of Elrond – Bio And Vision For The Future Of Money

Beniamin Mincu Of Elrond – Bio And Vision For The Future Of Money

A Visionary That Will Define The Next Wave Of The Internet Economy

Who Is Beniamin Mincu?

Beniamin Mincu is an entrepreneur, investor, and Blockchain pioneer born in Romania with a vision to reshape economies, opening an era of unparalleled opportunity on a global scale. Beniamin (also pronounced Benjamin) is a humanitarian with his heart in the right place and the Co-founder and CEO of the Elrond Network

Beniamin undertakes to accelerate the onset of a high-bandwidth, open, permissionless, globally accessible financial system. The dedication of Elrond’s diverse team of engineers and researchers that have a wide range of technical experience and significant Blockchain expertise is bringing this vision to life. 


Beniamin Mincu’s Background

Beniamin is from Sibiu County in Romania, where he attended the German University of Sibiu, Romania. He studied at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Management in 2011. He was certified by the University of Toronto in the Learn to Program: The Fundamentals in 2013.

His accomplishments include courses in Business ethics, Finance, Logistics, Macroeconomics, Management, Marketing, Microeconomics, Production Management, Project Management, Quality Management, Statistics, Strategic Management. 

Beniamin is fluent in three languages – English, German, and Romanian. He is celebrated for his critical thinking skills, creativity, leadership, pleasant disposition, and ability to deliver on his commitments. His passion for economic empowerment, education, poverty alleviation, science, and technology drives him to continue his project to reshape the economy gradually. 

Beniamin’s First Encounter And Inspiration With Crypto 

What inspired Beniamin Mincu to become involved in the cryptocurrency space?  In 2012 he initially stumbled across Bitcoin. By 2013, he found the whole concept of Cryptocurrency extremely intriguing as he saw the economic aspect. 

He started researching technologies he thought were capable of changing the dynamics of the economy and entire society. Once he understood the economics of Bitcoin, he could clearly see that it would reshape the economy.


Career And Noble Endeavors  

In 2014, Beniamin joined the core team to help solve the issues he saw in Bitcoin. Since then, he recognized ongoing problems with Bitcoin, specifically scalability, and set out to remedy these obstacles that would stifle any meaningful mainstream adoption. 

Beniamin studied many different technologies that he thought would have a high impact on the future of humanity. He has been involved in several aspects of the Blockchain space building, supporting and investing in around 30 different startups, including Icon, Matrix, and Zilliqa.

In 2016, Beniamin founded MetaChain Capital along with his brother Lucian Mincu and took on the role of CEO. MetaChain Capital was an investment firm that supported several Blockchain projects, including Binance, BAT, Tezos, and Polkadot, when they were in the startup phase. They became very successful and are placed in the top 100 projects on coinmarketcap.

In 2017, his sole focus was Elrond, building a hard-core team who he says can “literally build rockets.” Elrond, an ambitious project that aims to solve some of the most pressing challenges in the Blockchain and crypto space. 

Notably, the name of the company, Elrond, was inspired by the character in the book and movie, Lord Of The Rings, who is portrayed to be immortal, superpowerful, with a purpose to do good in the world, and was considered a great aspiration by the founders of Elrond to aim for and bring light into the Blockchain and crypto industry.

Image Source: Twitter 


Elrond – The Next Wave Of The Internet

Beniamin’s diverse background in state-of-the-art technology, applied philosophy, engineering, and Blockchain has culminated in creating a company that could very well define the next wave of the internet.

The elegant and sophisticated technology developed by the Elrond team is targeted at developers, the broader public, and enterprises. Developers can create decentralized applications and run smart contracts on the Elrond blockchain network, and the wider public can use Elrond as a user-friendly gateway to the digital economy. 

Also, businesses seeking an enterprise solution that can lower transactional costs with benefits such as speed, security, and scalability will find Elrond Blockchain particularly useful. Such as emerging Web 3 companies building ecosystems with their cryptocurrency in the social media and digital marketing sphere that need an internet-scale blockchain to accommodate its massive user-base and ecommerce.  

Image source:

The whole basis of the Elrond Network is to build a global, transparent, non-inflationary financial system giving anyone, anywhere, easy access to this new economic system. In July 2020, we saw the launch of Elrond’s Mainnet, with Beniamin Mincu announcing;

“Years from now, we will look back at this moment, as the instrumental transition from a promising but experimental technology, to one of the most important technologies of the decades that followed.”

More recently, we had the release of Elrond’s Maiar DEX. “This represents a massive step toward pushing DeFi adoption beyond the current boundaries of the crypto space, into the mainstream,” said Beniamin. 

With Elrond’s Adaptive Sharding, a method of parallelizing data and transactions processing, Elrond’s performance will scale up with the number of computers joining the network, reaching more than 100,000 transactions per second while growing increasingly decentralized.

Paraphrasing Beniamin’s comments in the video posted below, these performance measures and protocols are not promises for the future, like so many other projects. They are already processing 15,000 transactions per second, with 6 seconds block time at a transaction cost of $0.001. They can scale beyond 100,000 and have achieved 260,000 TPS in the testnet phase. 

He explains that after ten years, the approximate average TPS of the Bitcoin blockchain is still about 5, while Ethereum can handle about 15. We need to move beyond this to change the course of humanity and the future of money. 

Elrond, as described by Coingecko

“Elrond aims to build a high-throughput blockchain that aspires to build the next internet-scale blockchain. Recognizing that most scalability efforts by other projects are not sufficient in that the efforts are merely “kicking the can down the road,” Elrond set out to create a blockchain that is capable of 1000x throughput than most existing blockchains. This improvement of transaction throughput allows Elrond to handle even the most aggressive wave of user adoption.”


Beniamin Mincu, CEO of Elrond on the Future of Money and Reinventing the Internet

Courtesy of Blockworks


Romanian Roots And Ethos 

According to the Romanian Business Review, diversity, innovation, and enthusiasm are the most common ingredients of the Romanian entrepreneur and start-ups. Many businesses impressed the BR team, mainly because of their founders’ entrepreneurial behavior, vision, and strategy.

“Romanians are smart,” a caption made famous by an advertising agency and was a gift celebrating Romania’s National Day in 2011. Their contribution was awarded a Cannes Lion Trophy for the campaign in 2016.

The Romanians have a lot to be proud of and are renowned for their sports athletes, creativity, and hospitality. Adding to that, their presence in the technology space with a philosophical approach to go beyond and make a real impact on humanity. 

Markethive has a robust presence in Romania and shares the same ethos. Markethive’s team of engineers is situated there, working tirelessly to bring Markethive’s vision to fruition. It is a vision that brings freedom, liberty, and financial sovereignty to all and transcends the evil that is overwhelming social media with its technocracy.     

Beniamin Mincu and his team at Elrond, with their innovative, evolving technology, will make it possible for the Markethive community to thrive in this stagnant, if not devolving world. God speed to Beniamin Mincu, Elrond, and Markethive. 





Also published @ Before It’s News


New Policies new procedures

Coming Soon
KYC and LOGIN Policy Updates

These notifications are neccesary as we prepare for the wallet release.

Markethive policy requires members to login frequently. If free accounts (KYC) do not login after three months (Day 91 a warning letter will be sent and day 98 the account will be terminated) the accounts are deleted.

Paid Membership accounts do not apply and as long as your subscriptions are active your account is secured.
Free members with ILP holdings will be considered abandoned after 5 years of inactivity and the account terminated.

All accounts that do get terminated include all assets within that account. Blog posts, Video Uploads, ILPs, and Coin and Credit holdings*.
(Notorized paper work of ILP contracts will be required to restablish abandoned accounts).

Free accounts will require processing KYC or the accounts will be terminated after 30 days*.
KYC will be required to receive and access the Hivecoin and is including matching bonuses to the sponsor of the membership.
(When KYC is activated in preperation for the wallet)

KYC is coming. The wallets will be distributed to the Entrepreneur One subscription first (with no limits) then the Premium Upgrade subscription (with light limits). Upgraded subscriptions will not require KYC at this time.

Free Membership will require KYC to activate the free services found in Markethive.


When KYC is released:


New Member Airdrop “To access Airdrop must do KYC”

Matching Bonus “To access matching bonus must do KYC”

HIVE RANK “To activate Hive Ranking must do KYC”

Earn interest on holdings (Free Members can earn interest on credits held in the Vault) “Must be KYC certified”


Give Tips is limited to.0001 per member

Tips “To access Tips must do KYC”


Purchase Impressions (free member can purchase impressions) “Must have KYC completed”

Publish Banner Ad (free members can publish Banner Ads) “Must have KYC completed”


Tutorials (full Tutorial Available)

Referral Program (full referral tools available)

Membership Upgrade (upgrades available and replace KYC requirement)

Friends/Associates (accept Friend Requests) “Cannot request friends without KYC”

Messages (accept and respond to incoming messages) “Cannot initiate messages without KYC”


Recent Activity (Can Comment on other’s posts) “Cannot post without KYC”

Blog Posts (May Publish One Blog) “Cannot publish additional blogs without KYC”

My Groups “Cannot join or produce groups without KYC”

My Videos “Cannot Upload videos without KYC”

My Friends (Can accept Friend requests) “Cannot request new friends without KYC”

Statistics (Can access and view full statistical reports)


Bio (Full editing capability)

Profile Picture (picture upload activated)

Profile Page URL (activated)

Profile Page Settings (activated)

Meta Data (accessible)

Delete Account (accessible)


Hive Rank (active)

Notifications (active)

Advertise (not active)


Blog Post “Cannot Post without KYC”

Blog Comments (active)

WordPress Plugin “Cannot Access without KYC”


Manage Campaigns “Must be a paid member”

Advertising Vendors “Must be a paid member”

Advertising Co-op “Must be a Paid Member”

Tiny Url “Must do KYC to access”

Website Rotator “Must be a Paid Member”

Backlink Tracking “Must be a paid member”


Email Autoresponder “KYC to Access”

New Autoresponders “Must be a paid member”

Email Broadcast “Must be a paid member”

Distribution List “Must be a paid member”

Broadcast History “Must be a paid member”


Friends/Associates (accept Friend Requests) “Cannot request friends without KYC”

Referrals (can receive referrals) “will not receive bonuses until KYC is completed”


New Groups “KYC required to make groups”

Join Groups “KYC required to join groups”


Messages (accept and respond to incoming messages) “requires KYC to initiate messages”


Capture Widget (edit title, font and color limited to one) “requires KYC to access”

Capture Page (access capture statistics, cannot edit, limited to one) “requires KYC to access”

Profile Page Configuration (must upgrade to access)


Add Video (add videos, edit, remove) “requires KYC to access”

NOTE: KYC system has not been activated yet. It is in the works as is the wallet. This post reflects the coming policies in regards to KYC and also established the current log in requirements to prevent members sites from being deleted.


This is also notification of our policies being upgraded.


Thomas Prendergast
Markethive Inc.