Tag Archives: globalists

The March to Freedom Celebrating Victories

The March to Freedom, Celebrating Victories

At a time in our history when we are witnessing an orchestrated global effort to create a new world order, it may seem like gloom and doom. 

After all, the move to bring in the Central Bank Digital Currencies as a hub piece and part of a plan to programme and control your money while linking it to a social credit score system is nothing short of confirmation of the agenda at play.

However, it is even more important to notice and acknowledge the positive victories that are happening on behalf of humanity as the battle and march for freedom continue. Here are just a few. Feel free to comment on victories you are observing in your county.


Brady Gunn from Sydney, Australia, started off what has become a global movement of peace and unity in the name of truth – A Stand in the Park. This shows how one person can make a difference. 

Brady had enough of the corruption affecting all areas of society, and for the sake of his children and future generations, he started inviting people on Facebook to join and create their own groups and simply take a stand in doing so. 

This is a different approach to the mass protests and is as much about celebrating freedom, and all it means, while uniting for peace and freedom for all in the wake of the intended global reset.

A Stand in the Park has grown worldwide, and it is estimated that there are at least 600 stands across various sectors of the globe, particularly in the USA and Europe. Let this inspire you to know that one person can make a difference!

Australia was also one of many countries where thousands took to the streets in protest of the forced mandates. Mainstream media blocked transmission, but drone footage was captured across the world. 

Here is a summary of the global freedom marches worldwide in 2021. The source is anonymous and came from a telegram group.

Image Source: Festival.com


Jordan Peterson, a Canadian clinical psychologist who regularly features in the media, is using his voice to speak out against censorship and give individuals stepping stones to change their lives.

In fact, he has just spoken in Australia and inspired many in Brisbane. You can view feedback on the Reignite Democracy Australia Youtube channel.

Who can forget the truckers convoy, which appeared to start out of Canada, and then spread to other parts of the world as people took their stand against forced experimental jab mandates and lockdown restrictions? 

Image Source: LA TIMES


The USA also took the baton, a country that seems to be a magnifying glass for the common themes of corruption and centralization of power into the hands of global elites.

Yet rather like the phoenix rising from the ashes of intended destruction, brave doctors are coming together to propose a more sensible route to dealing with viruses, such as the Great Barrington Declaration.

Forensic audits are showing what many thought, that the last election was fraudulently tampered with en masse. The documentary 2000 Mules captured the essence of how this happened. 

In more declassified information, Pfizer has been caught hiding the severity of side effects in their heavily redacted documents.

In a recent big win, the New York supreme court ordered the reinstatement of New York City Department of Sanitation employees who had been fired from their jobs due to declining to take the jab.

The court concluded that the mandate was in breach of the separation of powers doctrine and the equal protection doctrine.

In an attempt to restore independent journalism, transparency, and truth Project Veritas has played a key part in going underground to expose fraud, crime, and many key grave misdemeanors perpetuated by the establishment.

An example in kind was the exposing of the complicity of news media in colluding with the establishment’s false narrative to gain control of the public. 

Brian Stelter was exposed and acknowledged the use of fear and propaganda to get more views,  stating that climate change and related lockdown agendas would be next.

There are many documentaries that have arisen to shed light on what is really going on or what needs to be questioned, quite a few from the USA. Here are some:

Plandemic by Mikki Willis and team. There was more than one series in which Judy Mikovits featured exposing Dr. Anthony Fauci. Also, David Martin was featured. He did an exposé on the patents for several viruses and the fraudulent practice going on.

2000 Mules – Dinesh De Souza documents the exposure of election fraud in the USA.

Watch the Water – Stew Peters and his team featured Dr. Bryan Ardis, who explored the use of water to contaminate populations with viruses.

The video series Fall Cabal is by Janet Ossebaard, from the Netherlands, who has a teaching and research background. It is designed to give an overview of the various themes run by the establishment to control the population. 

She breaks each series down into small segments and is educative in nature, a good place to start for those who are beginning to question the established narrative.

Documentaries are compelling and in-depth alternate media, shedding light on issues that remain unanswered by mainstream media and are educational in nature. These are gathering momentum.

Also gathering momentum are groups arising to advocate and educate about the natural law, common law, and equity so that individuals and groups can start reparation.

In the USA, you have people like David Straight, who has been tirelessly educating people for many years.


In the UK, there was a landmark win for nurses here in the UK who were threatened in a similar vein to those in the New York case and were due to lose their jobs in April of this year if they failed to comply with taking the jab.

Many resigned ahead of this, and in what seemed to be the 11th-hour u-turn, the government revoked the mandates, although they stopped short of apologizing. Many believe this happened due to increasing staff shortages more than anything else.

On the subject matter of human rights, more recently, a landmark legal challenge was issued against the Met Police's discriminatory Gangs Matrix. This is a secretive database of people the force considers to be ‘gang members,’ which means they do not tell you if you are on the list.

This data could be shared with major authorities with possible grave consequences and no right of appeal.

According to Liberty, an organization set up to hold the government accountable on a wide range of human rights matters, the case was scheduled for a hearing in early to middle of November at The Royal Courts of Justice, only for the Metropolitan Police to concede defeat beforehand. They now acknowledge that this is unlawful and breaches human rights.

Similar to David Straight in the USA, we have people like David Adelman of The People’s Lawyer and private member organizations such as Matrix Freedom helping people to free themselves from the enslavement of the establishment. Education and reparation are key themes.


I’m sure you will recall the uprising in Sri Lanka, which peaked on July 9th of this year. This came off the back of the country defaulting on its debt, with inflation soaring at approximately 50%, reflecting a long period of economic hardship.

You may recall seeing videos of crowds of protestors storming the presidential residence on that day, resulting in Gotabaya Rajapaksa reportedly fleeing to the Maldives, according to The Conversation.

He was replaced by former prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on 21st July 2022, who then declared a state of emergency and has sought to crack down on protests.

The country has had its fair share of conflicts, notably the civil war in the 1980s and attempts to assassinate anyone who acted for the good of its civilians. There is a commonly held perception that corruption is responsible for the plight of this country.

China features heavily in Sri Lanka in connection with the Belt and Road projects, and the IMF is involved, with public assets being sold presumably to service the debt.

The feeling of the people is one in which they want to disband what they believe to be corrupt parliamentary and government officials in place of a more civilian type of governance structure.

Indeed Counterfire reported back in August that grassroots initiatives are moving away from the centralization of power to help the country recover and restore human rights and fairness.

While the battle is far from over in this country, we caught a glimpse of what happens when a group of people has had enough of corrupt practices. 

Hopefully, they can find a resolution without further civil or other wars.  These themes are not solely isolated to Sri Lanka, as previously reported with reference to the bankruptcy of the world’s nations.


Many positive grassroots initiatives are happening. For example, on a stretch of land between Croatia and Serbia lies a micronation established to restore constitutional principles to its inhabitants.

The 7-kilometer square of land, previously unclaimed, is referred to as Gornja Siga and classed as a sovereign state. Its motto is ‘To Live and Let Live,’ with economic and personal freedom for the people as its stated objectives.

It was declared the Free Republic of Lieberland in 2015, and its principles and criteria can be read in the Montevideo Convention.

This example reminds me of a quote by Buckminster Fuller:

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

I suspect we will see more new models of micronations arising as civilians engage in grassroots movements to reshape society to one of fairness, dignity, and economic restoration for all.


As I write this, in the world of business and commerce, Markethive has its own landmark victory to celebrate. Markethive has just announced the completion of Phase 2 of its own wallet

This is part of a more extensive architecture and ecosystem to create a place where entrepreneurs can build a business and thrive, away from the interference of giant monopolies and centralized control.

More and more people are awakening worldwide to what is happening at humanity's expense. Many are rising in protest and beyond. There are still battles to fight, yet victories are happening and need to be acknowledged.

I leave the final note on the sound of victory to the very brave and courageous Karen Hudes, former World Bank lawyer turned whistleblower. 

She spoke of a transition in power and reminded us of something called the 100th Monkey Effect, which refers to the change in consciousness arising from a small group of people behaving in a certain way. 

When the benefit is observed, this then catches on until a critical mass is achieved, resulting in a tipping point of cultural change.

This finds its roots in a story of a young female monkey on a Japanese island who got fed up swallowing grit from the potatoes she ate. She washed them in a stream before eating—one by one, the other monkeys who had been observing her followed suit. 

Image Source: Miyazaki.com

After 100 monkeys had copied this, it seemed that every monkey started to behave likewise, demonstrating this critical mass and tipping point theory.

Here at Markethive, as more and more people come on board, we will create a tipping point and cultural shift in the business world. It will also be a cultural shift for freedom.

When it comes to light versus darkness, there is only one winner. The light wins. At the same time, this is a participatory universe, meaning it is incumbent on all of us to find ways in thought, word, or deed to shine that light as a force for good.

There are many examples of individuals and groups creating projects and activities in the name of freedom, so this is a partial account.

May the synopsis of key victories here uplift you so you can rise above any fear perpetrated on the many by the few, and may you take your stand to be a beacon of light in your part of the world for the benefit of all.



About: Anita Narayan. (United Kingdom) My life's work is about helping individuals to greater freedom through joy and purpose without self-sabotage, so that inspirational legacy can serve generations to come. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.





Also published @ BeforeIt’sNews.com


Project Blue Beam According To Serge Monast

Project Blue Beam According To Serge Monast 

Possibly one of the last series of events before the globalists' takeover?

Over the decades, many scenarios have been projected as conspiracy theories and dismissed by the majority. That being the case, it begs the question of why mainstream media won’t discuss it, and social media giants delete the content and ban the user? What do they want to hide? 

Many of us are waking up and seeing that these conspiracy theories are, in fact, now being realized. The concept of a new world order is no longer a conspiracy theory, and we are already experiencing how it’s being rolled out. Nor are the horrific stories of adverse events and death worldwide due to the vaccination said to be the solution to the latest pandemic. 

Equally, the authorities' restrictions, mandates, and control over the population being dished out keep people in fear and oppression so they may become compliant with their orders. All of this is part of the transition to new world order and one-world government, and they haven’t been that secretive about it either.

We can find the clues in the Georgia Guidestones constructed back in 1980, and there have been many publications since, but falling on deaf ears for the most part or were dismissed entirely. Who would dare to think our government leaders would betray the human race with such psychological terror? It’s just not plausible. Is it? 

But the fact is that government agencies and corporations that work with the global elites toward New World Order are prepared to promote anything that will help them achieve their objective of total social control and make way for the great reset. These unelected globalists who believe they are superior beings think they have the answer to everything.  

I came across an article published in 2015 portraying a strategy for further mind control. Given what we have experienced and know now, it’s probably one of the final straws the new world order needs for complete infiltration worldwide. It’s called Project Blue Beam. 

One reason for NASA’s Project Blue Beam was developed and brought to light by Serge Monast in 1994. Monast was a journalist, poet, and essayist who believed generating a global New Age religion was the only thing that would make a worldwide dictatorship possible and, of course, debunked as a grand conspiracy theory.

However, in 2015, a strange occurrence was recorded on film showing dark skyscrapers floating in the clouds above China, perplexing the world. While scientists quickly denied the event was a mirage, not everyone agreed. Monast’s conspiracy theory started to gain serious momentum in the days that followed—the idea that the sighting was caused by a secret NASA mission known as Project Blue Beam. 

Source: CNN

Based on Monast’s theory, NASA and the United Nations plan to establish a new world order by using technologically enhanced mind control to create a global new age religion. He said that Project Blue Beam would be implemented in four phases.

Phase 1: The Collapse of All Archaeological Knowledge

According to Serge Monast, NASA will use earthquakes to destroy all existing archaeological information to discredit all existing religions. He believes that earthquakes will occur at specific locations on the planet during step one to disprove the interpretations of significant religious beliefs. Supposedly new discoveries will suddenly explain the wrong meaning of all major religions.

Serge suggests that by providing evidence to falsify the teachings of all major religions, people will be more likely to accept the new age religion when it is established. It is expected that this form of evidence-based religion will make the transition from current beliefs easier. According to the theory, most people will abandon religion as it is inaccurate, thus allowing the new age religion to be established as the only true religion.

Phase 2: A Monumental Space Show with 3D Holographic Laser Projections

The second stage in creating a new world order will be to utilize a vast space display with 3D holographic laser and audio projections to seduce people into accepting the “new god.” A laser projection of holographic images will be used to convey to various parts of the world, each with its own message corresponding to the predominant regional or national religious belief. 

He said that followers of various religions would see their own returned Messiah in convincing lifelike reality from the depths of space. Stunned followers will witness their messiah returning to them and appear in a true-to-life fashion due to this graphic illusion. All of these messiah images will then merge into one. 

Monast states,

“This one god will, in fact, be the anti-Christ who will explain the various scriptures have been misunderstood, that the religions of all are responsible for turning brother against brother, nation against nation; therefore, the world’s religions must be abolished to make way for the Golden Age.”


Phase 3: Telepathic Two-way Communication using ELF Waves

According to Monast’s theory, NASA plans to use low-frequency radio waves to telepathically communicate with humans in an effort to shape their beliefs to match those of the new age religion. Telepathic communication will be used as a form of mind control to trick people into thinking their God is communicating with them directly. 

He says a device will be used to deliver audible signals directly to an individual and undetectable to anyone else. This device can broadcast voices straight into the brain using a microwave beam at audio frequencies, and it can be used from space by satellite to reach anybody on the planet. 

Such waves from a satellite are fed from the memory of computers which store a lot of data about human beings and languages. This is basically mind control, and it is a reality at a time when artificial intelligence and voice recognition software is more advanced. The device will be programmed with specific affirmations or beliefs to shape the thinking of those who are exposed to it.

Phase 4: Universal supernatural manifestations 

The last step of Project Blue Beam is to create a chaotic event that will convince people to accept the new world order and could occur with up to three distinct orientations.

According to Mr. Monast, one of the ways is to lead people to believe that an alien invasion is imminent and will strike every major city on earth. The goal is to push each major nation to use its nuclear to strike back. This way, it would put each of these nations in a state of complete disarmament in front of the United Nations after the false attack. 
The second is to make the Christians believe in a major rapture with the supposedly divine intervention of an alleged good alien force coming to save the people from a brutal satanic attack.  Its goal is to eliminate all significant opposition to the new world order and usher in a new era of global governance and a one-world religion. 

Thirdly, a mixture of electronic and supernatural forces will play a prominent role in the fourth step. This phase will attempt to create global satanic ghosts in order to push all populations around the world into a suicide wave, resulting in mass suicide, murder, and permanent psychological disorders. 

As stated in the transcript of a taped presentation by Serge Monast in 1994,

“The waves used at that time will allow supernatural forces to travel through optical fiber, coaxial cable… the one used for cable TV, electric and phone lines in order to penetrate everywhere on electronic equipment, appliances will be already installed with microchips. The goal of this one deals with global Satanic  ghosts – spector – all around the world in order to push all population on the edge to drown into a wave of suicide, killing and permanent psychological disorders.”


Do The 4 Phases Have Any Credibility? 

Are there any indications that the theory is true? Even though this subject is highly contentious, there are some solid beliefs against the conspiracy theory. Are these things just a coincidence, or do they provide evidence for the four phases? The most considerable supporting evidence for step one occurred in 2012 when 39 earthquakes struck the Earth in just two days. 

After the incident, leading seismologist Gheorghe Marmureanu was puzzled. He said, 

“There is no doubt that something is seriously wrong. There have been too many strong earthquakes. The quakes are a surprise that cannot be easily explained by current scientific knowledge.” 


The archaeological findings of what some believe to be Jesus Christ's tomb and skeleton remains also give credence to step one.

Step two seems to have the most evidence, with many reports of holograms appearing in the sky. Apart from the city appearing in the clouds over China, there have been numerous videos of unexplained sightings, one being a Jesus crucifix.

Regarding step three, there has been an entire US federal department working to allow communication without the use of vocalized speech through neural signal analysis. This has already been proven by telepathically controlling monkey limbs. 

There is no substantial evidence for step four, although there have been several cases where paranormal investigators have used electronic voice phenomenon recording devices to discover ghosts. 


Source: Bitchute


Monast’s Research Into Vaccines

In 1993, Serge Monast talked about the dossier he intended to start writing the following week concerning vaccines, experimental military medicine, and liquid crystals. It was prompted by the different developments in military research produced by the CIA in the United States in terms of vaccines.

He explains this in the video below,

“It is possible to administer a vaccine inside of which there does not appear to be anything apparently and which is not offensive to health in any way. But on the other hand, the same vaccine, because of its ill-defined content, put in relation a year or two years later with another vaccine, which too seems harmless at first sight, but the two combined together will produce implausible problems.

And I recently knew that it was possible, without this being necessarily detected at the level of scientific analysis, that it was possible to cut in half a liquid crystal, to put part of it in a vaccine, and a year or two years later, the second part is found in another vaccine. The combination of the two, with the information I have at the liquid crystal level, allows the control of individuals, via satellite in order to arrive, at some point, at absolute political control over populations.”

The full 54-minute version of this video. "Special Serge Monast" – by Christian Martineau, where Serge Monast talks about the vaccination and concentration camp file, is unfortunately but not surprisingly removed from YouTube due to violating community guidelines. 

Two years later, in 1995, Pierre Gilbert also talked about liquid crystals in vaccines,

“In the biological destruction, there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields. What will follow is the contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections. This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccination mandatory. And these vaccines will make it possible to control people.

The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells, which will become micro receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very, very low frequencies will be sent. And through these low-frequency waves, people will be unable to think; you’ll be turned into a zombie. Don’t think of this as a hypothesis… this has been done.” – Pierre Gilbert (1995)


Monast’s Demise

Law enforcement officials and authorities began to hunt for Serge Monast in 1995 and 1996 for having links to 'networks of forbidden information.' His two children, who he homeschooled, were taken away and declared wards of the state in September 1996 so that they could receive a public education.

On December 13, 1996, the day after his arrest, where he spent a night in jail, he died of a heart attack in his home at the age of 51. His followers believe that he was murdered with 'psychotronic weapons' to prevent him from continuing his research.


Source: Sweetliberty.org

Beware Of False Prophets

We are all very mindful to beware of false prophets and all of this information resurfacing at this uncertain and terrifying time for many is very poignant. We need to all stay vigilant and not be misled or conned into anything. What could manifest out of these evil meticulous plots is definitely full of false prophets. 

I’ve seen enough not to take anything for granted over the last three years or dismiss anything as ridiculous. Anything is possible and even probable, given today’s technology combined with the evil and greed in the world.

With all that is happening, I consider the plans laid out here to be vital in hijacking the masses into worshipping the antichrist without even realizing it. Stay true and pure of heart and close to God the Father’s Word, and false signs and wonders will not deceive you. Know that Jesus (Yeshua) is with you always.  



References: EducateYourself.org


Also published @ BeforeIt’sNews.com: https://beforeitsnews.com/conspiracy-theories/2022/05/project-blue-beam-according-to-serge-monast-2519467.html